[QE-users] Fermi energy and position of dirac point in 2D electronic band structure

Steven Best steven.best at hdr.qut.edu.au
Wed Jun 22 10:33:07 CEST 2022

Hello QE Community,

I have calculated the electronic band structure (without spin orbit coupling) of a 2D organometallic topological insulator: triphenyl-Pb,
reproducing the plot from this paper: Wang, Z., Liu, Z. & Liu, F. Organic topological insulators in organometallic lattices.
Nat Commun 4, 1471 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms2451. I obtain very good agreement.

However, I find that for my calculation there is a small mismatch between the Fermi energy and the position of the dirac point at K.
The mismatch is approximately 0.006 eV with the Fermi energy higher.
I thought this mismatch could be a consequence of the metallic smearing used in the calculation.
The reported contribution to the total energy from the smearing is -TS = -0.00570874 Ry = ‬ -0.07767136 eV.
I have used 0.3 eV marzari-vanderbilt smearing in the calculations.

Is this reasoning correct? What other contributions can cause the mismatch?

Steven Best
PhD Student,
School of Chemistry and Physics, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Below are my input files (QE version 6.3):


# pw.x scf calculation

   calculation = 'scf',
   max_seconds = 72000,
   verbosity = 'high',
   restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
   wf_collect = .T.,
   nstep = 200,
   tstress = .true.,
   tprnfor = .true.,
   outdir = './',
   prefix = 'SCF_triphenyl_Pb_OM_inf_2D_sheet_NONplanar_0.3eV_t304a',
   etot_conv_thr = 1.0d-6,
   forc_conv_thr = 1.0d-5,
   pseudo_dir = './pseudo'
   ibrav = 12,
   A = 12.305661, B = 12.305661, C = 20.0, cosAB = 0.5,
   nat = 32, ntyp = 3,            ! C=18, H=12, Pb=2
   ecutwfc = 60.0, ecutrho = 480.0,
   occupations = 'smearing', smearing = 'marzari-vanderbilt', degauss = 0.02205,
   electron_maxstep = 100,
   conv_thr =  1.0d-8,
   mixing_mode = 'plain',
   mixing_beta = 0.4, mixing_ndim = 8,
   diagonalization = 'david'
   ion_dynamics = 'bfgs'
   Pb     207.2   Pb.pbe-dn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.2.UPF
   H      1.008   H.pbe-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
   C     12.011   C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
      C      1.887951458      1.089922558      9.614560235
      C      1.897161739      2.478716980      9.795131247
      C      3.058056895      3.149174969      10.201826686
      C      3.094519107      0.403062014      9.798882538
      C      4.255445582      1.073514486      10.205501492
      C      4.264620685      2.462307471      10.386022641
      C      4.954605459      6.434598051      10.203602904
      C      4.954765288      7.775193715      9.796929960
      C      6.152653343      5.732466782      10.385695674
      C      6.152988872      8.476869452      9.614145680
      C      7.351027374      7.774685777      9.796148892
      C      7.350891338      6.434112052      10.202892391
      C      8.040607478      2.462414124      10.385502375
      C      8.049072424      1.074051311      10.201623729
      C      9.210124709      0.403787071      9.795016930
      C      9.247909382      3.148856515      10.204584582
      C      10.408959312      2.478560082      9.798036472
      C      10.417476033      1.090183030      9.614153988
      H      0.998237207      3.074868116      9.635193425
      H      2.991811789      4.226209592      10.358631992
      H      3.160769651      -0.673988810      9.642207163
      H      3.988739061      5.954004099      10.362184021
      H      3.989028106      8.256228576      9.638913669
      H      5.154406664      0.477394068      10.365382031
      H      7.149446547      0.478191613      10.358631345
      H      8.316631087      5.953081922      10.360913089
      H      8.316906000      8.255223371      9.637391566
      H      9.143302088      -0.672828642      9.635510075
      H      9.314642621      4.225484042      10.364079361
      H      11.308571967      3.074480176      9.641154739
     Pb      0.000000000      0.000000000      8.851674686
     Pb      6.152648942      3.552431083      11.147874419
K_POINTS (automatic)
   15 15 1 0 0 0


# pw.x bands calculation

   calculation = 'bands',
   max_seconds = 108000,
   verbosity = 'high',
   restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
   wf_collect = .T.,
   nstep = 200,
   tstress = .true.,
   tprnfor = .true.,
   outdir = './',
   prefix = 'SCF_triphenyl_Pb_OM_inf_2D_sheet_NONplanar_0.3eV_t304a',
   etot_conv_thr = 1.0d-6,
   forc_conv_thr = 1.0d-5,
   pseudo_dir = './pseudo'
   ibrav = 12,
   A = 12.305661, B = 12.305661, C = 20.0, cosAB = 0.5,
   nat = 32, ntyp = 3,            ! C=18, H=12, Pb=2
   ecutwfc = 60.0, ecutrho = 480.0,
   occupations = 'smearing', smearing = 'marzari-vanderbilt', degauss = 0.02205,
   electron_maxstep = 100,
   conv_thr =  1.0d-8,
   mixing_mode = 'plain',
   mixing_beta = 0.4, mixing_ndim = 8,
   diagonalization = 'david'
   ion_dynamics = 'bfgs'
   Pb     207.2   Pb.pbe-dn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.2.UPF
   H      1.008   H.pbe-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
   C     12.011   C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
      C      1.887951458      1.089922558      9.614560235
      C      1.897161739      2.478716980      9.795131247
      C      3.058056895      3.149174969      10.201826686
      C      3.094519107      0.403062014      9.798882538
      C      4.255445582      1.073514486      10.205501492
      C      4.264620685      2.462307471      10.386022641
      C      4.954605459      6.434598051      10.203602904
      C      4.954765288      7.775193715      9.796929960
      C      6.152653343      5.732466782      10.385695674
      C      6.152988872      8.476869452      9.614145680
      C      7.351027374      7.774685777      9.796148892
      C      7.350891338      6.434112052      10.202892391
      C      8.040607478      2.462414124      10.385502375
      C      8.049072424      1.074051311      10.201623729
      C      9.210124709      0.403787071      9.795016930
      C      9.247909382      3.148856515      10.204584582
      C      10.408959312      2.478560082      9.798036472
      C      10.417476033      1.090183030      9.614153988
      H      0.998237207      3.074868116      9.635193425
      H      2.991811789      4.226209592      10.358631992
      H      3.160769651      -0.673988810      9.642207163
      H      3.988739061      5.954004099      10.362184021
      H      3.989028106      8.256228576      9.638913669
      H      5.154406664      0.477394068      10.365382031
      H      7.149446547      0.478191613      10.358631345
      H      8.316631087      5.953081922      10.360913089
      H      8.316906000      8.255223371      9.637391566
      H      9.143302088      -0.672828642      9.635510075
      H      9.314642621      4.225484042      10.364079361
      H      11.308571967      3.074480176      9.641154739
     Pb      0.000000000      0.000000000      8.851674686
     Pb      6.152648942      3.552431083      11.147874419
K_POINTS (crystal_b)
   0.0           0.0           0.0     30   ! Gamma
   0.666666667   0.333333333   0.0     30   ! K
   0.5           0.5           0.0     30   ! M
   0.0           0.0           0.0     30   ! Gamma


# post-processing bands.x

outdir = './'
prefix = 'SCF_triphenyl_Pb_OM_inf_2D_sheet_NONplanar_0.3eV_t304a',
filband = 't304c_triphenyl_Pb_OM_inf_2D_sheet_NONp_0.3eV_kpath1.bands.dat',
lsym = .true.


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