[QE-users] Few basic questions for various combinations of &SYSTEM control

rekha sharma rekha1997jpr at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 21:26:43 CEST 2020

Dear Experts,

I want to simulate MoS2 and similar 2D systems with ferromagnetic
calculation with and without SOC in  spin-polarised situation and a
collinear ferromagnetic case.
Below is my research that I have done before posting this query here:

example07 tells me to include
    noncolin=.true.,  to perform SOC with fully relativistic PPs.

from example11,  I came to know that, if I insert
    starting_magnetization(1)=0.5, in SYSTEM control then it will be
Additionally, we need to define "nspin=2" to do a spin-polarised

Therefore, for a  ferromagnetic+SOC (spin-polarised)  calculation, the
&SYSTEM control will be

But then it becomes non-collinear (example11: QE-6.4.1), NO??

>From here I have few basic question that needs answer:
1. Is, my below QE.in file is correct for  ferromagnetic+SOC+Spin-polarised
2. Can we do vc-relax with ferromagnetic+SOC+Spin-polarised?
3. What else I need to do if I want to perform a collinear calculation?

I want to test spin-polarised ferromagnetic, spin-polarised
ferromagnetic+SOC and collinear ferromagnetic with PBE and PBE+HSE on 2D
systems one which is under mentioned:

I have prepared below structure for ferromagneitc+SOC+spin-polarised

                 calculation = 'scf'
                restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
                      outdir = './tmp'
                  pseudo_dir = '.'
                      prefix = 'pwscf'
                     disk_io = 'none'
                   verbosity = 'default'
               etot_conv_thr = 0.0001
               forc_conv_thr = 0.001
                       nstep = 400
                     tstress = .true.
                     tprnfor = .true.
                       ibrav = 0
                         nat = 4
                        ntyp = 2
                     ecutwfc = 60
                     ecutrho = 480
                    vdw_corr = 'Grimme-D3  ! layered system

                 occupations = 'smearing',    ! Spin-polarised
                    smearing = 'mv',
                     degauss = 0.01,

                       nspin = 2,                ! Spin-polarised
   starting_magnetization(1) = 0.6  ! Ferromagneitc
   starting_magnetization(2) = 0.6    ! Ferromagneitc

                   lspinorb = .true.,        ! SOC
                   noncolin = .true.,        !SOC

            electron_maxstep = 200
                    conv_thr = 1.0D-7
              diago_thr_init = 1e-4
                ion_dynamics = 'bfgs'

   Mo   95.9400000000  Mo.rel_pz.upf
    S   32.0650000000  S.upf

Mo      0.99980000000000      0.99967000000000      0.00140000000000
Mo      0.41010000000000      0.50033000000000      0.99860000000000
 S      0.76020000000000      0.47161000000000      0.12240000000000
 S      0.27390000000000      0.96106000000000      0.16787000000000
 S      0.64960000000000      0.02839000000000      0.87760000000000
 S      0.13600000000000      0.53894000000000      0.83213000000000

K_POINTS automatic
3  4  1   0 0 0

    10.77143895744817      0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000
     0.00000000000000      6.06413116043003      0.00000000000000
     1.28290955440224      1.40801058817318     18.81430995418407

I have gone thorough mailing list and example06,07,11,12 before writing
this email.


Thank you very much for any help.

Best wishes

Ms. Rekha
Teaching Assistant,
Department of Physics
RK college, Jaipur, India
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