[QE-users] Spin-polarized scf calculation without spin-orbit contribution

Hüsnü Kara husnukara at konya.edu.tr
Mon Aug 27 14:43:20 CEST 2018

Dear Rebeza and Hüseyin,

My first e-mail was mistake that there were no lines like following. 

 noncolin = .true
 lspinorb = .true

The code advices me to add these two lines.

Best Regards,

----- Orijinal Mesaj -----
Kimden: "Arles V. Gil Rebaza" <arvifis at gmail.com>
Kime: "Quantum Espresso" <users at lists.quantum-espresso.org>
Gönderilenler: 27 Ağustos Pazartesi 2018 15:34:02
Konu: Re: [QE-users] Spin-polarized scf calculation without spin-orbit	contribution

Dear if you are performing non-colinear calculation (noncolin = .true.), you must use SO coupling and the tag nspin=4. 


Arles V. Gil Rebaza 
Instituto de Física La Plata 

2018-08-27 9:22 GMT-03:00 Hüsnü Kara < [ mailto:husnukara at konya.edu.tr | husnukara at konya.edu.tr ] > : 

Dear All, 

I want to make the scf calculation which is spin-polarized without spin-orbit contribution. 

When I try it like following: 

calculation = 'scf' 
pseudo_dir = '/truba/home/.../qe-6.0/pseudo/' 
ibrav = 0 
nat = 128 
ntyp = 4 
starting_magnetization(1) = 1 
starting_magnetization(2) = 1 
starting_magnetization(3) = 1 
starting_magnetization(4) = 1 
nspin = 2 
occupations = 'smearing' 
smearing = 'gaussian' 
degauss = 0.01 
ecutwfc = 300.0 
noncolin = .true 
lspinorb = .true 
diagonalization = 'david' 
conv_thr = 1.0d-4 
K_POINTS automatic 
1 1 1 1 1 1 
...... ...... 
...... ...... 
...... ...... 


The code gives error and enforces me to make the scf calculation with spin-orbit coupling. 

Please could you help me? 

Best Regards, 

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Arles V. 

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