[Pw_forum] error in gipaw calculation_non-collinear not supported yet

Maria Tassi mtassi at phys.uoa.gr
Wed Feb 22 11:47:44 CET 2017

Dear users,

I am trying to perform a gipaw calculation but it finishes with the error:

 "Error in routine gipaw_main (1):
  non-collinear not supported yet"

The input is:


job = 'g_tensor' ,
prefix = 'scf-GIPAW'

tmp_dir = '....'

diagonalization = 'cg'

verbosity = 'high'

q_gipaw = 0.01

spline_ps = .true.


Is that error means that non-collinear magnetization is not yet
implemented for gipaw calculation? If yes, how can I perform such a
calculation, taking into account the spin-orbit coupling?

Thank you in advance
Maria Tassi

Dr. Maria Tassi
Post-Doctoral Researcher

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Physics,
Department of Solid State Physics, Panepistimiopolis, Zografos, GR-15784
Athens, Greece

E-mail: mtassi at phys.uoa.gr
Tel.:	+30 210 7276758
Mobile:	+30 6932131934
Fax : 	+30 210 7276711

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