[QE-users] vc-relax on Gelatin molecule

Ying Chunhua chunhua.ying at wsu.edu
Tue Mar 17 18:59:31 CET 2020

Dear QE Users,


I have been studying QE for half a year, currently I am working on optimizing the crystal structure of gelatin molecule. The initial coordinates was obtained from a protein ‘.pdb’ file of gelatin. I do not know whether it is the best configuration so that I use QE to run the vc-relax. 

The problem I have come across is that the  ‘forc_conv_thr’ is hard to be achieved,  when I plot the history of force(attached), I can see after a certain number of iterations, the total force would vibrate around a certain value(~1e-2) a little bit. Theoretically the total force should be decreasing to 0,  I have tried to adjust the input parameters, like ecutwfc(50~150), mixing_beta(0.1 ~ 0.7), bfgs to damp, but not effective. Please give any suggestions on what should I do? 

Thanks a lot and Best regards.

 The input can be seen below:

    calculation   = "vc-relax"
    forc_conv_thr =  1.00000e-06
    etot_conv_thr =  1.00000e-04
    max_seconds   =  28800
    pseudo_dir    = "/home/chunhua/QuantumEspresso/PAW_precision_pseudos"
    restart_mode  = "from_scratch"

    degauss     =  1.00000e-02
    ecutrho     =  5.00000e+02
    ecutwfc     =  1.00000e+02
    ibrav       = 0
    nat         = 217
    ntyp        = 4
    occupations = "smearing"
    smearing    = "gaussian"

    conv_thr         =  1.00000e-04
    electron_maxstep = 200
    mixing_beta      =  1.00000e-01
    startingpot      = "atomic"
    startingwfc      = "atomic+random"

    ion_dynamics = "bfgs"

    cell_dofree    = "all"
    cell_dynamics  = "bfgs"
    press_conv_thr =  5.00000e-01

K_POINTS {gamma}

 32.039000   0.000000   0.000000
  0.000000  30.039000   0.000000
  0.000000   0.000000  50.039000

O      15.99940  O.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
N      14.00674  N.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
H       1.00794  H.pbe-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
C      12.01070  C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF

N       7.659071   9.660491  38.488224
H       7.708071   8.734491  38.052224
C       6.804071   9.663491  39.674224
H       6.853071  10.650491  40.137224
C       7.465071   8.662491  40.595224
O       8.658071   8.812491  40.838224
C       5.336071   9.344491  39.352224
H       4.737071   9.431491  40.259224
H       4.958071  10.054491  38.617224
H       5.235071   8.333491  38.958224
H       7.374071  10.281491  37.738224
H       8.609071   9.851491  38.766224
N       6.776071   7.591491  40.987224
H       5.781071   7.627491  41.140224
C       7.457071   6.307491  41.058224
H       8.371071   6.372491  41.651224
H       6.786071   5.570491  41.499224
C       7.783071   5.929491  39.602224
O       7.775071   6.809491  38.735224
N       8.037071   4.655491  39.297224
C       8.114071   4.186491  37.922224
H       8.957071   4.675491  37.431224
C       6.814071   4.500491  37.157224
O       5.889071   3.692491  37.134224
C       8.412071   2.682491  38.034224
H       7.490071   2.098491  38.045224
H       9.056071   2.335491  37.224224
C       9.077071   2.548491  39.407224
H       8.985071   1.541491  39.818224
H      10.130071   2.828491  39.329224
C       8.329071   3.590491  40.237224
H       8.949071   3.928491  41.069224
H       7.395071   3.168491  40.610224
N       6.720071   5.681491  36.545224
H       7.480071   6.349491  36.649224
C       5.608071   6.076491  35.695224
H       4.693071   5.550491  35.973224
C       6.016071   5.766491  34.258224
O       7.163071   5.420491  33.983224
C       5.411071   7.599491  35.816224
H       5.708071   7.920491  36.811224
H       6.083071   8.063491  35.099224
C       4.001071   8.140491  35.553224
H       3.524071   7.632491  34.716224
H       3.394071   7.973491  36.445224
C       4.088071   9.648491  35.257224
H       3.082071  10.070491  35.304224
H       4.690071  10.124491  36.032224
N       4.631071   9.918491  33.908224
H       4.492071   9.204491  33.200224
C       5.273071  11.030491  33.510224
N       5.762071  11.890491  34.403224
H       6.110071  11.454491  35.261224
H       6.192071  12.760491  34.139224
N       5.422071  11.259491  32.203224
H       5.245071  10.476491  31.572224
H       5.846071  12.094491  31.830224
N       5.110071   5.999491  33.312224
H       4.132071   6.031491  33.549224
C       5.520071   6.282491  31.949224
H       6.218071   5.530491  31.578224
H       4.642071   6.304491  31.304224
C       6.180071   7.662491  31.974224
O       5.557071   8.653491  31.577224
N       7.401071   7.755491  32.505224
H       7.804071   6.910491  32.897224
C       8.196071   8.975491  32.522224
H       7.555071   9.791491  32.834224
C       8.669071   9.260491  31.085224
O       8.578071   8.380491  30.229224
C       9.344071   8.853491  33.543224
H       9.373071   7.852491  33.979224
H      10.297071   9.005491  33.035224
C       9.234071   9.874491  34.693224
H      10.177071   9.857491  35.240224
H       9.079071  10.885491  34.326224
C       8.148071   9.550491  35.688224
O       8.194071   8.460491  36.289224
O       7.308071  10.437491  35.978224
N       9.133071  10.482491  30.787224
C       9.503071  10.849491  29.438224
H       8.757071  10.518491  28.713224
C      10.852071  10.214491  29.103224
O      11.894071  10.810491  29.360224
C       9.549071  12.380491  29.442224
H      10.245071  12.777491  28.700224
H       8.548071  12.767491  29.250224
C       9.962071  12.730491  30.872224
H      11.054071  12.696491  30.927224
O       9.597071  13.724491  31.158224
C       9.375071  11.583491  31.706224
H       8.445071  11.901491  32.175224
H      10.114071  11.304491  32.456224
N      10.836071   9.010491  28.531224
H       9.964071   8.501491  28.488224
C      12.025071   8.425491  27.930224
H      12.731071   8.129491  28.703224
H      11.732071   7.531491  27.379224
C      12.601071   9.437491  26.931224
O      11.880071   9.798491  26.000224
N      13.834071   9.936491  27.116224
C      14.391071  10.953491  26.242224
H      13.792071  11.858491  26.354224
C      14.414071  10.499491  24.783224
O      14.896071   9.408491  24.486224
C      15.808071  11.217491  26.760224
H      16.513071  10.539491  26.276224
H      16.116071  12.250491  26.595224
C      15.709071  10.858491  28.242224
H      16.677071  10.593491  28.670224
H      15.270071  11.696491  28.786224
C      14.728071   9.686491  28.237224
H      14.215071   9.654491  29.198224
H      15.264071   8.752491  28.061224
N      13.919071  11.347491  23.883224
H      13.457071  12.185491  24.195224
C      14.074071  11.171491  22.449224
H      14.122071  10.110491  22.197224
C      15.378071  11.860491  22.051224
O      15.777071  12.832491  22.694224
C      12.883071  11.794491  21.717224
H      13.010071  11.668491  20.641224
H      11.959071  11.304491  22.026224
H      12.822071  12.860491  21.941224
N      16.042071  11.368491  21.008224
H      15.698071  10.548491  20.536224
C      17.231071  12.019491  20.481224
H      17.864071  12.351491  21.303224
H      17.786071  11.306491  19.872224
C      16.815071  13.198491  19.596224
O      15.626071  13.341491  19.302224
N      17.769071  14.036491  19.164224
C      17.565071  14.925491  18.032224
H      16.788071  15.649491  18.279224
C      17.180071  14.116491  16.789224
O      17.404071  12.904491  16.745224
C      18.908071  15.635491  17.811224
H      19.474071  15.126491  17.028224
H      18.786071  16.686491  17.542224
C      19.648071  15.464491  19.138224
H      20.731071  15.493491  19.007224
H      19.333071  16.250491  19.826224
C      19.142071  14.108491  19.630224
H      19.221071  14.059491  20.715224
H      19.719071  13.306491  19.167224
N      16.628071  14.801491  15.785224
H      16.423071  15.777491  15.916224
C      16.355071  14.230491  14.471224
H      16.166071  13.159491  14.561224
C      17.620071  14.438491  13.622224
O      18.729071  14.463491  14.161224
C      15.092071  14.890491  13.889224
H      14.335071  14.959491  14.669224
H      15.317071  15.895491  13.531224
C      14.483071  14.072491  12.759224
O      14.898071  14.310491  11.605224
O      13.617071  13.227491  13.064224
N      17.502071  14.628491  12.311224
H      16.573071  14.587491  11.898224
C      18.631071  14.909491  11.442224
H      19.459071  14.234491  11.658224
H      18.317071  14.753491  10.409224
C      19.084071  16.357491  11.615224
O      18.870071  17.178491  10.724224
N      19.702071  16.676491  12.757224
H      19.801071  15.946491  13.453224
C      20.225071  18.006491  13.046224
H      19.349071  18.643491  13.141224
C      21.133071  18.452491  11.879224
O      22.136071  17.791491  11.600224
C      20.921071  18.000491  14.419224
H      20.340071  17.388491  15.111224
H      21.922071  17.572491  14.346224
C      21.008071  19.404491  15.041224
H      21.744071  20.002491  14.504224
H      20.038071  19.895491  14.979224
C      21.398071  19.367491  16.516224
O      21.993071  18.350491  16.933224
O      21.073071  20.356491  17.206224
N      20.779071  19.524491  11.149224
C      21.322071  19.773491   9.823224
H      21.423071  18.836491   9.271224
C      22.694071  20.449491   9.879224
O      22.811071  21.649491   9.631224
C      20.265071  20.634491   9.120224
H      20.680071  21.270491   8.337224
H      19.503071  19.978491   8.697224
C      19.649071  21.432491  10.271224
H      20.326071  22.252491  10.528224
O      18.653071  21.808491  10.007224
C      19.641071  20.395491  11.399224
H      18.718071  19.816491  11.333224
H      19.715071  20.882491  12.373224
N      23.741071  19.684491  10.178224
H      23.569071  18.734491  10.489224
C      25.112071  20.159491  10.042224
H      25.258071  21.021491  10.690224
H      25.789071  19.369491  10.367224
C      25.411071  20.465491   8.564224
O      25.232071  19.564491   7.742224
N      25.815071  21.697491   8.214224
C      26.197071  22.056491   6.858224
H      25.568071  21.561491   6.117224
C      27.664071  21.701491   6.593224
O      28.379071  21.388491   7.573224
C      25.992071  23.570491   6.795224
H      26.602071  24.031491   6.017224
H      24.935071  23.782491   6.630224
C      26.398071  24.013491   8.201224
H      27.487071  24.068491   8.248224
H      25.955071  24.968491   8.483224
C      25.919071  22.857491   9.086224
H      24.938071  23.095491   9.498224
H      26.638071  22.683491   9.886224
O      28.065071  21.808491   5.413224
H       9.931071  13.896491  32.066224
H      18.333071  22.323491  10.780224

Chunhua Ying
Ph.D. Student
School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Washington State University 
Engineering Laboratory Building, 105
900 NE College Ave, Pullman, WA 99164

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