[Pw_forum] Relax - Killed

Nkosinathi Malaza nuttymalaza at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 21:52:23 CET 2017

Dear users,

I've tried to relax a system of about 350 atoms on a computer with 96G of
RAM, the calculation does not run I get the error below. I've tried to
lower the number of k-points, but still I get the same error. Please assist
with this problem.

  total cpu time spent up to now is     1297.7 secs

    Self-consistent Calculation

    iteration #  1     ecut=    70.00 Ry     beta=0.30
    Davidson diagonalization with overlap
mpirun noticed that process rank 4 with PID 36487 on node avx1-1 exited on
signal 9 (Killed).

Thank you
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