[QE-users] Error in routine local_dos from pp calculations

Jibiao Li jibiaoli at foxmail.com
Sat Jun 12 09:39:55 CEST 2021

Dear all,

I try to obtain wave function (psi) with pp.x after band calculations, but encountered error below,

     Error in routine local_dos (1):
     not available

Please help me resolve this problem.

                      prefix = '2d' ,
                      outdir = './' ,
                    plot_num = 7,
                   kpoint(1) = 1,
                    kband(1) = 320,
                       lsign = .true. ,
                       nfile = 1 ,
                   weight(1) = 1.0,
                     fileout = 'psi_2d.xsf' ,
                       iflag = 2 ,
               output_format = 3 ,
                       e1(1) = 1,
                       e1(2) = 0,
                       e1(3) = 0,
                       e2(1) = 0,
                       e2(2) = 1.6359,
                       e2(3) = 0,
                       x0(1) = 0,
                       x0(2) = 0,
                       x0(3) = 0.696,
                          nx = 73 ,
                          ny = 120 ,

                 calculation = 'bands' ,
                restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
                      outdir = './' ,
                  pseudo_dir = '/home/yons/pseudo/PAW/' ,
                      prefix = '2d' ,
                       ibrav = 8,
                   celldm(1) = 24.378882708,
                   celldm(2) = 1.6359552,
                   celldm(3) = 1.40817524,
                         nat = 80,
                        ntyp = 4,
                     ecutwfc = 49 ,
                     ecutrho = 511 ,
                 occupations = 'smearing' ,
                     degauss = 0.02D0 ,
                    smearing = 'gaussian' ,
                    vdw_corr = 'DFT-D' ,
                    noncolin = .true. ,
                    lspinorb = .true. ,
            electron_maxstep = 299,
                 mixing_beta = 0.2D0 ,
             diagonalization = 'david' ,
    O   15.999  O.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
    N   14.007  N.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
    C   12.010  C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
    H    1.008  H.pbe-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
C            -0.0003183657       -0.0020806642        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            -0.0043214153        2.4991253418        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             2.1414903702        1.2419076772        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             2.1989058009        3.7430900915        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             4.2833885004       -0.0019984902        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             4.2993840700        2.4811982208        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4501957300        1.2002429901        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4672592757        3.5835065479        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.6131285234       -0.0018538434        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.6151830837        2.4101899471        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.7651360058        1.2441984247        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.7074536723        3.7682974252        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             1.4336809590       -0.0021142949        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             1.4377008469        2.4990979905        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             3.5690101720        1.2441765584        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             3.6267304176        3.7682478437        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.7209984833       -0.0018270549        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.7190192245        2.4101987731        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8839152434        1.2002633470        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.0507364892       -0.0019696937        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.0346877567        2.4812215722        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            12.1926175124        1.2419306231        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            12.1352144998        3.7431117506        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8668560474        3.5835437624        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             0.0956257795        4.8363857085        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             4.4460959542        4.9326015644        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4611338741        6.0690970808        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.5137226944        4.8078859798        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.9255976487        6.9757264633        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             1.3377815071        4.8363950426        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.8205441136        4.8078844526        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.4084635119        6.9756236766        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8728723869        6.0691024214        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             9.8879079296        4.9327064364        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4507709572        9.3074001212        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4507416690       11.7937692741        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.5447793592       10.5505872440        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.7890704070       10.5505648264        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8830919158        9.3074042829        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8831073835       11.7937768388        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             0.0955608711       16.2643890465        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             2.1989287086       17.3576549668        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             4.4462714251       16.1685153521        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4612106414       15.0324078779        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4670979728       17.5179123201        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.9253904343       14.1255526786        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.5133736634       16.2935568234        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.7073977649       17.3327955410        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             1.3377853280       16.2643982856        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             3.6266471693       17.3328337289        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.4085634224       14.1255024192        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.8205739152       16.2935972008        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8728807487       15.0324207768        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             9.8878866444       16.1685111886        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            12.1351769866       17.3576417400        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8670124975       17.5179493257        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            -0.0043407068       18.6016360053        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             2.1414923097       19.8589150899        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             4.2993644434       18.6199365014        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4502144272       19.9010417242        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.6151205285       18.6910497143        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.7652084605       19.8568990204        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             1.4376775408       18.6016236850        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             3.5688884553       19.8569004395        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.7189424708       18.6910732955        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8839340865       19.9010649821        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.0347908292       18.6199157430        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            12.1926242217       19.8589306184        8.9831669245    1   1   0
O             4.1626900315        6.3134197618        8.9831669245    1   1   0
O            10.1713839335        6.3135238528        8.9831669245    1   1   0
O             4.1629200041       14.7878476711        8.9831669245    1   1   0
O            10.1711004150       14.7877892772        8.9831669245    1   1   0
N             8.9064274391        8.3057741551        8.9831669245    1   1   0
N             5.4274556783        8.3057783256        8.9831669245    1   1   0
N             8.9063260600       12.7955998914        8.9831669245    1   1   0
N             5.4276277426       12.7956807173        8.9831669245    1   1   0
H             9.8012959721       12.2897885000        8.9831669245    1   1   0
H             4.5325292193       12.2898775265        8.9831669245    1   1   0
H             9.8012459491        8.8117450740        8.9831669245    1   1   0
H             4.5326392666        8.8116040969        8.9831669245    1   1   0
K_POINTS crystal_b
  0.500000  0.000000 0.000000 15
  0.000000  0.000000 0.000000 12
  0.000000  0.000000 0.500000 19
  0.500000  0.000000 0.000000 12 
  0.500000  0.000000 0.500000 19
  0.000000  0.000000 0.000000 1

                 calculation = 'scf' ,
                restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
                      outdir = './' ,
                  pseudo_dir = '/home/yons/pseudo/PAW/' ,
                      prefix = '2d' ,
                       ibrav = 8,
                   celldm(1) = 24.378882708,
                   celldm(2) = 1.6359552,
                   celldm(3) = 1.40817524,
                         nat = 80,
                        ntyp = 4,
                     ecutwfc = 49 ,
                     ecutrho = 511 ,
                 occupations = 'smearing' ,
                     degauss = 0.02D0 ,
                    smearing = 'gaussian' ,
                    vdw_corr = 'DFT-D' ,
                    noncolin = .true. ,
                    lspinorb = .true. ,
            electron_maxstep = 299,
                 mixing_beta = 0.2D0 ,
             diagonalization = 'david' ,
    O   15.999  O.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
    N   14.007  N.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
    C   12.010  C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
    H    1.008  H.pbe-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
C            -0.0003183657       -0.0020806642        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            -0.0043214153        2.4991253418        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             2.1414903702        1.2419076772        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             2.1989058009        3.7430900915        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             4.2833885004       -0.0019984902        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             4.2993840700        2.4811982208        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4501957300        1.2002429901        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4672592757        3.5835065479        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.6131285234       -0.0018538434        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.6151830837        2.4101899471        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.7651360058        1.2441984247        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.7074536723        3.7682974252        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             1.4336809590       -0.0021142949        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             1.4377008469        2.4990979905        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             3.5690101720        1.2441765584        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             3.6267304176        3.7682478437        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.7209984833       -0.0018270549        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.7190192245        2.4101987731        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8839152434        1.2002633470        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.0507364892       -0.0019696937        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.0346877567        2.4812215722        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            12.1926175124        1.2419306231        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            12.1352144998        3.7431117506        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8668560474        3.5835437624        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             0.0956257795        4.8363857085        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             4.4460959542        4.9326015644        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4611338741        6.0690970808        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.5137226944        4.8078859798        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.9255976487        6.9757264633        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             1.3377815071        4.8363950426        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.8205441136        4.8078844526        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.4084635119        6.9756236766        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8728723869        6.0691024214        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             9.8879079296        4.9327064364        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4507709572        9.3074001212        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4507416690       11.7937692741        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.5447793592       10.5505872440        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.7890704070       10.5505648264        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8830919158        9.3074042829        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8831073835       11.7937768388        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             0.0955608711       16.2643890465        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             2.1989287086       17.3576549668        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             4.4462714251       16.1685153521        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4612106414       15.0324078779        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4670979728       17.5179123201        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.9253904343       14.1255526786        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.5133736634       16.2935568234        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.7073977649       17.3327955410        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             1.3377853280       16.2643982856        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             3.6266471693       17.3328337289        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.4085634224       14.1255024192        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.8205739152       16.2935972008        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8728807487       15.0324207768        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             9.8878866444       16.1685111886        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            12.1351769866       17.3576417400        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8670124975       17.5179493257        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            -0.0043407068       18.6016360053        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             2.1414923097       19.8589150899        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             4.2993644434       18.6199365014        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             6.4502144272       19.9010417242        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             8.6151205285       18.6910497143        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.7652084605       19.8568990204        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             1.4376775408       18.6016236850        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             3.5688884553       19.8569004395        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             5.7189424708       18.6910732955        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C             7.8839340865       19.9010649821        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            10.0347908292       18.6199157430        8.9831669245    1   1   0
C            12.1926242217       19.8589306184        8.9831669245    1   1   0
O             4.1626900315        6.3134197618        8.9831669245    1   1   0
O            10.1713839335        6.3135238528        8.9831669245    1   1   0
O             4.1629200041       14.7878476711        8.9831669245    1   1   0
O            10.1711004150       14.7877892772        8.9831669245    1   1   0
N             8.9064274391        8.3057741551        8.9831669245    1   1   0
N             5.4274556783        8.3057783256        8.9831669245    1   1   0
N             8.9063260600       12.7955998914        8.9831669245    1   1   0
N             5.4276277426       12.7956807173        8.9831669245    1   1   0
H             9.8012959721       12.2897885000        8.9831669245    1   1   0
H             4.5325292193       12.2898775265        8.9831669245    1   1   0
H             9.8012459491        8.8117450740        8.9831669245    1   1   0
H             4.5326392666        8.8116040969        8.9831669245    1   1   0
K_POINTS automatic 
  2 1 1   0 0 0 

Dr. Jibiao Li, 
Department of Material Science and Engineering
Yangtze Normal University
Juxian Dadao 16#, Fuling, Chongqing, China
Email: jibiaoli at yznu.edu.cn, jibiaoli at foxmail.com, jibiao.li at hotmail.com
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