[Pw_forum] Raman activities with QE

Leonid Kahle leonid.kahle at epfl.ch
Thu Sep 28 19:51:29 CEST 2017

Dear All,

I am calculating Raman spectra for a crystal structure with the 
second-order response as implemented in the phonon-package, and have 2 
questions that are blocking me at this moment:

  - It is mentioned in the slides of QE-tutorials and in the source code 
(dynmat.f90 subroutine RamanIR) that the formula for the Raman 
cross-section is taken from D. Porezag, M. R. Pederson, Phys. Rev. B 54, 
7830-7836 (1996), but I do not see that the Bose-Einstein statistical 
factor is implemented as given in Eq. (5) of that reference. Was that 
omitted for a reason or am I looking at the wrong part of the code?

- Secondly, the Raman intensity is given for the non-polarized isotropic 
case. I am working with a crystalline material and was wondering whether 
anyone has a script to calculate the Raman scattering taking also into 
account polarization of incident and scattered beam.

That would be most helpful. Many thanks in advance!

Best regards,

     Leonid Kahle


Doctoral Assistant
ME-D2 1019 (Bâtiment ME)
Station 9
CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)

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