Priyanka A J, Res. Associate, Dept. of Physics, IIT (BHU) priyanka.rs.phy15 at itbhu.ac.in
Sat Oct 14 12:48:43 CEST 2023

Dear Quantum espresso users
I am getting this error in hse calculations
"ask #         1
     from  read_namelists : error #         1
      bad line in namelist &system: "    x_gamma_interpolation = .true."
(error could be in the previous line)"
My input file is:
  calculation = 'scf'
  etot_conv_thr =   8.0000000000d-05
  forc_conv_thr =   1.0000000000d-04
  outdir = './out/'
  prefix = 'aiida'
  pseudo_dir = './pseudo/'
  tprnfor = .true.
  tstress = .true.
  verbosity = 'high'
  degauss =   1.4699723600d-02
  ecutrho =   7.2000000000d+02
  ecutwfc =   9.0000000000d+01
    ibrav       = 0
    nat         = 40
    ntyp        = 3
    nspin = 2
    nbnd = 140
    input_dft = 'hse'
    nqx1 = 1, nqx2 = 1, nqx3 = 1
    x_gamma_interpolation = .true.
    exxdiv_treatment = 'gygi-baldereschi'
    nosym = .true., noinv = .true
  starting_magnetization(1) =   1.0000000000d-01
  starting_magnetization(2) =   1.0000000000d-01
  starting_magnetization(3) =   1.0000000000d-01

  conv_thr =   1.0000000000d-05
  mixing_beta =   4.0000000000d-01
  diagonalization = 'cg'

K_POINTS automatic
3 3 3 0 0 0
Sn    118.71000  sn_pbesol_v1.4.uspp.F.UPF
Cs    132.90545  cs_pbesol_v1.uspp.F.UPF
I     126.90447  I.pbesol-n-kjpaw_psl.0.2.UPF

Sn      6.142741   6.142741   6.142741
Sn      0.000000   6.142741   0.000000
Sn      6.142741   0.000000   0.000000
Sn      0.000000   0.000000   6.142741
Cs      0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
Cs      6.142741   0.000000   6.142741
Cs      0.000000   6.142741   6.142741
Cs      6.142741   6.142741   0.000000
I      11.598723   5.698252   2.949007
I       0.686758   6.587229   9.336474
I       6.829499   6.587229   9.091747
I       5.455982   5.698252   3.193734
I       0.686758  11.840992   3.193734
I      11.598723   0.444489   9.091747
I       5.455982   0.444489   9.336474
I       6.829499  11.840992   2.949007
I       2.949007  11.598723   5.698252
I       9.336474   0.686758   6.587229
I       9.091747   6.829499   6.587229
I       3.193734   5.455982   5.698252
I       3.193734   0.686758  11.840992
I       9.091747  11.598723   0.444489
I       9.336474   5.455982   0.444489
I       2.949007   6.829499  11.840992
I       5.698252   2.949007  11.598723
I       6.587229   9.336474   0.686758
I       6.587229   9.091747   6.829499
I       5.698252   3.193734   5.455982
I      11.840992   3.193734   0.686758
I       0.444489   9.091747  11.598723
I       0.444489   9.336474   5.455982
I      11.840992   2.949007   6.829499
I       2.984021   2.984021   2.984021
I       9.301461   9.301461   9.301461
I       3.158720   9.301461   9.126761
I       9.126761   2.984021   3.158720
I       9.301461   9.126761   3.158720
I       2.984021   3.158720   9.126761
I       9.126761   3.158720   9.301461
I       3.158720   9.126761   2.984021

      12.285500000       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
      0.0000000000       12.285500000       0.0000000000
      0.000000000        0.0000000000       12.285500000
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