[QE-users] Query about porting QE on Ponte Vecchio architecture

Ruben Oscar WEHT rubenweht at cnea.gob.ar
Fri Jul 26 19:57:08 CEST 2024

Dear QE colleagues, 
I wonder if any of you have experience compiling and running QE on computers based on the Ponte Vecchio architecture, especially on their GPUs. 

Best regards and many thanks in advance, 

Ruben Weht 
Gerencia de Investigación y Aplicaciones - CNEA 
Avda. General Paz y Constituyentes 
1650 - San Martin - ARGENTINA 
Email: rubenweht at cnea.gob.ar 
Tel: (54-11) 6772-7104 
Fax: (54-11) 6772-7121 

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