[QE-users] Virtual school on "Electronic excitations in solids and nanostructures using the Yambo code"

Andrea Ferretti andrea.ferretti at nano.cnr.it
Thu Mar 4 17:43:28 CET 2021

Dear All,

FYI, please find below the description of the next virtual school on
the yambo code (deadline for applications 25/3/2021).


Andrea Ferretti, PhD
S3 Center, Istituto Nanoscienze, CNR
via Campi 213/A, 41125, Modena, Italy
Tel: +39 059 2055322;  Skype: andrea_ferretti
URL: http://www.nano.cnr.it


The Yambo Team is pleased to announce the:


The MaX/CECAM virtual school will last four days and will be held on April 8, 9 (week 1) and April 15, 16 (week 2) 2021
using the online platform Zoom.  The school aims to introduce participants to post-DFT simulations,
in particular to many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) approaches and will provide both theoretical overviews
and practical training on the calculation of electronic and optical properties of solids and nanostructures.

Participants will attend theoretical lessons on Many-Body Perturbation Theory - organised in short modules -
that will introduce them to the concepts based on the linear response, GW and Bethe-Salpeter calculations.
A strong focus will be given on the connection with experimental observables (from photoemission to absorption and photoluminescence).  

Dedicated online hands-on sessions will be held for each topic, to gain experience and directly learn the use of the Yambo code.
Students will further learn how to run post-processing tools for the analysis of the results.

Two online poster sessions will take place and applicants are encouraged to prepare a poster about their research.
Details on the poster presentation will be provided upon registration. 

Participants are required to have a background in DFT methods, including experience in running first-principles simulations. 
The number of participants for the hands-on sessions will be limited.  

For a preliminary program please visit  this link

For more details and applications please follow this link 
Deadline: 25/3/2021 

The organisers:

Daniele Varsano (CNR-NANO), Margherita Marsili (University of Padova), Maurizia Palummo (University of Rome Tor Vergata),
Conor David Hogan (CNR-ISM), Davide Sangalli (CNR-ISM), Myrta Grüning (Queen's University Belfast),
Andrea Marini (CNR-ISM), Fulvio Paleari (CNR-ISM), Andrea Ferretti (CNR-NANO), Pedro Melo (University of Liege),
Claudio Attaccalite (CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université)

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