[QE-users] Error in routine cdiaghg problems computing cholesky

Lucian D. Filip lucian.filip at infim.ro
Mon Nov 8 12:15:29 CET 2021

Hello all,

I am trying to relax a super-cell structure of SRO/PTO/STO/SRO. There 
are 3 unit cells of SRO, 7 of PTO, 3 of STO and finally 3 of SRO. The 
supercell is therfore 1x1x(3+7+3+3=16). All starts well and after a 
number of scf cycles the calculation stops with the following error:

      Error in routine  cdiaghg (865):
       problems computing cholesky

No other message is given. The relaxation seems to be converging nicely 
as you can see from the following figures:

Total energy            Accuracy    Total force    Number of 
iterations/scf cycle

-5593.98157650     3.2E-09     2.673306      69
-5594.50888791     7.5E-09     0.503558      84
-5594.60517455     5.8E-09     0.219517      93
-5594.64685855     6.1E-09     0.154606      83
-5594.67616742     7.2E-09     0.142321      53
-5594.70653730     0.00054089     0.127041      100
-5594.71357176     3.1E-09     0.204797      73
-5594.72991135     4.3E-09     0.084307      96
-5594.73261617     2.8E-09     0.087328      67
-5594.73882473     2.3E-09     0.065663      69

As you can see the energy seems to be heading in the right direction, so 
are the forces, yet the calculation stops.

I am using norm conserving pseudo potentials from Pseudo Dojo and I have 
checked the structure with xcrysden to see if there are any issues with it.

I have run this calculation with a decreasing number of cores using the 
following command:

mpirun -np $n pw.x -nk 6 < input.in > input.out, where n was 156, 120 
and 108. There are 6 k points for this structure and I am using a 
multiple of 6 for the number of cores.

First I started with 4 nodes and 156 cores (ended with this error), then 
3 nodes with 120 cores (same error) then 3 nodes with 108 cores (current 
case, same error). I am submitting below the input file for inspection 
and my question is: what is causing this error?

I am using Quantum Espresso 6.6 with intel 2020a compiler and ELPA.

  calculation         = 'vc-relax'
  restart_mode        = 'from_scratch'
  prefix              = 'sro-pto-sto-sro'
  tstress             = .true.
  tprnfor             = .true.
  etot_conv_thr       = 1.e-4
  forc_conv_thr       = 1.e-3
  verbosity           = 'high'
  pseudo_dir          = '../pp/'
  outdir              = 'sro-pto-sto-sro'

  nstep               = 500

  ibrav               = 6
  celldm(1)           = 7.379379985483
  celldm(3)           = 17.192530948
  nat                 = 80
  ntyp                = 5
  ecutwfc             = 75.
  ecutrho             = 450.

  occupations         = 'smearing'
  degauss             = 0.04
  smearing            = 'cold'

  diagonalization     = 'david'
  diago_david_ndim    = 4
  mixing_mode         = 'plain'
  mixing_beta         = 0.05
  conv_thr            = 1.e-8

  scf_must_converge   = .false.
  electron_maxstep    = 100

  ion_dynamics        = 'bfgs'
  bfgs_ndim           = 3

  cell_dynamics        = 'bfgs'
  cell_dofree          = 'z'

  Pb  207.2   Pb.upf
  Ti   47.867 Ti.upf
  Sr   87.62  Sr.upf
  O    15.999  O.upf
  Ru  101.07  Ru.upf

Sr  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    0.00000000000
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    0.00000000000
Ru  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    1.95250000000
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    1.95250000000
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    1.95250000000
Sr  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    3.90500000000
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    3.90500000000
Ru  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    5.85750000000
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    5.85750000000
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    5.85750000000
Sr  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    7.81000000000
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    7.81000000000
Ru  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    9.76250000000
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    9.76250000000
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    9.76250000000
Pb  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    11.8821901575
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    11.0772195980
Ti  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    13.9085496586
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    13.4450873078
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    13.4450873078
Pb  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    16.4524520649
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    15.6474815054
Ti  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    18.4788115660
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    18.0153492152
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    18.0153492152
Pb  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    21.0227139723
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    20.2177434128
Ti  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    23.0490734734
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    22.5856111227
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    22.5856111227
Pb  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    25.5929758797
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    24.7880053203
Ti  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    27.6193353808
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    27.1558730301
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    27.1558730301
Pb  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    30.1632377871
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    29.3582672277
Ti  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    32.1895972882
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    31.7261349375
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    31.7261349375
Pb  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    34.7334996946
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    33.9285291351
Ti  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    36.7598591957
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    36.2963968449
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    36.2963968449
Pb  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    39.3037616020
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    38.4987910425
Ti  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    41.3301211031
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    40.8666587523
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    40.8666587523
Sr  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    43.7068333519
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    43.7068333519
Ti  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    45.6593333519
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    45.6593333519
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    45.6593333519
Sr  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    47.6118333519
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    47.6118333519
Ti  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    49.5643333519
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    49.5643333519
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    49.5643333519
Sr  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    51.5168333519
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    51.5168333519
Ti  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    53.4693333519
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    53.4693333519
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    53.4693333519
Sr  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    55.4218333519
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    55.4218333519
Ru  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    57.3743333519
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    57.3743333519
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    57.3743333519
Sr  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    59.3268333519
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    59.3268333519
Ru  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    61.2793333519
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    61.2793333519
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    61.2793333519
Sr  0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    63.2318333519
O   1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    63.2318333519
Ru  1.95250000000000    1.95250000000000    65.1843333519
O   0.00000000000000    1.95250000000000    65.1843333519
O   1.95250000000000    0.00000000000000    65.1843333519

K_POINTS {automatic}
  4 4 1 0 0 0



Dr. Lucian Dragos Filip
National Institute of Materials Physics
Atomistilor str. 405A
PO Box MG. 7
Magurele, 077125
Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: lucian.filip at infim.ro
Website: http://lucianfilip.wordpress.com

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