[QE-users] band character file

Marco Polo marqpolo at yahoo.com.mx
Tue Aug 21 10:44:56 CEST 2018

Dear Quantum Espresso users,

Thank you very much for you replies. Probably I was not clear with my 
last question.

Where can I find the weight of every orbital to the total band? (not 
only the total)
Which file does contain it or how do I generate it?

My intention is to plot the band character with colors indicating the 
band character as follows:


Thank you again for the support.

Best regards,

Marco Polo

PhD Marco Polo Jimenez Segura

Department of Quantum Materials (Takagi group)
Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Heisenbergstrasse 1, Stuttgart 70569, Germany

Institut fuer Funktionelle Materie und Quantentechnologie 3
Universitaet Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart

Tel:+49 711-685-65192
Fax:+49 711-685-65271

email: M.Jimenez at fkf.mpg.de

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