[QE-users] Error in thermo_pw

Pooja Vyas poojavyas1251995 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 22 13:13:41 CET 2020

Dear users,
Please find the attached input files which I want to run using thermo_pw.
After making the three input files, I tried running the file using the
"mpirun -np 8 -machinefile h1 /apps/codes/qe/6.4/bin/thermo_pw.x <
cao.mur_lc_t.in > cao.mur_lc_t.out"

Doing this, the following files and directory were produced:
anhar_files                 CRASH                        g2
                       gnuplot_files        therm_files
 g3                              h1
cao.mur_lc_t.in          dynamical_matrices    g4
cao.mur_lc_t.out        elastic_constants        g5
cao_mur_lc_t.save     energy_files                g6
cao_mur_lc_t.xml       g1                               g7

But, the run got terminated due to some reason and as you can see a file
named CRASH was produced. The CRASH file had the following error:

     task #         1
     from pw_readschemafile : error #         1
     xml data file not found

     task #         3
     from pw_readschemafile : error #         1
     xml data file not found

     task #         7
     from pw_readschemafile : error #         1
     xml data file not found

     task #         4
     from pw_readschemafile : error #         1
     xml data file not found

can anyone please explain me what can be the reason for this error? What
should be the chronology of running the three files?
Thanks and regards.
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