[Pw_forum] K-point of silicene

Andrey Chibisov andreichibisov at yandex.ru
Thu Jan 14 15:35:03 CET 2016

Dear Colleagues.
I study silicene. My input file is:

calculation ='scf',
pseudo_dir = '/Silicene/Espresso',
outdir = '/Silicene/Espresso/temp',
ibrav = 4,
celldm(1) = 29.368422675588050347010890147159,
celldm(3) = 0.6781823680434460881147409128054,
nat = 32,
ntyp = 1,
ecutwfc = 36,
occupations = 'smearing',
smearing = 'gauss',
degauss = 0.02,
nspin = 2, starting_magnetization(1) = 0.4,
nbnd =135, 
conv_thr = 1.D-9,
mixing_beta = 0.3,
ion_dynamics = 'bfgs',
cell_dynamics = 'bfgs',
cell_dofree = 'xy',
Si 28.0855 Si.UPF
 Si 0.00137    0.00177    1.00011 
 Si 0.08390    0.16877    0.95815 
 Si 0.25137    0.00177    1.00011 
 Si 0.33390    0.16877    0.95815 
 Si 0.50137    0.00177    1.00011
 Si 0.58390    0.16877    0.95815 
 Si 0.75137    0.00177    1.00011
 Si 0.83390    0.16877    0.95815 
 Si 0.00137    0.25177    1.00011 
 Si 0.08390    0.41877    0.95815
 Si 0.25137    0.25177    1.00011
 Si 0.33390    0.41877    0.95815 
 Si 0.50137    0.25177    1.00011 
 Si 0.58390    0.41877    0.95815 
 Si 0.75137    0.25177    1.00011 
 Si 0.83390    0.41877    0.95815  
 Si 0.00137    0.50177    1.00011 
 Si 0.08390    0.66877    0.95815 
 Si 0.25137    0.50177    1.00011 
 Si 0.33390    0.66877    0.95815  
 Si 0.50137    0.50177    1.00011  
 Si 0.58390    0.66877    0.95815  
 Si 0.75137    0.50177    1.00011 
 Si 0.83390    0.66877    0.95815 
 Si 0.00137    0.75177    1.00011 
 Si 0.08390    0.91877    0.95815 
 Si 0.25137    0.75177    1.00011 
 Si 0.33390    0.91877    0.95815 
 Si 0.50137    0.75177    1.00011 
 Si 0.58390    0.91877    0.95815 
 Si 0.75137    0.75177    1.00011 
 Si 0.83390    0.91877    0.95815                                                                          
K_POINTS automatic
8 8 1 0 0 0

How I can find the K-point on the band structure?

Best regards,
Andrey Chibisov. Ph.D.
Numerical method of mathematical physics Laboratory,
Computational Center, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Khabarovsk, Russia
Web page: http://ru.linkedin.com/pub/andrey-chibisov/55/253/986/en

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