[QE-users] How QE calculates Fermi level of an insulator

Shenli Zhang shlzhang at uchicago.edu
Fri Dec 23 12:30:46 CET 2022

Dear QE developers and users,

Sorry if this question has already been asked before, but I’m wondering how does QE determine the Fermi level of an insulator in a scf calculation, especially in recent versions (>QE v6.1)? I calculated some slab(bulk+vaccum) insulators (converged results w.r.t slab and vacuum thickness) and found the Fermi level is quite far away from the center of band gap, while I expected it to be at the center as they are not doped.
Any inputs are appreciated!
Thank you so much!

Shenli Zhang
Postdoctoral scholar at University of Chicago

Sent from my iPhone

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