[QE-users] Error while parsing atomic position card

Bhumika Longakshi longakshi_bhumika at iitgn.ac.in
Tue Dec 29 09:41:57 CET 2020

Dear All,

I have been trying to do AIMD simulation but it is giving me an error
message: Error while parsing atomic position card. I checked for the tabs.
Still it's not working.

Below is the input script and the output message. Can you please help me
with this?

P.S. atomic positions are generated by MLIP(machine learning interatomic
    calculation = "md"
    dt          =  1.03353e+01
    max_seconds =  6.04800e+05
    nstep       = 5000
    pseudo_dir  = "01/"

    a           =  1.21168e+01
    degauss     =  1.00000e-02
    ecutrho     =  1.00000e+02
    ecutwfc     =  2.50000e+01
    ibrav       = 2
    nat         = 108
    nosym       = .TRUE.
    ntyp        = 1
    occupations = "smearing"
    smearing    = "gaussian"

    conv_thr         =  1.00000e-06
    electron_maxstep = 200
    mixing_beta      =  7.00000e-01
    startingpot      = "atomic"
    startingwfc      = "atomic+random"

    ion_dynamics    = "verlet"
    ion_temperature = "rescaling"
    tempw           =  9.00000e+02

K_POINTS {gamma}

Al     26.98154  Al.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF

Al  -0.019304    -0.015013   0.010831
Al  2.047581    2.049752    -0.008928
Al  2.032422    0.005138    2.058013
Al  0.015111    2.044265    2.052135
Al  4.111285    -0.018579    -0.015015
Al  4.105976    2.051823    2.067262
Al  6.150195    2.054854    -0.01671
Al  6.144809    -0.01739    2.048374
Al  8.211846    -0.00045    -0.013606
Al  8.182433    2.057236    2.045089
Al  10.254769    2.045467    0.008821
Al  10.264205    0.008206    2.04268
Al  0.003975    4.107996    0.019502
Al  2.057302    4.107879    2.056998
Al  4.090734    4.096209    0.011224
Al  6.143916    4.086272    2.050924
Al  8.214004    4.098716    0.002017
Al  10.240494    4.083483    2.067897
Al  2.044139    6.139249    0.01919
Al  -0.016631    6.153403    2.06558
Al  -0.009098    8.213784    0.002514
Al  2.058727    8.208501    2.063485
Al  4.113743    6.163618    2.035244
Al  4.112652    8.203328    0.010111
Al  6.148284    6.138893    -0.006874
Al  8.183405    6.148578    2.047148
Al  6.139283    8.191426    2.045938
Al  8.195856    8.211126    -0.007079
Al  10.242441    6.166466    0.001196
Al  10.241260    8.186708    2.038669
Al  2.047793    10.264784    -0.015139
Al  -0.014692    10.230724    2.058361
Al  4.099587    10.251909    2.064151
Al  6.157400    10.266942    0.015717
Al  8.201743    10.259686    2.034231
Al  10.245984    10.249926    0.000239
Al  0.000365    -0.001507    4.118185
Al  2.058243    2.050563    4.115804
Al  4.084042    -0.009743    4.083123
Al  6.145942    2.031133    4.109144
Al  8.186237    0.005226    4.097205
Al  10.244970    2.048536    4.088434
Al  0.016895    4.095188    4.08823
Al  4.085362    4.104124    4.105891
Al  8.215571    4.095251    4.087839
Al  2.051493    6.139435    4.100993
Al  -0.006437    8.196794    4.112795
Al  4.102804    8.210243    4.110842
Al  6.160259    6.139267    4.100548
Al  8.212031    8.190799    4.102793
Al  10.263298    6.133536    4.088984
Al  2.064991    10.254136    4.090935
Al  6.147717    10.265163    4.106304
Al  10.249628    10.233958    4.098251
Al  2.053700    0.011150    6.138892
Al  -0.011474    2.056464    6.137808
Al  0.010174    0.006157    8.210316
Al  2.031393    2.062772    8.202339
Al  4.092383    2.062795    6.157018
Al  4.088042    0.013897    8.214884
Al  6.165218    -0.011020    6.139677
Al  8.215867    2.050622    6.138463
Al  6.163465    2.050171    8.188127
Al  8.213150    -0.003669    8.200221
Al  10.252315    0.011271    6.154731
Al  10.260395    2.043591    8.190801
Al  2.047774    4.115534    6.137655
Al  0.009163    4.106920    8.194756
Al  4.108816    4.103321    8.190888
Al  6.145034    4.087622    6.134046
Al  8.209292    4.108999    8.198555
Al  10.233309    4.093596    6.142322
Al  -0.011954    6.141899    6.156176
Al  l2.055716    8.213606    6.14222
Al  2.046080    6.155272    8.208053
Al  0.002817    8.186657    8.213507
Al  4.113888    6.145853    6.138238
Al  4.106321    8.207867    8.207658
Al  8.185665    6.158977    6.149768
Al  6.146868    8.210509    6.158372
Al  6.138556    6.133130    8.197322
Al  8.201086    8.201786    8.195151
Al  10.251928    8.212412    6.149211
Al  10.241080    6.137291    8.183422
Al  0.012389    10.247497    6.151637
Al  2.036498    10.266517    8.192477
Al  4.106546    10.266497    6.168154
Al  8.207563    10.262149    6.159353
Al  6.154013    10.232229    8.205042
Al  10.256583    10.235411    8.188962
Al  2.047744    -0.017449    10.259278
Al  -0.001310    2.054730    10.258126
Al  4.097110    2.041779    10.251955
Al  6.147276    0.016564    10.240937
Al  8.203394    2.030167    10.233038
Al  10.267482    -0.014202    10.256217
Al  2.038256    4.110937    10.259109
Al  6.165746    4.115027    10.247362
Al  10.23776    4.116339    10.241996
Al  0.011194    6.133624    10.236025
Al  2.039293    8.183888    10.241094
Al  4.090601    6.155624    10.243470
Al  8.210872    6.135178    10.247665
Al  6.139053    8.191881    10.258778
Al  10.248561    8.211812    10.262946
Al  0.004060    10.255766    10.262267
Al  4.085020    10.258214    10.252377
Al  8.201189    10.257353    10.244641
[eval_infix.c] A parsing error occurred
helper string:
error code:
Error: invalid token: l

     Program PWSCF v.6.6 starts on 29Dec2020 at 13: 1:45

     This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
     for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
          URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org",
     in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details

     Serial version
     Fft bands division:     nmany     =       1
     Waiting for input...
     Reading input from standard input

     Error in routine card_atomic_positions (1):
     Error while parsing atomic position card.

     stopping ...

*Thanks and Regards,*
*Bhumika Longakshi *
*M.Tech. Student*
*Department of Material Science and Engineering*
*Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar*

*Palaj, Gandhinagar - 382355*
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