[QE-users] Pseudopotential not found, mpi not recognizing pw.x and epw not properly installed

Luiz Felipe luizpompermaier at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 18 22:36:07 CEST 2023

Hello everyone!

So... I recently installed qe-7.2 on Debian 11 after a huge amount of reading and debugging and researching and formatting the system, and when I run the tests to see if all the programs were successfully installed I was returned with errors in the epw package, since this package is not fundamental to my calculations I didn't bother and followed on with the learning of the program following the tutorials for Si crystal structure, band structure and DOS calculations available on YouTube by Quantum Nerd, but now, since I'm here, I thought that could be a good moment to ask how to fix this installation issue.

That said, I have more urgent problems, because when I try to run pw.x in serial mode it gives me back a message saying "SOTP 1", and by looking at the output file it further specify the error saying that it could not found the pseudopotential file, even though it is in the proper directory and with the proper name.

     Error in routine readpp (1):
     file ./pseudo/Si.pbesol-n-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF not found

Now, when I try to run pw.x with mpirun -np 2 pw.x -i Si.in > Si.vc_relax.out it throws me back the message that mpirun could not start pw.x on n0 because it could not find the file or directory, even though I've already configured pw.x in the $PATH variable (another pain in the ***).

If anyone can help me, I would appreciate very much.

Luiz Felipe Pompermaier
Msc. Student at UFSC
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