[Pw_forum] Different Raman configurations

jiaxu yan yanjiaxu at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 19:45:34 CEST 2016

Dear QE users,

Anyone knows how to modify the Raman configuration defined in the
dynmat.f90 code?

For example, I want to perform some polarized back-scattering Raman
configurations, i.e. Z(xy)Z', X(yy)X'.

According to PRB 54, 7830 (1996),  the dynmat.f90 code write the raman
intenisty as

(45.d0*alpha**2 + 7.0d0*beta2)*amu_ry


alpha = (raman(1,1,nu) + raman(2,2,nu) + raman(3,3,nu))/3.d0

Beta2 = ( (raman(1,1,nu) - raman(2,2,nu))**2 + &
                 (raman(1,1,nu) - raman(3,3,nu))**2 + &
                 (raman(2,2,nu) - raman(3,3,nu))**2 + 6.d0 * &
          (raman(1,2,nu)**2 + raman(1,3,nu)**2 + raman(2,3,nu)**2) )/2.d0

It is non-polarized Raman intensity. So, how to modify alpha and beta2?

Best regards,

Jiaxu Yan

Division of Physics and Applied Physics
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Nanyang Technological University
21 Nanyang Link
Singapore 637371
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