[QE-users] energy calculation

Pooja Vyas poojavyas1251995 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 10:43:33 CET 2020

Following is my input file:
    calculation = 'scf',
    prefix = '9.1334'
    tstress= .true.
    tprnfor= .true.
    outdir = '/home/user/cao.oct/'
    pseudo_dir = '/home/user/cao.oct/pseudo/'
    ibrav =  0,
    nat =  64,
    ntyp = 2,
    ecutwfc = 100,
    mixing_beta = 0.7



Ca 40.078  Ca.pbe-nsp-van.UPF
O 15.999 O.pbe-van_ak.UPF

   Ca    2.4165926060    2.4165926060    0.0000000000
   Ca    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000
   Ca    2.4165926060    0.0000000000    2.4165926060
   Ca    0.0000000000    2.4165926060    2.4165926060
    O    4.8331852120    4.8331852120    2.4165926060
    O    2.4165926060    2.4165926060    2.4165926060
    O    4.8331852120    2.4165926060    4.8331852120
    O    2.4165926060    4.8331852120    4.8331852120
   Ca    2.4165926060    2.4165926060    4.8331852120
   Ca    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    4.8331852120
   Ca    2.4165926060    0.0000000000    7.2497778180
   Ca    0.0000000000    2.4165926060    7.2497778180
    O    4.8331852120    4.8331852120    7.2497778180
    O    2.4165926060    2.4165926060    7.2497778180
    O    4.8331852120    2.4165926060    9.6663704240
    O    2.4165926060    4.8331852120    9.6663704240
   Ca    2.4165926060    7.2497778180    0.0000000000
   Ca    0.0000000000    4.8331852120    0.0000000000
   Ca    2.4165926060    4.8331852120    2.4165926060
   Ca    0.0000000000    7.2497778180    2.4165926060
    O    4.8331852120    9.6663704240    2.4165926060
    O    2.4165926060    7.2497778180    2.4165926060
    O    4.8331852120    7.2497778180    4.8331852120
    O    2.4165926060    9.6663704240    4.8331852120
   Ca    2.4165926060    7.2497778180    4.8331852120
   Ca    0.0000000000    4.8331852120    4.8331852120
   Ca    2.4165926060    4.8331852120    7.2497778180
   Ca    0.0000000000    7.2497778180    7.2497778180
    O    4.8331852120    9.6663704240    7.2497778180
    O    2.4165926060    7.2497778180    7.2497778180
    O    4.8331852120    7.2497778180    9.6663704240
    O    2.4165926060    9.6663704240    9.6663704240
   Ca    7.2497778180    2.4165926060    0.0000000000
   Ca    4.8331852120    0.0000000000    0.0000000000
   Ca    7.2497778180    0.0000000000    2.4165926060
   Ca    4.8331852120    2.4165926060    2.4165926060
    O    9.6663704240    4.8331852120    2.4165926060
    O    7.2497778180    2.4165926060    2.4165926060
    O    9.6663704240    2.4165926060    4.8331852120
    O    7.2497778180    4.8331852120    4.8331852120
   Ca    7.2497778180    2.4165926060    4.8331852120
   Ca    4.8331852120    0.0000000000    4.8331852120
   Ca    7.2497778180    0.0000000000    7.2497778180
   Ca    4.8331852120    2.4165926060    7.2497778180
    O    9.6663704240    4.8331852120    7.2497778180
    O    7.2497778180    2.4165926060    7.2497778180
    O    9.6663704240    2.4165926060    9.6663704240
    O    7.2497778180    4.8331852120    9.6663704240
   Ca    7.2497778180    7.2497778180    0.0000000000
   Ca    4.8331852120    4.8331852120    0.0000000000
   Ca    7.2497778180    4.8331852120    2.4165926060
   Ca    4.8331852120    7.2497778180    2.4165926060
    O    9.6663704240    9.6663704240    2.4165926060
    O    7.2497778180    7.2497778180    2.4165926060
    O    9.6663704240    7.2497778180    4.8331852120
    O    7.2497778180    9.6663704240    4.8331852120
   Ca    7.2497778180    7.2497778180    4.8331852120
   Ca    4.8331852120    4.8331852120    4.8331852120
   Ca    7.2497778180    4.8331852120    7.2497778180
   Ca    4.8331852120    7.2497778180    7.2497778180
    O    9.6663704240    9.6663704240    7.2497778180
    O    7.2497778180    7.2497778180    7.2497778180
    O    9.6663704240    7.2497778180    9.6663704240
    O    7.2497778180    9.6663704240    9.6663704240

2.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 2.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 2.0

K_POINTS (automatic)
  11 11 11 1 1 1

But the iteration does not start and the calculation doesn't proceed and
gets stuck at the following point:
    Dense  grid:   823321 G-vectors     FFT dimensions: ( 120, 120, 120)

     Estimated max dynamical RAM per process >     794.24 MB

     Estimated total dynamical RAM >      31.02 GB

     Check: negative core charge=   -0.000001

     Initial potential from superposition of free atoms

     starting charge  511.82530, renormalised to  512.00000

     negative rho (up, down):  5.921E-03 0.000E+00
     Starting wfcs are  448 randomized atomic wfcs
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