[QE-users] pw.x job stops before scf cycle

fabrizio.silveri at gemmate-technologies.com fabrizio.silveri at gemmate-technologies.com
Wed Apr 19 17:51:43 CEST 2023

Dear QE users,


I am currently experiencing problems with QE 7.1 on my company's cluster.

I am sending a relax calculation of a LiIn surface through a slurm workload
manager only to find that the job stops without sending any error message
right before the first scf cycle is started.

I've tried the same calculation on a colleague's cluster and it seems to
work fine, however I tried the input on mine with different k-point sampling
(including gamma), with different parallelization options and while
monitoring the used RAM (never uses more than 20% of available) but to no
avail: the job always stops with no error message, and the following "tail"
for the output file:




     Estimated max dynamical RAM per process >     215.58 MB


     Estimated total dynamical RAM >      10.11 GB


     Initial potential from superposition of free atoms


     starting charge     511.7335, renormalised to     512.0000


     negative rho (up, down):  8.621E-03 0.000E+00

     Starting wfcs are  448 randomized atomic wfcs  



I attach the input and output files to this email for clarity. Do you have
an idea as to what can cause this issue and how I can resolve it?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Best regards,

Fabrizio Silveri

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