[QE-users] relax with assume_isolated='2D'

Lucian D. Filip lucian.filip at infim.ro
Sun Jul 7 15:12:26 CEST 2024

Hello all,

I am a bit confused about the assume_isolated='2D' option. In the 
documentation it is mentioned:

" - As for ESM above, only in-plane stresses make sense and one

      should usecell_dofree  <https://www.quantum-espresso.org/Doc/INPUT_PW.html#cell_dofree>= '2Dxy' in a*vc-relax*  calculation."

does this apply for calculation = 'relax' ?

I would like to relax a slab in the z direction while keeping x and y positions fixed. Is this something which is allowed by the assume_isolated='2D'? I have tried it and the total energy started to oscillate between two values until the nstep was reached.



Dr. Lucian Dragos Filip
National Institute of Materials Physics
Atomistilor str. 405A, PO Box MG. 7
Magurele, 077125
Bucharest, Romania
E-mail:lucian.filip at infim.ro
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