[QE-users] Implementing a bias potential in a Si slab
Helen Eisenberg
helen at fh.huji.ac.il
Tue Jul 30 13:31:56 CEST 2019
Dear Users,
I am trying to implement a bias potential on a Si slab with a Li ion in
the vacuum, and I am getting unphysical things happening to the Si slab
(it gets squashed or stretched depending on which bias I use). This
makes me think I'm doing something wrong...Do I need to use a dipole
correction (dipfield=TRUE)? Am I doing something else wrong? Does it not
work with molecular dynamics only ionic relaxation?
Thank you for your help (I have copied my input file below, note the
various parameters, such as kpoints and ecutwfc are not yet converged,
as these are initial calculations )
Dr. Helen Eisenberg,
Fritz Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics,
Hebrew University
calculation = "md",
pseudo_dir = "$PSEUDO_DIR",
prefix = "Energy_Si_2x2",
tstress = .true.
tprnfor = .true.
outdir = "$TMP_DIR"
ibrav = 0,
nat = 33,
ntyp = 3,
ecutwfc = 28.D0,
occupations = 'smearing',
smearing = 'mv',
degauss = 0.0001,
tot_charge = 0.0,
nspin = 2,
mixing_mode = 'plain'
mixing_beta = 0.7
conv_thr = 1.0d-6
Si 28.086 Si.pbe-mt_gipaw.UPF
H 1.00794 H.pbe-vbc.UPF
Li 6.941 Li.pbe-s-mt.UPF
H 0.25 -0.00517 0 0 0 0
H 0.75 -0.00517 0 0 0 0
Si 0.51097 0.49804 0.16473
Si 0.35376 0.49734 0.35774
Si 0.25 0.24742 0.05541 0 0 0
Si 0.24944 0.24765 0.27061
Si 0.75 0.24742 0.05541 0 0 0
Si 0.75919 0.24761 0.28048
Si 6.33534E-4 0.49808 0.16495
Si 0.07141 0.49748 0.38744
Si -5.17962E-4 0.2482 0.10971
Si 0.01902 0.24763 0.33382
Si 0.75553 0.49764 0.22403
Si 0.50177 0.24816 0.10965
Si 0.4958 0.24746 0.33137
Si 0.25633 0.49758 0.21703
H 0.25 0.49483 0 0 0 0
H 0.75 0.49483 0 0 0 0
Si 0.51097 0.99804 0.16473
Si 0.35376 0.99734 0.35774
Si 0.25 0.74742 0.05541 0 0 0
Si 0.24944 0.74765 0.27061
Si 0.75 0.74742 0.05541 0 0 0
Si 0.75919 0.74761 0.28048
Si 6.33534E-4 0.99808 0.16495
Si 0.07141 0.99748 0.38744
Si -5.17962E-4 0.7482 0.10971
Si 0.01902 0.74763 0.33382
Si 0.75553 0.99764 0.22403
Si 0.50177 0.74816 0.10965
Si 0.4958 0.74746 0.33137
Si 0.25633 0.99758 0.21703
Li 0.625 0.5 0.5
K_POINTS automatic
2 2 1 0 0 0
7.6801695932 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
0.0000000000 7.76034 0.0000000000
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 24.5037250000
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