[QE-users] Based on git master version of q-e, compile the epw with git master version of wannier90.

Hongyi Zhao hongyi.zhao at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 02:28:00 CEST 2020


I try to compile the epw with git master version of wannier90 based on
the git master version of q-e. The steps are described below and it
seems does the trick:

1. Under the directory of q-e source code:
 $ egrep -nRl 'wannier90-3\.0\.0' . | xargs sed -Ei

2. Revise install/plugins_makefile as following:

Remove the uncompress-w90 function invocation, i.e., change the
following code snippets:

w90: uncompress-w90 configure-w90
    if test -d ../W90; then \
    cd ../W90; $(MAKE) || exit 1; cd ../bin; ln -fs ../W90/wannier90.x . ; fi
    -(cd ../bin; ln -fs ../W90/wannier90.x .)
    touch make-w90

Into the following lines:

w90: configure-w90
    if test -d ../W90; then \
    cd ../W90; $(MAKE) || exit 1; cd ../bin; ln -fs ../W90/wannier90.x . ; fi
    -(cd ../bin; ln -fs ../W90/wannier90.x .)
    touch make-w90

3. Put the wannier90 source code directly under the top-level
subdirectory of q-e  source code:

$ git clone https://github.com/wannier-developers/wannier90.git wannier90.git

4. Compiling epw, say, for my case, based on intel toolchains, as following:

$ export ncore=$(sudo dmidecode -t 4 | grep 'Core Enabled:' | awk
'{a+=$NF}END{ print a }')
$ module load parallel_studio_xe/2020.1.102
$ make -j $ncore epw

I've successfully compiled epw by the above steps, but still I'm not
sure whether the epw itself has some incompatibilities with the latest
git master version of wannier90. Any hints for this problem is highly
Hongyi Zhao <hongyi.zhao at gmail.com>

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