[QE-users] Stress values from vc-relax and scf are different, but why?

Bidault, Xavier xavbdlt at uic.edu
Sun Jun 19 16:30:34 CEST 2022


Your Ecutwfc is too short, especially with HGH PP. VC-relax convergence against Ecutwfc needs to be checked. NC PseudoDojo PP would require smaller Ecutwfc than HGH though. They should worth the try.


From: users <users-bounces at lists.quantum-espresso.org> on behalf of 杨腾 <yangteng at imr.ac.cn>
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2022 12:51 AM
To: users at lists.quantum-espresso.org <users at lists.quantum-espresso.org>
Subject: [QE-users] Stress values from vc-relax and scf are different, but why?

Dear QE users and experts,

I am pretty confused by the different outputed stress value from both

the vc-relax (the last step) and scf steps. Could you please help me

to figure out why. Thank you so much!


Here is the output stress from the last step of vc-relax:

    total   stress  (Ry/bohr**3)         (kbar)     P=        0.01
  0.00000028  -0.00000000  -0.00000013       0.04     -0.00      -0.02
 -0.00000000  -0.00000011  -0.00000000      -0.00      -0.02      -0.00
 -0.00000013  -0.00000000   0.00000011     -0.02      -0.00      0.02

and the output stress from scf:

   total   stress  (Ry/bohr**3)         (kbar)     P=     -417.74

 -0.00286693   0.00000000  -0.00006361     -421.74      0.00     -9.36
  0.00000000  -0.00279769   0.00000000      0.00     -411.55      0.00
 -0.00006361   0.00000000  -0.00285453      -9.36       0.00    -419.92

The input files for vc-relax is as below:

---------------start of vc-relax.in---------------------

calculation     = 'vc-relax'
verbosity       = 'high'
restart_mode    = 'from_scratch'
wf_collect      = .true.
nstep           = 200
tstress         = .true.
tprnfor         = .true.
outdir          = './'
prefix          = 'NiP2-monoclinic'
etot_conv_thr   = 1.0D-6
forc_conv_thr   = 1.0D-5
pseudo_dir      = '../../pp/'
!tefield        = .true.   !add saw-like potential
!dipfield       = .true.
!lelfield       = .true.
!nberrycyc      = 5
!gdir           = 3
!nppstr         = 1
ibrav           = 0
celldm(1)       = 1.6896
!celldm(2)       =
!celldm(3)       = 9.5983431328106
nat             = 12
ntyp            = 2
!nbnd           =
!tot_charge     =
!tot_magnetization =
!starting_magnetization(1) =
!angle1(1)      =
!angle2(1)      =
ecutwfc         = 120
ecutrho         = 480  !if ncpp,stick to the 4* relation
!nr1            =
!nr2            =
!nr3            =
!nosym          = .true.
!noinv          = .true.
!no_t_rev       = .true.  ! disable the usage of magnetic symmetry operations
!occupations     = 'fixed' ! set to 'tetrahedra' if calculate dos
 occupations    = 'smearing'
 smearing       = 'gaussian'
degauss        = 0.01    ! check the smearing contribution to total energy and if it
                          ! is large then try to lower the value
nspin           = 1       ! 1:non-polarized 2: magnetization along z axis

!noncolin       = .true.  ! magnetization in generic direction,
!lspinorb       = .true.  ! soc calculation use a pseudopotential with spin-orbit.
!assume_isolated= '2D'
!input_dft      = 'vdW-DF' ! defining the DFT functional
!nqx1           = 1      ! proportional to nk1; for hybrid functions
!nqx2           = 1      ! proportional to nk2
!nqx3           = 1      ! proportional to nk3
!lda_plus_u     = .true.
!Hubbard_U(1)   = 0
!Hubbard_U(2)   = 0
!vdw_corr       = 'DFT-D'  ! Dispersion correction in vdw calculations

!edir           = 3            ! This is the direction of applied field
!emaxpos        = 0.95
!eopreg         = 0.1
!eamp           = 0.019446905  ! Amplitude of e-field 1a.u. = 51.4220632*10^10 V/m
electron_maxstep = 1000
conv_thr         = 1.0D-10
mixing_mode      = 'plain'
!mixing_mode     = 'local-TF'
mixing_beta      = 0.5
diagonalization  = 'david'
!diago_thr_init  = 1.0D-13   ! for non-scf calculations
!diago_full_acc  = .true.
!efield          = 0.027502070  ! 1 a.u. = 36.3609*10^10 V/m
!efield_cart(1)  = 0.0
!efield_cart(2)  = 0.0
!efield_cart(3)  = 0.027502070
!startingpot     = 'file'   !start from existing charge file
!startingwfc     = 'file'
ion_dynamics     = 'bfgs'
upscale          = 1.0D3
trust_radius_min = 1.0D-15
cell_dynamics    = 'bfgs'
press            = 0
press_conv_thr   = 0.01
cell_dofree      = 'all'
   6.210735282  -0.000000003  -0.228119407
  -0.000000002   5.833791719  -0.000000015
  -2.783178192  -0.000000013   5.154174308
P   30.9737  P.pz-hgh.UPF
Ni  58.6934  Ni.pz-hgh.UPF
P             0.2206418181        0.1125023368        0.3445362239
P             0.7793582199        0.8874976832        0.6554637631
P             0.7793582103        0.1125022767        0.1554637796
P             0.2206418107        0.8874977433        0.8445362534
P             0.7206419422        0.6125043167        0.3445270549
P             0.2793580398        0.3874957243        0.6554729321
P             0.2793580310        0.6125043756        0.1554729615
P             0.7206419340        0.3874956654        0.8445270715
Ni            0.2499621059        0.2500045449       -0.0000154609
Ni            0.7500379121        0.7499954551        0.0000154609
Ni            0.7500378821        0.2500044729        0.5000154429
Ni            0.2499621649        0.7499955271        0.4999845671
K_POINTS {automatic} !50 ! if molecular {gamma}
8 8 8 0 0 0

---------------end of vc-relax.in---------------------

And the scf input is as follows,

--------start of scf.in----------

calculation     = 'scf'
!verbosity       = 'high'
restart_mode    = 'from_scratch'
wf_collect      = .true.
nstep           = 200
tstress         = .true.
tprnfor         = .true.
outdir          = './'
prefix          = 'NiP2-monoclinic'
etot_conv_thr   = 1.0D-6
forc_conv_thr   = 1.0D-5
pseudo_dir      = '../../pp/'
!tefield        = .true.   !add saw-like potential
!dipfield       = .true.
!lelfield       = .true.
!nberrycyc      = 5
!gdir           = 3
!nppstr         = 1
ibrav           = 0
celldm(1)       = 1.88964475
!celldm(2)       =
!celldm(3)       = 9.5983431328106
nat             = 12
ntyp            = 2
!nbnd           =
!tot_charge     =
!tot_magnetization =
!starting_magnetization(1) =
!angle1(1)      =
!angle2(1)      =
ecutwfc         = 120
ecutrho         = 480  !if ncpp,stick to the 4* relation
!nr1            =
!nr2            =
!nr3            =
!nosym          = .true.
!noinv          = .true.
!no_t_rev       = .true.  ! disable the usage of magnetic symmetry operations
!occupations     = 'fixed' ! set to 'tetrahedra' if calculate dos
 occupations    = 'smearing'
 smearing       = 'gaussian'
degauss        = 0.01    ! check the smearing contribution to total energy and if it
                          ! is large then try to lower the value
nspin           = 1       ! 1:non-polarized 2: magnetization along z axis

!noncolin       = .true.  ! magnetization in generic direction,
!lspinorb       = .true.  ! soc calculation use a pseudopotential with spin-orbit.
!assume_isolated= '2D'
!input_dft      = 'vdW-DF' ! defining the DFT functional
!nqx1           = 1      ! proportional to nk1; for hybrid functions
!nqx2           = 1      ! proportional to nk2
!nqx3           = 1      ! proportional to nk3
!lda_plus_u     = .true.
!Hubbard_U(1)   = 0
!Hubbard_U(2)   = 0
!vdw_corr       = 'DFT-D'  ! Dispersion correction in vdw calculations

!edir           = 3            ! This is the direction of applied field
!emaxpos        = 0.95
!eopreg         = 0.1
!eamp           = 0.019446905  ! Amplitude of e-field 1a.u. = 51.4220632*10^10 V/m
electron_maxstep = 1000
conv_thr         = 1.0D-10
mixing_mode      = 'plain'
!mixing_mode     = 'local-TF'
mixing_beta      = 0.5
diagonalization  = 'david'
!diago_thr_init  = 1.0D-13   ! for non-scf calculations
!diago_full_acc  = .true.
!efield          = 0.027502070  ! 1 a.u. = 36.3609*10^10 V/m
!efield_cart(1)  = 0.0
!efield_cart(2)  = 0.0
!efield_cart(3)  = 0.027502070
!startingpot     = 'file'   !start from existing charge file
!startingwfc     = 'file'
     6.2577067603003895    0.0000000000000000   -0.0777025195301591
     0.0000000000000000    5.5251065872474996    0.0000000000000000
    -2.6753479058107592    0.0000000000000000    4.8473353267277162
P   30.9737  P.pz-hgh.UPF
Ni  58.6934  Ni.pz-hgh.UPF
 P   0.2015645274872214  0.1129918772500652  0.3353648698544600
 P   0.7984355105127818  0.8870081427499362  0.6646351171455352
 P   0.7984354965127807  0.1129918772500652  0.1646351351455369
 P   0.2015645244872176  0.8870081427499362  0.8353648978544624
 P   0.7015644904872218  0.6129918982500636  0.3353648698544600
 P   0.2984354915127767  0.3870081427499364  0.6646351171455352
 P   0.2984354775127825  0.6129918982500636  0.1646351351455369
 P   0.7015644874872180  0.3870081427499364  0.8353648978544624
 Ni  0.2500000000000000  0.2500000000000000 -0.0000000000000000
 Ni  0.7500000180000015  0.7500000000000000 -0.0000000000000000
 Ni  0.7500000420000035  0.2500000000000000  0.5000000049999969
 Ni  0.2500000049999969  0.7500000000000000  0.5000000049999969
K_POINTS {automatic} !50 ! if molecular {gamma}
8 8 8 0 0 0

--------end of scf.in------------
-------------- next part --------------
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