[QE-users] QE6.8: "Slab decomposition and task groups not implemented"

Sebastian Hütter sebastian.huetter at ovgu.de
Mon Aug 16 15:04:26 CEST 2021

Dear developers,

after the upgrade to QE 6.8, I receive the following errors at startup:

   Error in routine  fft_type_init (1):
   Slab decomposition and task groups not implemented.

This seems to be from a larger change to the fft lib done with the GPU merge, but I'm not sure what it means for CPU 
runs. From the source code, I think "-ntg" now requires switching from slab to pencil decomposition using the 
undocumented switch "-pd"?

What are the implications of this method selection? Is one "better" or "worse" than the other, whatever that might mean?

Thanks for any help,


M.Sc. Sebastian Hütter
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Institute of Materials and Joining Technology
Universitätsplatz 2
D-39106 Magdeburg
Tel.: +49 (0)391-67-54566
Fax: +49 (0)391-67-44569

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