[QE-users] fft order too large

Dr. Thomas Brumme thomas.brumme at uni-leipzig.de
Thu Apr 25 01:04:49 CEST 2019

OK, sorry, my bad. First of all, the number of states has of course nothing to
do with the fft dimension.

But I now found a different weird thing:
Another input, with the very same structure, except the position of the 2 Pb
atoms, is working - well, it gets past the point and at least prints  
the memory
requirements and then I stop it...


  Pb       0.00000000       0.00000000       3.210853292
  Pb       3.93230000       0.00000000       3.210853292

is now

  Pb      -0.000014214  -0.000075210   3.369160329
  Pb      23.593818848  -0.000074795   3.369161551

This makes no sense.


Zitat von "Dr. Thomas Brumme" <thomas.brumme at uni-leipzig.de>:

> Dear Paolo,
> thanks for the suggestion which I also found in the mail archive but I'm also
> wondering why it was working with older versions of the code but not with
> newer. Also, I don't understand what should be the problem with the input.
> Sure, it is a large system, but on the other hand I already calculated even
> larger systems. Is it just the combination of large cell+a lot of electrons
> and SOC?
> Regards
> Thomas
> Zitat von Paolo Giannozzi <p.giannozzi at gmail.com>:
>> There is a check on FFT dimensions exceeding a maximum value of 2049. There
>> is no deep reason for that, just the assumption that such a large value
>> cannot be due to other than a mistake in the input data. You may easily
>> increase that limit (if you really need more than 2049: do you? sure?) by
>> editing FFTXlib/fft_param.f90
>> Paolo
>> On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 4:48 PM Thomas Brumme <thomas.brumme at uni-leipzig.de>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I have a problem running some old input with newer version of QE.
>>> I'm always getting, nearly at the beginning of the run, right after:
>>>      Subspace diagonalization in iterative solution of the eigenvalue
>>> problem:
>>>      a serial algorithm will be used
>>> the error:
>>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>>>      Error in routine  good_fft_order (2050):
>>>       fft order too large
>>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>>> The very same input is running with versions 6.1, 6.2.1, 6.2.2.
>>> It stops working with some dev version after 6.3 and is not working
>>> with version 6.4.1.
>>> I have absolutely no clue why it is not working. I'll paste the input
>>> below. Even if it is a large system I would call it a MWE as the
>>> calculation
>>> is not starting.
>>> Um, and all versions I tested where compiled with the ifort version 18.0.3
>>> using the intel mkl and scalapack libraries.
>>> Thanks for your help!
>>> Thomas
>>> Input:
>>> &control
>>>  calculation   = 'relax',
>>>  restart_mode  = 'from_scratch',
>>>  prefix        = '2Pb_line_1',
>>>  wf_collect    = .true.,
>>>  pseudo_dir    = '/home/tbrumme/structures/IrTe2/',
>>>  outdir        = '/scratch/tbrumme/',
>>>  verbosity     = 'high',
>>>  nstep         = 300,
>>>  tefield       = .true.,
>>>  dipfield      = .true.,
>>> /
>>> &system
>>>  ibrav       = 0,
>>>  nat         = 158,
>>>  ntyp        = 3,
>>>  ecutwfc     = 60,
>>>  ecutrho     = 480,
>>>  occupations = 'smearing',
>>>  smearing    = 'gauss',
>>>  degauss     = 0.05,
>>>  vdw_corr    = 'DFT-D3',
>>> lspinorb=.true.
>>> noncolin=.TRUE.
>>>  emaxpos     = 0.5,
>>>  eopreg      = 0.03,
>>>  edir        = 3,
>>>  eamp        = 0.0,
>>> /
>>> &electrons
>>>  electron_maxstep = 250,
>>>  diagonalization  = 'david',
>>>  mixing_mode      = 'plain',
>>>  mixing_beta      = 0.2,
>>>  conv_thr         = 1.0d-8,
>>> /
>>> &IONS
>>>  ion_dynamics='bfgs',
>>> /
>>> CELL_PARAMETERS angstrom
>>> 51.11990000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>>  0.00000000      13.62188678       0.00000000
>>>  0.00000000       0.00000000      20.00000000
>>>  Ir  192.2173 Ir.rel-pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
>>>  Te  127.603  Te.rel-pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
>>>  Pb  207.2    Pb.rel-pbe-dn-kjpaw_psl.1.0.0.UPF
>>> Ir       0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>> Te       1.96615000       1.13515723       1.34927500
>>> Te       1.96615000      -1.13515723      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      -1.96615000       3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te       0.00000000      -2.27031446       1.34927500
>>> Te       0.00000000       2.27031446      -1.34927500
>>> Ir       0.00000000      -6.81094339       0.00000000
>>> Te       1.96615000      -5.67578616       1.34927500
>>> Te       1.96615000       5.67578616      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      -1.96615000      -3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te       0.00000000       4.54062893       1.34927500
>>> Te       0.00000000      -4.54062893      -1.34927500
>>> Ir       3.93230000      -6.81094339       0.00000000
>>> Te       5.89845000      -5.67578616       1.34927500
>>> Te       5.89845000       5.67578616      -1.34927500
>>> Ir       1.96615000      -3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te       3.93230000       4.54062893       1.34927500
>>> Te       3.93230000      -4.54062893      -1.34927500
>>> Ir       3.93230000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>> Te       5.89845000       1.13515723       1.34927500
>>> Te       5.89845000      -1.13515723      -1.34927500
>>> Ir       1.96615000       3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te       3.93230000      -2.27031446       1.34927500
>>> Te       3.93230000       2.27031446      -1.34927500
>>> Ir       7.86460000      -6.81094339       0.00000000
>>> Te       9.83075000      -5.67578616       1.34927500
>>> Te       9.83075000       5.67578616      -1.34927500
>>> Ir       5.89845000      -3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te       7.86460000       4.54062893       1.34927500
>>> Te       7.86460000      -4.54062893      -1.34927500
>>> Ir       7.86460000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>> Te       9.83075000       1.13515723       1.34927500
>>> Te       9.83075000      -1.13515723      -1.34927500
>>> Ir       5.89845000       3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te       7.86460000      -2.27031446       1.34927500
>>> Te       7.86460000       2.27031446      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      11.79690000      -6.81094339       0.00000000
>>> Te      13.76305000      -5.67578616       1.34927500
>>> Te      13.76305000       5.67578616      -1.34927500
>>> Ir       9.83075000      -3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te      11.79690000       4.54062893       1.34927500
>>> Te      11.79690000      -4.54062893      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      11.79690000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>> Te      13.76305000       1.13515723       1.34927500
>>> Te      13.76305000      -1.13515723      -1.34927500
>>> Ir       9.83075000       3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te      11.79690000      -2.27031446       1.34927500
>>> Te      11.79690000       2.27031446      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      15.72920000      -6.81094339       0.00000000
>>> Te      17.69535000      -5.67578616       1.34927500
>>> Te      17.69535000       5.67578616      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      13.76305000      -3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te      15.72920000       4.54062893       1.34927500
>>> Te      15.72920000      -4.54062893      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      15.72920000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>> Te      17.69535000       1.13515723       1.34927500
>>> Te      17.69535000      -1.13515723      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      13.76305000       3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te      15.72920000      -2.27031446       1.34927500
>>> Te      15.72920000       2.27031446      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      19.66150000      -6.81094339       0.00000000
>>> Te      21.62765000      -5.67578616       1.34927500
>>> Te      21.62765000       5.67578616      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      17.69535000      -3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te      19.66150000       4.54062893       1.34927500
>>> Te      19.66150000      -4.54062893      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      19.66150000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>> Te      21.62765000       1.13515723       1.34927500
>>> Te      21.62765000      -1.13515723      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      17.69535000       3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te      19.66150000      -2.27031446       1.34927500
>>> Te      19.66150000       2.27031446      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      23.59380000      -6.81094339       0.00000000
>>> Te      25.55995000      -5.67578616       1.34927500
>>> Te      25.55995000       5.67578616      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      21.62765000      -3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te      23.59380000       4.54062893       1.34927500
>>> Te      23.59380000      -4.54062893      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      23.59380000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>> Te      25.55995000       1.13515723       1.34927500
>>> Te      25.55995000      -1.13515723      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      21.62765000       3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te      23.59380000      -2.27031446       1.34927500
>>> Te      23.59380000       2.27031446      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -23.59380000      -6.81094339       0.00000000
>>> Te     -21.62765000      -5.67578616       1.34927500
>>> Te     -21.62765000       5.67578616      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -25.55995000      -3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te     -23.59380000       4.54062893       1.34927500
>>> Te     -23.59380000      -4.54062893      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -23.59380000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>> Te     -21.62765000       1.13515723       1.34927500
>>> Te     -21.62765000      -1.13515723      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -25.55995000       3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te     -23.59380000      -2.27031446       1.34927500
>>> Te     -23.59380000       2.27031446      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -19.66150000      -6.81094339       0.00000000
>>> Te     -17.69535000      -5.67578616       1.34927500
>>> Te     -17.69535000       5.67578616      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -21.62765000      -3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te     -19.66150000       4.54062893       1.34927500
>>> Te     -19.66150000      -4.54062893      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -19.66150000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>> Te     -17.69535000       1.13515723       1.34927500
>>> Te     -17.69535000      -1.13515723      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -21.62765000       3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te     -19.66150000      -2.27031446       1.34927500
>>> Te     -19.66150000       2.27031446      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -15.72920000      -6.81094339       0.00000000
>>> Te     -13.76305000      -5.67578616       1.34927500
>>> Te     -13.76305000       5.67578616      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -17.69535000      -3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te     -15.72920000       4.54062893       1.34927500
>>> Te     -15.72920000      -4.54062893      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -15.72920000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>> Te     -13.76305000       1.13515723       1.34927500
>>> Te     -13.76305000      -1.13515723      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -17.69535000       3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te     -15.72920000      -2.27031446       1.34927500
>>> Te     -15.72920000       2.27031446      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -11.79690000      -6.81094339       0.00000000
>>> Te      -9.83075000      -5.67578616       1.34927500
>>> Te      -9.83075000       5.67578616      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -13.76305000      -3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te     -11.79690000       4.54062893       1.34927500
>>> Te     -11.79690000      -4.54062893      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -11.79690000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>> Te      -9.83075000       1.13515723       1.34927500
>>> Te      -9.83075000      -1.13515723      -1.34927500
>>> Ir     -13.76305000       3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te     -11.79690000      -2.27031446       1.34927500
>>> Te     -11.79690000       2.27031446      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      -7.86460000      -6.81094339       0.00000000
>>> Te      -5.89845000      -5.67578616       1.34927500
>>> Te      -5.89845000       5.67578616      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      -9.83075000      -3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te      -7.86460000       4.54062893       1.34927500
>>> Te      -7.86460000      -4.54062893      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      -7.86460000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>> Te      -5.89845000       1.13515723       1.34927500
>>> Te      -5.89845000      -1.13515723      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      -9.83075000       3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te      -7.86460000      -2.27031446       1.34927500
>>> Te      -7.86460000       2.27031446      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      -3.93230000      -6.81094339       0.00000000
>>> Te      -1.96615000      -5.67578616       1.34927500
>>> Te      -1.96615000       5.67578616      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      -5.89845000      -3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te      -3.93230000       4.54062893       1.34927500
>>> Te      -3.93230000      -4.54062893      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      -3.93230000       0.00000000       0.00000000
>>> Te      -1.96615000       1.13515723       1.34927500
>>> Te      -1.96615000      -1.13515723      -1.34927500
>>> Ir      -5.89845000       3.40547170       0.00000000
>>> Te      -3.93230000      -2.27031446       1.34927500
>>> Te      -3.93230000       2.27031446      -1.34927500
>>> Pb       0.00000000       0.00000000       3.210853292
>>> Pb       3.93230000       0.00000000       3.210853292
>>> K_POINTS automatic
>>> 2 8 1 0 0 0
>>> --
>>> Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Brumme
>>> Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
>>> Leipzig University
>>> Phillipp-Rosenthal-Strasse 31
>>> 04103 Leipzig
>>> Tel:  +49 (0)341 97 36456
>>> email: thomas.brumme at uni-leipzig.de
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>> Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
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>> Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
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