[QE-users] hybrid pseudopotentials

dlduran at uco.es dlduran at uco.es
Wed Jul 17 17:31:15 CEST 2024

Dear Giuseppe,

  Thank you very much for your kind reply and help.

  I am aware that the parameters are very low, this is just a test  
before production (thanks for the warning).

  OK, I take note of all your suggestions and I'll try it.

  Best regards, David :-)

> Giuseppe Mattioli <giuseppe.mattioli at ism.cnr.it> escribió:

> On the top of this, your calculation, with proper cutoffs, is  
> actually a big one and will require significant resources. Moreover,  
> if you want to save time&resources I always suggest to perform  
> hybrid EXX calculations using norm-conserving pseudopotentials. They  
> are much more stable in my experience.
> Make also wise use of all the available tricks (read the pw manual)...
>  &system
>     ecutwfc=80.0,
>     ecutfock=120.0, <---------
>     input_dft='vdW-DF2-ahbr'
>  /
>  &electrons
>     diagonalization='david',
>     mixing_mode='plain'
>     mixing_beta=0.1
>     conv_thr=1.0d-7
>     electron_maxstep=100
>     adaptive_thr=.true. <---------
>  /
> Zn    65.380     Zn_ONCV_PBE-1.2.upf
> O     15.999     O_ONCV_PBE-1.2.UPF
> N     14.007     N_ONCV_PBE-1.2.UPF
> C     12.011     C_ONCV_PBE-1.2.UPF
> H      1.008     H_ONCV_PBE-1.2.UPF
> Giuseppe
> Quoting Matic Poberznik <matic.poberznik at ijs.si>:
>> Dear David,
>> after a quick glance there are several problems with your  
>> input/parallelization setup. Regarding the parallelization, you are  
>> using 2 nodes, but only one core per node (effectively running on 2  
>> cores), I would suggest to request the "cpus-per-task equal to the  
>> number of cpu's on one node".
>> On the input side, your ecutrho/ecutwfc cutoffs are way to small  
>> for any meaningful result, and the scf convergence threshold  is  
>> way too large (the default is 10^-6 and yours in 1.0?). In any  
>> case, I suggest you carefully check that you understand the meaning  
>> of each input parameter you specified:
>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.quantum-espresso.org/Doc/INPUT_PW.html*idm814__;Iw!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TXy5KfjOZSBrGjj8Is7iLL4AI3fF5AvMWcLI281SjQqgxSG1Jyt2md4SKo5IR1qgFG23aydPac_yojDWTUf6BE2x8jA$
>> Best,
>> Matic Poberznik
>> -- 
>> Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
>> On 7/17/24 16:32, dlduran at uco.es wrote:
>>> Dear QE users:
>>>  I am working with a perovskite and I would like to obtain the  
>>> Projected DOS (projwfc) with hybrid pseudopotentials. As far as I  
>>> know, first a scf calculation must be done and afterwards the own  
>>> projwfc calculation (scf with large number of kpoints, though).
>>>  I am still in the scf step because I'm having a lot of problems.  
>>> Any simple calculation takes me a lot of time in the best of the  
>>> cases, or the calculations directly crashes for paralellization  
>>> reasons. I have tried hse and gau-pbe pseudopotentials.
>>>  This is part of my .in file:
>>>   calculation = 'scf',
>>>   restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
>>>   outdir = './tmp',
>>>   pseudo_dir = '/home/dlduran/CALCULOS/PSEUDOPOTENCIALES/QE',
>>>   prefix= 's2',
>>>   etot_conv_thr=1e0,
>>>   forc_conv_thr=1e0
>>> /
>>>   ibrav = 14,
>>>   celldm(1)=24.8964,
>>>   celldm(2)=0.8654,
>>>   celldm(3)=1.4874,
>>>   celldm(4)=0.06589425,
>>>   celldm(5)=0.279374894,
>>>   celldm(6)=-0.160074146,
>>>   nat = 140,
>>>   ntyp = 6,
>>>   ecutwfc = 10,
>>>   ecutrho = 40,
>>>   occupations = 'tetrahedra',
>>>   input_dft= 'hse',
>>>   nqx1 = 2, nqx2 = 2, nqx3 = 2,
>>>   x_gamma_extrapolation = .true.,
>>>   exxdiv_treatment = 'gygi-baldereschi'
>>> /
>>>   conv_thr = 1e0
>>> /
>>>    C   12.01060  C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
>>>    H    1.00750  H.pbe-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
>>>    S   32.06750  S.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
>>>    I  126.90400  I.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
>>>    N   14.00650  N.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
>>>   Pb  207.20000  Pb.pbe-dn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
>>> ATOMIC_POSITIONS (crystal)
>>> Pb   0.742890000000000   0.764150000000000   0.970330000000000
>>> Pb   0.813460000000000   0.227210000000000   0.976720000000000
>>> Pb   0.257110000000000   0.235850000000000   0.029670000000000
>>> Pb   0.186540000000000   0.772790000000000   0.023280000000000
>>> ...
>>>  H   0.744170000000000   0.472670000000000   0.818640000000000
>>>  H   0.768130000000000   0.621830000000000   0.789940000000000
>>>  H   0.647140000000000   0.560850000000000   0.847470000000000
>>>  H   0.025900000000000   0.955450000000000   0.800600000000000
>>>  H   0.134390000000000   0.949430000000000   0.831100000000000
>>>  H   0.056530000000000   0.052470000000000   0.859210000000000
>>> K_POINTS (automatic)
>>>    2 2 2 0 0 0
>>>  And this is my paralellization setup:
>>> #SBATCH --nodes=2                 # Number of nodes
>>> #SBATCH --ntasks=2                # Total number of MPI processes
>>> #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1         # Number of CPU (cores) per MPI process
>>>  This calculation is running for 2 days!
>>>  I would appreciate any help or suggestion. Do I have to try  
>>> another easier functional? Any suitable set of kpoints and nqx  
>>> parameters? Any other flag that I am missing or using wrongly?
>>>  Thank you very much for your help, David.
>>> --------------------------
>>> David López Durán
>>> Department of Physics
>>> University of Córdoba, Spain
>>> Phone: +34 957 21 20 32
>>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://es.linkedin.com/in/davidlopezduran__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TXy5KfjOZSBrGjj8Is7iLL4AI3fF5AvMWcLI281SjQqgxSG1Jyt2md4SKo5IR1qgFG23aydPac_yojDWTUf6m6ZJKjM$
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David López Durán
Department of Physics
University of Córdoba, Spain
Phone: +34 957 21 20 32

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