[QE-users] spin orbit coupling potential

Jacopo Simoni simonij at tcd.ie
Sat Aug 21 03:59:36 CEST 2021

Dear QE users,
I am wondering if anybody can tell me if it is possible to extract the spin
orbit coupling potential in a non collinear calculation from the code.
In order to clarify my question, the KS potential is stored in the vrs
variable in the code, is there any variable storing the spin orbit
component of the potential ?
In non collinear calculation with nspin = 4, vrs has spin dimension 4, the
total potential then becomes V=sum_is=1^4 vrs(:,is) * sigma_is, where
sigma_(1,sigma_x,sigma_y,sigma_z). Then is it possible to combine vrs(:,2)
vrs(:,3) and vrs(:,4) to obtain Vso ?

Thanks in advance for the help.
Jacopo Simoni, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley US
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