[QE-users] No plane waves found: running on too many processors?

SYED ZAIN MEHMOOD szain at phys.qau.edu.pk
Wed Aug 4 06:03:51 CEST 2021

I was vc-relaxing a bulk structure of a Rare Earth element "Gd" and it was
taking so long for *48 processors*. Now when i tried to run *pw.x* on *240
processors* there occurred an error as follows

" from n_plane_waves : error #         1
     No plane waves found: running on too many processors?   "

I have searched through the mail archives and found a 10 years old thread
about it,  a useful discussion between Payam Norouzzadeh and *Paolo
Giannozzi. *Though it was suggested to reduce the number of processors, the
issue was gone.
 I want to ask the reason for the error in the first place. Is Quantum
ESPRESSO limited to some specific maximum number of processors that it can
use ? If it is so, how many maximum processors can be used ?
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