[QE-users] e-p coupling

Bharat Thapa bhathapa at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 14:53:57 CET 2020

Hello QE users and developers,

I have got a few questions regarding e-p coupling calculation.
1) Can I use it for semiconductors?
2) In 'lambda' file, there are separate e-p coupling constant (lambda) for
different broadening. So, which one is to take? Is it the average of all
lambda values for all the broadening?
3) In the same 'lambda' file, the last column is in omega_ln [K], so is
this critical temperature in kelvin or it is omega_ln. If it is omega_ln
then I guess we have to use Mcmillan formula to calculate critical
temperature from this?


*Bharat Thapa*
*PhD student*
*University of New South Wales*
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