[QE-users] Failure in installing QE 6.7 in a server

Jeffrey Tanudji jeffrey at dyn.ap.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
Mon Apr 4 03:14:06 CEST 2022

Dear all QE users,

I believed I had successfully installed QE 6.7 in a server, but when I 
tried to run pw.x, it stated

bash: pw.x: command not found...

Install package 'quantum-espresso' to provide command 'pw.x'? [N/y]

However, when I entered y, the result was an error saying failed to 
obtain authentication. Since I am new to Linux, I did a search on google 
about this problem and most of the forum mentioned was about "Fedora" 
and nothing about quantum espresso. If anybody knows of any solution to 
this problem, your help will be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,


Graduate student

Department of Applied Physics

Osaka University

Suita, JAPAN

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