[QE-users] How to restart band calculation..

문태환 th4512 at cau.ac.kr
Mon Aug 12 07:54:32 CEST 2019

Dear All,

I am finishing the "scf" and "dos" calculations and running a band calculation.
I set max_seconds to 2 weeks, but unfortunately the calculation didn't finish after 2 weeks.
So the calculation has stopped, and I want to "restart" the band calculation from where it left off.
For "scf" calculations, writing restart_mode = "restart" to the input file works, but
If I type the following into the band calculation input file it won't restart:

calculation = "bands"
max_seconds = 1.20960e + 06
restart_mode = "restart"

The current version of quantum espresso is using the latest version.
Please let me know if there is any other way.

Best regards,


Moon Tae Hwan

Chung-Ang University (M.S course student)

th4512 at cau.ac.kr


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