[QE-users] roblem running pp.x

Alba Ramos yanis.alba at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 16:14:07 CET 2020

Dear users,
                      I am learning Quantum espresso, then I am following
the tutorial: Advanced Materials and Molecular Modelling with Quantum
ESPRESSO. In Day-1, example1.benzene I am following the instructions:

pw.x SCF calculation as to calculate Kohn-Sham states
pw.x < pw.benzene.scf.in > pw.benzene.scf.out
pp.x (post-processing) calculation of all valence and LUMO molecular
orbitals ( actually sign(psi®) * |psi®|^2 )
pp.x < pp.benzene.psi2.in > pp.benzene.psi2.out

but a pp.x has a error

This is the output:
     Error in routine postproc (5010):
     reading inputpp namelist

     stopping ...

and the file crash:

     task #         0
     from postproc : error #      5010
     reading inputpp namelist

The input pp is:

    prefix    =  'benzene',
    filplot   =  'psi2.benzene',

    plot_num  =  7,
    kpoint    =  1,
    kband(1)  =  1,
    kband(2)  =  16,
    lsign     =  .true.,

    fileout       =  '.xsf',
    iflag         =  3,
    nfile         =  1,
    output_format =  5,
    weight(1)     =  1.0,

I really appreciate some help with that. I tried to find the mistake
on-line but I did not find it.

Alba Yanina Ramos
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
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