[QE-users] relax : convergence NOT achieved after 80 iterations: stopping

Hsin-Yu Ko hsin-yu.ko at cornell.edu
Thu Jul 21 13:36:09 CEST 2022

It seems that van der Waals (vdW) interactions might be necessary for describing the relaxed structure of this low-dimensional system (as also implicitly suggested by "prefix='vdw'" in the input file). However, the input file suggests that PBEsol is used without a particular vdW correction (see vdw_corr<https://www.quantum-espresso.org/Doc/INPUT_PW.html#idm621>). Perhaps, it is the lack of this relevant non-covalent interaction that leads to difficulty in the convergence.

Hsin-Yu Ko
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Cornell University

From: users <users-bounces at lists.quantum-espresso.org> on behalf of Giovanni Cantele <giovanni.cantele at spin.cnr.it>
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2022 5:57 AM
To: Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <users at lists.quantum-espresso.org>
Subject: Re: [QE-users] relax : convergence NOT achieved after 80 iterations: stopping

One thing to do is to open your structure with any program capable to process the QE input, e.g. XCrysDen. Attached, you can find a screenshot. I'm not sure that this is the structure you expect to simulate and, mostly, that this is a structure that would easily reach convergence to the ground state.


Il giorno mer 20 lug 2022 alle ore 08:51 Liang Yihao <u3586685 at connect.hku.hk<mailto:u3586685 at connect.hku.hk>> ha scritto:
I was doing a relax calculation for double-layer supercell of Si and MoS2.  Given below is my input script. The output file says convergence NOT achieved after 80 iterations. Since the system is double-layer and mixing_beta = 4.0000000000d-01. Still the output file says not converged. What could be the problem ?

  calculation = 'relax'
  etot_conv_thr =   1.1200000000d-03
  forc_conv_thr =   1.0000000000d-04
  outdir = './out/'
  prefix = 'vdw'
  pseudo_dir = './pseudo/'
  tprnfor = .true.
  tstress = .true.
  verbosity = 'high'
  degauss =   1.4699723600d-02
  ecutrho =   2.8000000000d+02
  ecutwfc =   3.5000000000d+01
  ibrav = 0
  nat = 112
  nosym = .false.
  ntyp = 3
  occupations = 'smearing'
  smearing = 'cold'
  conv_thr =   2.2400000000d-08
  electron_maxstep = 80
  mixing_beta =   4.0000000000d-01
Mo     95.96 Mo_ONCV_PBEsol-1.0.upf
S      32.065 s_pbesol_v1.4.uspp.F.UPF
Si     28.0855 Si.pbesol-n-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF
Si           0.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.1250000000       0.1250000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.1250000000       0.0000000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.0000000000       0.1250000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.2500000000       0.0000000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.3750000000       0.1250000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.3750000000       0.0000000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.2500000000       0.1250000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.5000000000       0.0000000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.6250000000       0.1250000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.6250000000       0.0000000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.5000000000       0.1250000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.7500000000       0.0000000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.8750000000       0.1250000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.8750000000       0.0000000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.7500000000       0.1250000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.0000000000       0.2500000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.1250000000       0.3750000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.1250000000       0.2500000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.0000000000       0.3750000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.2500000000       0.2500000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.3750000000       0.3750000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.3750000000       0.2500000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.2500000000       0.3750000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.5000000000       0.2500000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.6250000000       0.3750000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.6250000000       0.2500000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.5000000000       0.3750000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.7500000000       0.2500000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.8750000000       0.3750000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.8750000000       0.2500000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.7500000000       0.3750000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.0000000000       0.5000000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.1250000000       0.6250000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.1250000000       0.5000000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.0000000000       0.6250000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.2500000000       0.5000000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.3750000000       0.6250000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.3750000000       0.5000000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.2500000000       0.6250000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.5000000000       0.5000000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.6250000000       0.6250000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.6250000000       0.5000000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.5000000000       0.6250000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.7500000000       0.5000000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.8750000000       0.6250000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.8750000000       0.5000000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.7500000000       0.6250000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.0000000000       0.7500000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.1250000000       0.8750000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.1250000000       0.7500000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.0000000000       0.8750000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.2500000000       0.7500000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.3750000000       0.8750000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.3750000000       0.7500000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.2500000000       0.8750000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.5000000000       0.7500000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.6250000000       0.8750000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.6250000000       0.7500000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.5000000000       0.8750000000       0.1354000000
Si           0.7500000000       0.7500000000       0.3979700000
Si           0.8750000000       0.8750000000       0.2229200000
Si           0.8750000000       0.7500000000       0.3104500000
Si           0.7500000000       0.8750000000       0.1354000000
Mo           0.7500000000       0.0000000000       0.6494300000
Mo           0.2500000000       0.5000000000       0.6494300000
Mo           0.3750000000       0.1250000000       0.7080600000
Mo           0.8750000000       0.6250000000       0.7080600000
S            0.5645000000       0.1855000000       0.6494300000
S            0.0645000000       0.6855000000       0.6494300000
S            0.1895000000       0.3105000000       0.7080600000
S            0.6895000000       0.8105000000       0.7080600000
S            0.0605000000       0.4395000000       0.7080600000
S            0.5605000000       0.9395000000       0.7080600000
S            0.4355000000       0.3145000000       0.6494300000
S            0.9355000000       0.8145000000       0.6494300000
Mo           0.1250000000       0.3750000000       0.8253200000
Mo           0.6250000000       0.8750000000       0.8253200000
Mo           0.2500000000       0.0000000000       0.8839400000
Mo           0.7500000000       0.5000000000       0.8839400000
S            0.4395000000       0.0605000000       0.8253200000
S            0.9395000000       0.5605000000       0.8253200000
S            0.0645000000       0.1855000000       0.8839400000
S            0.5645000000       0.6855000000       0.8839400000
S            0.9355000000       0.3145000000       0.8839400000
S            0.4355000000       0.8145000000       0.8839400000
S            0.3105000000       0.1895000000       0.8253200000
S            0.8105000000       0.6895000000       0.8253200000
Mo           0.0000000000       0.2500000000       0.6494300000
Mo           0.5000000000       0.7500000000       0.6494300000
Mo           0.6250000000       0.3750000000       0.7080600000
Mo           0.1250000000       0.8750000000       0.7080600000
S            0.8145000000       0.4355000000       0.6494300000
S            0.3145000000       0.9355000000       0.6494300000
S            0.9395000000       0.0605000000       0.7080600000
S            0.4395000000       0.5605000000       0.7080600000
S            0.8105000000       0.1895000000       0.7080600000
S            0.3105000000       0.6895000000       0.7080600000
S            0.1855000000       0.0645000000       0.6494300000
S            0.6855000000       0.5645000000       0.6494300000
Mo           0.8750000000       0.1250000000       0.8253200000
Mo           0.3750000000       0.6250000000       0.8253200000
Mo           0.5000000000       0.2500000000       0.8839400000
Mo           0.0000000000       0.7500000000       0.8839400000
S            0.6895000000       0.3105000000       0.8253200000
S            0.1895000000       0.8105000000       0.8253200000
S            0.3145000000       0.4355000000       0.8839400000
S            0.8145000000       0.9355000000       0.8839400000
S            0.6855000000       0.0645000000       0.8839400000
S            0.1855000000       0.5645000000       0.8839400000
S            0.5605000000       0.4395000000       0.8253200000
S            0.0605000000       0.9395000000       0.8253200000
K_POINTS {gamma}

     14.5890000000       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
      0.0000000000      14.5890000000       0.0000000000
      0.0000000000       0.0000000000      15.5098000000

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