[QE-users] Inquiry on Hubbard U Values for monolayer vs bulk

Zimmi Singh singh.60 at kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in
Tue Apr 30 09:45:37 CEST 2024

Dear Developers and Users,

I am currently working on transition metal dichalcogenides and need to
determine the appropriate Hubbard U values for my work. My question is
whether the U value varies based on the type of magnetic order
(paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, or antiferromagnetic) and the structure's
thickness (monolayer vs. bulk or varying layer counts in two-dimensional
systems), assuming identical pseudopotential, functional, and chemistry.

I have self-consistently calculated the U value for the magnetic monolayer.
I need clarity whether the U value should be self-consistently calculated
for the bulk magnetic and nonmagnetic counterparts.

Thank you for your insights.
*Best Regards*
Zimmi Singh

*Research_Scholar *

*Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur Kharagpur, India*
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