[QE-users] Fermi Surface Plot Resolution

Truman Ng Yu ngtruman at nus.edu.sg
Sat Mar 27 20:59:04 CET 2021

Hi QE users,

I'm using QE 6.7MaX. I plotted the Fermi surface on a 18^3 and a 24^3 mesh for the scf and nscf calculations, respectively. However, when I plotted the Fermi surface, the resolution looks poor (jagged edges at some parts). This is in comparison to the Fermi surface plotted with Wannier90 with fermi_surface_num_points = 100 that is of a higher resolution.

May I clarify that the resolution of the Fermi surface depends on the mesh density of the scf and nscf steps? If yes, is the mesh setting at the nscf step equivalent to fermi_surface_num_points? I'm wondering about this as if I set 100^3 for the nscf step, it states that there are too many k points. I modified the npk variable, but before attempting such a calculation, I wanted to clarify these.


National University of Singapore
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