[QE-users] NEB : path length is increasing
Omer Mutasim
omermutasim at ymail.com
Thu Oct 22 09:43:06 CEST 2020
Thanks a lot Dr. Antoine Jay for your help.
I've went through your paper, r-ART is by far more faster & precise than NEB, i will try it.
On Wednesday, October 21, 2020, 11:48:33 PM GMT+4, Antoine Jay <ajay at laas.fr> wrote:
Dear Omar,
After your pre-converged step, you can copy all the intermediate images from the .crd file.
This is a very standard procedure for heavy systems.
Do not worry about the size of the path: it can only increase because the initial path is the linear interpolation between first and last images, so the smallest that is possible.
A CI (=auto or suggested by the user) also increases the velocity of the convergeance and the precision.
To be even faster (10times) and accurate (10times), you can use ARTn that has been coupled with QE this year and have shown formidable efficiencies (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.0c00541)
Antoine Jay
Toulouse, France
Le Mercredi, Octobre 21, 2020 21:04 CEST, Omer Mutasim <omermutasim at ymail.com> a écrit:
Very helpful ideas.But after pre-converging with inexpensive parameters, i will get first & last image that are different than my actual images with higher parameters ( k-pointss, cutoff,..)So then how i can use this pre-converged path for my actual settings?
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
On Wednesday, October 21, 2020, 3:06 PM, Tamas Karpati <tkarpati at gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Omar, Hope it helps, just some ideas:- I could tell more if you would attach the whole input file (ie. thestructures).- Without knowing the structures only I can give some hints: -- Try using smaller PW basis and lower ecutwfc, ecutrho to speed upyour simulation. -- When you obtain something more reliable result, you can changeback to the higher basis. -- Try leaving opt_scheme at its default value. -- For such a reaction (dissociation of such a polarized molecule) you should expect a barrier, therefore CI_scheme should be anything except for no-CI. -- The best is if you can specify the CI manually in theCLIMBING_IMAGES section (choose the CI_scheme accordingly).Bests, t On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 6:53 PM Omer Mutasim <omermutasim at ymail.com> wrote:>> Dear All> I'm doning NEB for dissociation reaction of SO2 to SO +O. But it is not converging for more than a week, and the path length is increasing.> Please tell me what is wrong in my input file:>> below is the input & output files:>> Input file:>> BEGIN> BEGIN_PATH_INPUT> &PATH> restart_mode = 'restart'> string_method = 'neb',> nstep_path = 800,> ds = 1.D0,> opt_scheme = "broyden",> num_of_images = 7,> CI_scheme = 'no-CI',> path_thr = 0.05D0,>> /> END_PATH_INPUT> BEGIN_ENGINE_INPUT> &CONTROL> calculation = "relax"> prefix = 'SO2_neb'> outdir = './outdir'> pseudo_dir = '/home/yQE-test/pseudo/'> restart_mode = 'from_scratch'> forc_conv_thr = 1.0e-03> etot_conv_thr = 1e-04> nstep = 200> !tefield = .TRUE> !dipfield = .TRUE> />> &SYSTEM> ibrav = 0> ecutrho = 270> ecutwfc = 45> nat = 111> ntyp = 4> occupations='smearing',smearing='gaussian',degauss=0.005> vdw_corr = 'DFT-D2'> !edir = 3 , emaxpos = 0.6808, eopreg = 0.08 , eamp = 0.001,> nspin = 2> starting_magnetization(1)= 0.01>> /> &ELECTRONS> conv_thr = 1e-06> electron_maxstep = 200> mixing_mode ='local-TF'> mixing_beta = 0.3>> />> &IONS> />> K_POINTS {automatic}> 3 3 1 0 0 1>> ATOMIC_SPECIES> Ni 58.69340 Ni.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF> P 30.97376 P.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF> S 32.065 S.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF> O 15.9999 O.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF> CELL_PARAMETERS {angstrom}> 11.765383541833 0.0000000000 0.0000000000> -5.88269177091652 10.1891210324947 0.0000000000> 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 30.9938690567585> BEGIN_POSITIONS> FIRST_IMAGE> ATOMIC_POSITIONS (angstrom)> S -1.181561037 6.155418563 12.124345096> O -1.100425541 4.672437254 11.356300976> O 0.190308001 6.839217965 11.448732238> Ni -2.738525121 4.763450297 0.239145520> Ni 3.139579474 1.358483744 0.232252034> Ni 3.135766403 8.150575392 0.235327906> Ni -4.673593720 8.104467836 1.780118367> .> .> .> .>> output file:>> Program NEB v.6.4.1 starts on 16Oct2020 at 11:35:32>> This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite> for quantum simulation of materials; please cite> "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);> "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);> URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org",> in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at> http://www.quantum-espresso.org/quote>> Parallel version (MPI), running on 80 processors>> MPI processes distributed on 5 nodes> R & G space division: proc/nbgrp/npool/nimage = 80>> parsing_file_name: input.in> Reading input from pw_1.in> Message from routine read_upf::>>> initial path length = 11.3145 bohr> initial inter-image distance = 1.8857 bohr>> string_method = neb> restart_mode = from_scratch> opt_scheme = broyden> num_of_images = 7> nstep_path = 800> CI_scheme = no-CI> first_last_opt = F> use_freezing = F> ds = 1.0000 a.u.> k_max = 0.1000 a.u.> k_min = 0.1000 a.u.> suggested k_max = 0.6169 a.u.> suggested k_min = 0.6169 a.u.> path_thr = 0.0500 eV / A>> ------------------------------ iteration 1 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 6.2 self-consistency for image 1> tcpu = 3675.5 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 7662.5 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 11422.7 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 15346.3 self-consistency for image 5> tcpu = 19108.7 self-consistency for image 6> tcpu = 22571.1 self-consistency for image 7>> activation energy (->) = 70.216194 eV> activation energy (<-) = 71.022062 eV>> image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen>> 1 -92476.9473351 0.023792 T> 2 -92468.8536637 23.505267 F> 3 -92442.9691259 150.213122 F> 4 -92406.7311409 330.353055 F> 5 -92431.0052901 207.333777 F> 6 -92469.0661237 51.663167 F> 7 -92477.7532028 0.024858 T>> path length = 11.314 bohr> inter-image distance = 1.886 bohr>> ------------------------------ iteration 2 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 26119.7 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 28731.5 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 31027.4 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 34094.2 self-consistency for image 5> tcpu = 36988.0 self-consistency for image 6>> activation energy (->) = 22.531451 eV> activation energy (<-) = 23.337319 eV>> image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen>> 1 -92476.9473351 0.023792 T> 2 -92469.5101428 22.300995 F> 3 -92454.4158842 70.627594 F> 4 -92461.1206812 34.307062 F> 5 -92464.4669859 46.783708 F> 6 -92471.4896125 37.765708 F> 7 -92477.7532028 0.024858 T>> path length = 11.384 bohr> inter-image distance = 1.897 bohr>> ------------------------------ iteration 3 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 39172.0 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 41888.0 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 44777.8 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 47642.0 self-consistency for image 5> tcpu = 50615.2 self-consistency for image 6>> activation energy (->) = 13.435341 eV> activation energy (<-) = 14.241209 eV>> image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen>> 1 -92476.9473351 0.023792 T> 2 -92471.6434742 16.119604 F> 3 -92463.5119937 28.367753 F> 4 -92468.1466546 16.740841 F> 5 -92472.7705146 11.019872 F> 6 -92475.3040517 10.662908 F> 7 -92477.7532028 0.024858 T>> path length = 11.502 bohr> inter-image distance = 1.917 bohr>> ------------------------------ iteration 4 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 53323.8 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 56077.9 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 59014.9 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 61990.6 self-consistency for image 5> tcpu = 64608.8 self-consistency for image 6>> activation energy (->) = 6.530687 eV> activation energy (<-) = 7.336554 eV>> image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen>> 1 -92476.9473351 0.023792 T> 2 -92474.0378392 7.910468 F> 3 -92470.4166483 13.061889 F> 4 -92471.2528453 9.923078 F> 5 -92474.2165523 4.209611 F> 6 -92476.2787664 3.450159 F> 7 -92477.7532028 0.024858 T>> path length = 11.724 bohr> inter-image distance = 1.954 bohr>> ------------------------------ iteration 5 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 67273.9 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 70152.2 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 73153.1 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 76203.5 self-consistency for image 5> tcpu = 78824.8 self-consistency for image 6>> activation energy (->) = 3.710859 eV> activation energy (<-) = 4.516727 eV>> image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen>> 1 -92476.9473351 0.023792 T> 2 -92475.5387437 3.615458 F> 3 -92473.5622985 4.695416 F> 4 -92473.2364760 5.734324 F> 5 -92474.4833513 2.877608 F> 6 -92476.4425910 2.876700 F> 7 -92477.7532028 0.024858 T>> path length = 12.038 bohr> inter-image distance = 2.006 bohr>> ------------------------------ iteration 6 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 81355.0 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 84402.5 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 87564.5 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 90568.2 self-consistency for image 5> tcpu = 93110.5 self-consistency for image 6>> activation energy (->) = 2.560838 eV> activation energy (<-) = 3.366706 eV>> image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen>> 1 -92476.9473351 0.023792 T> 2 -92476.0900010 1.040106 F> 3 -92474.7832671 2.988289 F> 4 -92474.3864972 2.085630 F> 5 -92474.8266397 1.998808 F> 6 -92476.6377600 0.667994 F> 7 -92477.7532028 0.024858 T>> path length = 12.364 bohr> inter-image distance = 2.061 bohr>> ------------------------------ iteration 7 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 95248.7 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 98189.3 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 101337.9 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 104423.7 self-consistency for image 5> tcpu = 107076.7 self-consistency for image 6>> activation energy (->) = 2.125802 eV> activation energy (<-) = 2.931670 eV>> image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen>> 1 -92476.9473351 0.023792 T> 2 -92476.0736630 1.319140 F> 3 -92475.4151167 1.955048 F> 4 -92474.8215329 1.921925 F> 5 -92475.0627346 2.135695 F> 6 -92476.7117640 0.696381 F> 7 -92477.7532028 0.024858 T>> path length = 12.868 bohr> inter-image distance = 2.145 bohr>> ------------------------------ iteration 8 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 108885.3 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 111194.4 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 113961.2 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 116506.3 self-consistency for image 5> tcpu = 118361.2 self-consistency for image 6>> activation energy (->) = 2.073805 eV> activation energy (<-) = 2.879673 eV>> image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen>> 1 -92476.9473351 0.023792 T> 2 -92476.1622863 0.861666 F> 3 -92475.4162307 2.192183 F> 4 -92474.8735300 1.631538 F> 5 -92475.0684015 1.824977 F> 6 -92476.7113576 0.606060 F> 7 -92477.7532028 0.024858 T>> path length = 12.633 bohr> inter-image distance = 2.105 bohr>>> .> .> .> .> .> .> reading file 'SO2_neb.path'>>> string_method = neb> restart_mode = restart> opt_scheme = broyden> num_of_images = 7> nstep_path = 800> CI_scheme = no-CI> first_last_opt = F> use_freezing = F> ds = 1.0000 a.u.> k_max = 0.1000 a.u.> k_min = 0.1000 a.u.> suggested k_max = 0.6169 a.u.> suggested k_min = 0.6169 a.u.> path_thr = 0.0500 eV / A>> ------------------------------ iteration 26 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 6.2 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 3713.3 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 7137.5 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 10796.2 self-consistency for image 5> tcpu = 14447.3 self-consistency for image 6>> activation energy (->) = 0.640765 eV> activation energy (<-) = 1.446632 eV>> image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen>> 1 -92476.9473351 0.023792 T> 2 -92476.3065704 0.250516 F> 3 -92477.0673165 0.278078 F> 4 -92476.7787332 0.431860 F> 5 -92476.4800774 0.453182 F> 6 -92476.5576488 0.296200 F> 7 -92477.7532028 0.024858 T>> path length = 17.545 bohr> inter-image distance = 2.924 bohr>> ------------------------------ iteration 27 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 18237.5 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 20736.0 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 23008.1 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 25721.8 self-consistency for image 5> tcpu = 28310.3 self-consistency for image 6>> activation energy (->) = 0.643277 eV> activation energy (<-) = 1.449145 eV>> image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen>> 1 -92476.9473351 0.023792 T> 2 -92476.3040583 0.235899 F> 3 -92477.0080434 0.474599 F> 4 -92476.8143156 0.678632 F> 5 -92476.4592005 0.597470 F> 6 -92476.4827638 0.224064 F> 7 -92477.7532028 0.024858 T>> path length = 18.367 bohr> inter-image distance = 3.061 bohr>> ------------------------------ iteration 28 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 30382.0 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 32498.8 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 34597.5 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 37250.7 self-consistency for image 5> tcpu = 39649.7 self-consistency for image 6>> activation energy (->) = 0.651733 eV> activation energy (<-) = 1.457601 eV>> image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen>> 1 -92476.9473351 0.023792 T> 2 -92476.2956021 0.236096 F> 3 -92476.9388664 0.680956 F> 4 -92476.8025379 0.874373 F> 5 -92476.3933083 0.734403 F> 6 -92476.4272820 0.239132 F> 7 -92477.7532028 0.024858 T>> path length = 19.115 bohr> inter-image distance = 3.186 bohr>> ------------------------------ iteration 29 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 41622.7 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 43787.2 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 45892.1 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 48482.6 self-consistency for image 5> tcpu = 50617.1 self-consistency for image 6>> activation energy (->) = 0.661553 eV> activation energy (<-) = 1.467420 eV>> image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen>> 1 -92476.9473351 0.023792 T> 2 -92476.2857825 0.249692 F> 3 -92476.8823826 0.778237 F> 4 -92476.7843580 1.002202 F> 5 -92476.3323697 0.748960 F> 6 -92476.3885082 0.238984 F> 7 -92477.7532028 0.024858 T>> path length = 19.742 bohr> inter-image distance = 3.290 bohr>> ------------------------------ iteration 30 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 52474.3 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 54679.9 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 57012.5 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 59877.3 self-consistency for image 5> tcpu = 62490.2 self-consistency for image 6>> activation energy (->) = 0.704760 eV> activation energy (<-) = 1.510628 eV>> image energy (eV) error (eV/A) frozen>> 1 -92476.9473351 0.023792 T> 2 -92476.2668397 0.342411 F> 3 -92476.7810889 0.907920 F> 4 -92476.7414553 1.153276 F> 5 -92476.2425749 0.898295 F> 6 -92476.3370447 0.341313 F> 7 -92477.7532028 0.024858 T>> path length = 20.745 bohr> inter-image distance = 3.457 bohr>> ------------------------------ iteration 31 ------------------------------>> tcpu = 64431.3 self-consistency for image 2> tcpu = 66430.0 self-consistency for image 3> tcpu = 68491.4 self-consistency for image 4> tcpu = 70987.8 self-consistency for image 5>>>>> _______________________________________________> Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (www.max-centre.eu)> users mailing list users at lists.quantum-espresso.org> https://lists.quantum-espresso.org/mailman/listinfo/users_______________________________________________Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (www.max-centre.eu)users mailing list users at lists.quantum-espresso.orghttps://lists.quantum-espresso.org/mailman/listinfo/users
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