[Pw_forum] solve_linter: root not converged in Phonon Calculation

yuan liang yl4ps at virginia.edu
Tue Oct 31 18:28:14 CET 2017

Dear QE users,

I am a beginner in QE and am performing some calculation on phonons of
YVO3 in order to get the phonon dos

I ran SCF first and then did PH.x at a grid of 3*3*2 with 8
irreducible q-vectors.

However in ph.x output file of this specific q-point(0.0,
0.315030085373153, -0.349748181309457E),

I got this error message on mode #12:

*Representation # 12 mode #  12

     Self-consistent Calculation
     kpoint   1 ibnd  87 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint   2 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint   3 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint   4 ibnd  87 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint   5 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint   6 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint   7 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint   8 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint   9 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  10 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  11 ibnd  91 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  12 ibnd  93 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  13 ibnd  87 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  14 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  15 ibnd  87 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  16 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  17 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  18 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  19 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  20 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  21 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  22 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  23 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  24 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  25 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  26 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  27 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  28 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  29 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  30 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  31 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  32 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  33 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  34 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  35 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  36 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  37 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  38 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  39 ibnd  93 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  40 ibnd  91 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  41 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  42 ibnd  91 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  43 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  44 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  45 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  46 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  47 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  48 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  49 ibnd  87 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  50 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  51 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  52 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  53 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  54 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  55 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  56 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  57 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  58 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  59 ibnd  88 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  60 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  61 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  62 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  63 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  64 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  65 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  66 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  67 ibnd  91 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  68 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  69 ibnd  91 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  70 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  71 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN
     kpoint  72 ibnd  89 solve_linter: root not converged        NaN*

...(it goes on till the very end with a "*Error in routine broyden
(1):factorization*" error message)
I have searched the mail list and do find some similar problems, but I
couldn't find a working solution for now. Some would suggest that I tweak
the nmix_ph(increase or decrease?), alpha_mix(lower to 0.1) and
tr2_ph(increase), but since the other 7 q-vectors converged well(although
some of them converge very slow) and I need to combine all the data
in outdir/_phprefix.phsave into one directory for the final dynamical
matrix, I'm not sure if I need to redo all the other 7 q-vectors and keep
the three parameters(nmix_ph, alpha_mix, tr2_ph) consistent if I were to
change them for this q-vector.

I attached my input script for both scf and phonon calculation below,.
*1)pw.x input:*
   calculation= 'scf',
   restart_mode= 'from_scratch',
   pseudo_dir = '...',
   outdir= '...',
   tprnfor=.true., tstress=.true.
 ibrav = 8,
 celldm(1) = 9.9893,
 celldm(2) = 1.0581,
 celldm(3) = 1.4296,
 nat = 20,
 ntyp = 3,
 ecutwfc = 100,
 ecfixed = 60,
 qcutz = 20,
 q2sigma = 5,
 occupations= 'smearing', smearing='gauss', degauss=0.01,
 mixing_beta = 0.1,
 mixing_mode = 'plain',
 conv_thr = 1.0d-10,
 Y 88.906 y_lda_v1.4.uspp.F.UPF
 V 50.942 v_lda_v1.4.uspp.F.UPF
 O 15.999 o_lda_v1.2.uspp.F.UPF
Y        0.976995537   0.075721635   0.250000000
Y        0.023004463   0.924278365   0.750000000
Y        0.476995737   0.424277671   0.750000000
Y        0.523004263   0.575722329   0.250000000
V        0.500000000   1.000000000  -0.000000000
V        0.000000000   0.500000000   1.000000000
V        0.500000000   1.000000000   0.500000000
V       -0.000000000   0.500000000   0.500000000
O        0.106387022   0.466777211   0.250000000
O        0.893612978   0.533222789   0.750000000
O        0.606387124   0.033223066   0.750000000
O        0.393612876   0.966776934   0.250000000
O        0.691854045   0.297781009   0.050393568
O        0.308145955   0.702218991   0.949606432
O        0.191854168   0.202219259   0.949606353
O        0.808145832   0.797780741   0.050393647
O        0.308145955   0.702218991   0.550393568
O        0.691854045   0.297781009   0.449606432
O        0.808145832   0.797780741   0.449606353
O        0.191854168   0.202219259   0.550393647
K_POINTS automatic
 6 6 4 0 0 0

*2)ph.x input*
Phonons on a grid

Thank you so much for any suggestion and help,
Best regards,

Yuan Liang
Physics Department
University of Virginia
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