[QE-users] GIPAW crashes with nspin=2

estelina.silva at fc.up.pt estelina.silva at fc.up.pt
Fri Oct 8 07:38:20 CEST 2021

It is v6.8
Enviado da aplicação Outlook Email App para Android sexta-feira, 08 outubro 2021, 06:11da manhã +01:00 de Paolo Giannozzi  p.giannozzi at gmail.com :

>Please specify the QE version you are using
>On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 11:27 AM E. Lora < estelina.silva at fc.up.pt> wrote:
>>Dear QE developers
>>By computing a spin polarized system, with the following scf input:
>>   calculation='scf' ,
>>   verbosity='high' ,
>>   etot_conv_thr=1.0D-5 ,
>>   forc_conv_thr=1.0D-3 ,
>>   pseudo_dir = './',
>>   outdir='./tmp'
>>   prefix='CaMnGe2O6U4_paw_spin' ,
>>   a     =  10.444750
>>   b     =  9.312284
>>   c     =  5.548569
>>   cosac = -0.2437201
>>   ibrav = -12
>>   nat   = 40
>>   ntyp  = 5
>>   starting_magnetization(1) = 1.d-6 ,
>>   starting_magnetization(2)= 0.5 ,
>>   starting_magnetization(3)= -0.5 ,
>>   starting_magnetization(4) = 1.d-6 ,
>>   starting_magnetization(5) = 1.d-6 ,
>>   ecutwfc = 70 ,
>>   ecutrho = 540.0 ,
>>   occupations='smearing' , smearing='mv' , degauss=1d-4 ,
>>   nspin=2 ,
>>!  lda_plus_u=.true. , Hubbard_U(2)=4 , Hubbard_U(3)=4 ,
>>  ! nosym=.true.
>>   electron_maxstep=1000000,
>>   conv_thr=1.D-8 ,
>>   mixing_beta = 0.3 ,
>>   Ca   40.07800  Ca.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
>>  Mn1  54.93800  Mn.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.3.1.UPF
>>  Mn2  54.93800  Mn.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.3.1.UPF
>>   Ge   72.63000  Ge.pbe-dn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.2.UPF
>>    O   15.99900   O.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
>>Ca           0.0000000000       0.3045100000       0.2500000000
>>Ca           0.0000000000       0.6954900000       0.7500000000
>>Ca           0.5000000000       0.8045100000       0.2500000000
>>Ca           0.5000000000       0.1954900000       0.7500000000
>>Mn1          0.0000000000       0.9065930000       0.2500000000
>>Mn2          0.0000000000       0.0934070000       0.7500000000
>>Mn1          0.5000000000       0.4065930000       0.2500000000
>>Mn2          0.5000000000       0.5934070000       0.7500000000
>>Ge           0.2863390000       0.0970150000       0.2323850000
>>Ge           0.7136610000       0.9029850000       0.7676150000
>>Ge           0.7136610000       0.0970150000       0.2676150000
>>Ge           0.2863390000       0.9029850000       0.7323850000
>>Ge           0.7863380000       0.5970160000       0.2323840000
>>Ge           0.2136620000       0.4029840000       0.7676160000
>>Ge           0.2136620000       0.5970160000       0.2676160000
>>Ge           0.7863380000       0.4029840000       0.7323840000
>>O            0.1131650000       0.0970310000       0.1439770000
>>O            0.8868350000       0.9029690000       0.8560230000
>>O            0.8868350000       0.0970310000       0.3560230000
>>O            0.1131650000       0.9029690000       0.6439770000
>>O            0.6131640000       0.5970310000       0.1439770000
>>O            0.3868360000       0.4029690000       0.8560230000
>>O            0.3868360000       0.5970310000       0.3560230000
>>O            0.6131640000       0.4029690000       0.6439770000
>>O            0.3681360000       0.2528710000       0.3564940000
>>O            0.6318640000       0.7471290000       0.6435060000
>>O            0.6318640000       0.2528710000       0.1435060000
>>O            0.3681360000       0.7471290000       0.8564940000
>>O            0.8681360000       0.7528710000       0.3564940000
>>O            0.1318640000       0.2471290000       0.6435060000
>>O            0.1318640000       0.7528710000       0.1435060000
>>O            0.8681360000       0.2471290000       0.8564940000
>>O            0.3562090000       0.0352240000       0.9781070000
>>O            0.6437910000       0.9647760000       0.0218930000
>>O            0.6437910000       0.0352240000       0.5218930000
>>O            0.3562090000       0.9647760000       0.4781070000
>>O            0.8562080000       0.5352240000       0.9781060000
>>O            0.1437920000       0.4647760000       0.0218940000
>>O            0.1437920000       0.5352240000       0.5218940000
>>O            0.8562080000       0.4647760000       0.4781060000
>>K_POINTS {automatic}
>>4 4 8 0 0 0
>>we intend to obtain the electric field gradient:
>>spline_ps= .true.
>>Q_efg(1) = -6.65 !43Ca
>>Q_efg(2) = 33.0 !55Mn
>>Q_efg(3) = 33.0 !55Mn
>>Q_efg(4) = -19.6 !73Ge
>>Q_efg(5) = -2.56 !17O
>>q_gipaw = 0.01
>>However, when running gipaw.x for this system we obtain an error message 
>>related to segmentation fault problems. By increasing RAM, nodes or even 
>>decreasing the K-point mesh, the problem persists. By performing the 
>>gipaw calculation on another system, which is spin-unpolarized the 
>>calculation runs smoothly without any problem. We think it might be 
>>related to the calculation being spin polarized, since after the 
>>'q-space interpolation' the calculation crashes, after outputting the line:
>>      select_spin: s_maj=1 s_min=2 rho_diff=    0.000000
>>Can you please advise on what the problem might be related to and if 
>>there is a workaround this issue? We have also tried removing the LDAU 
>>calculation, to check if the problem could be related to the inclusion 
>>of the Hubbard paramters, but unfortunately with no luck.
>>Estelina Silva
>>Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX ( www.max-centre.eu )
>>users mailing list  users at lists.quantum-espresso.org
>Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
>Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine, Italy
>Phone  +39-0432-558216 , fax  +39-0432-558222
>Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (www.max-centre.eu)
>users mailing list  users at lists.quantum-espresso.org
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