[Pw_forum] Running Environ with pw.x

Rolly Ng rollyng at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 17:48:15 CEST 2016

Dear Environ users,

I have compile Environ 0.2 with QE v.5.3.0 and I am trying to run 
example01 using my own input format, so I extract the essential parts 
from the run_example.sh as h2o.in and environ.in. These 2 input files 
are placed in the same directory.

Then I called mpirun -np 24 ./pw.x --environ -inp h2o.in |tee h2o.out,

I can see the output file is being generated but I cannot see any 
subsection stating Environ in the output file as attached.

Did it run with Environ plugin enabled? Is QE v.5.3.0 supported?

Thanks for your advise.

Rolly Ng

PhD. Research Fellow,
Dept. of Physics & Materials Science,
City University of Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3442 4000
Fax: +852 3442 0538

-------------- next part --------------
   verbose = 0
   environ_thr = 1.d-1
   environ_type = vacuum
   tolrhopol = 1.d-11
   mixrhopol = 0.6
-------------- next part --------------
   calculation = 'relax'
   restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
   pseudo_dir = '$PSEUDO_DIR/'
   outdir = '$TMP_DIR/'
   prefix = '$prefix'
   tprnfor = .TRUE.
   verbosity = 'high'
   ecutrho = 300
   ecutwfc = 30
   ibrav = 1
   celldm(1) = 20
   nat = 3
   ntyp = 2
   assume_isolated = 'makov-payne'
   conv_thr = 5.D-9
   diagonalization = 'cg'
   mixing_beta = 0.4
   electron_maxstep = 200
   ion_dynamics    = 'bfgs'
K_POINTS (automatic)
 1 1 1 0 0 0
 H   1  H.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
 O  16  O.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
O   11.79  12.05  11.50
H   13.45  11.22  11.50
H   10.56  10.66  11.50

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