[Pw_forum] virtual.x incompatible with UPF version

Wangwei Lan wl13c at my.fsu.edu
Mon Aug 22 20:23:20 CEST 2016

Dear all,

I am very new in QE, recently, I got a few questions, I hope you can help
me. Thanks in advance.

1. I want to use virtual.x to generate some PP in order to do VCA
calculation. However, It looks like virtual.x cannot deal with the < UPF
version = "2.0.1"> PP. I searched the mailing list, but not too much
information are listed on this issue. It looks like one way is to use ld1.x
to generate a PP in version-1 form, but only older version of ld1.x is
supported on this function. So, my question is besides going back to the
older version of QE, is there any other way I can solve this problem?

2. Since I am a new user, I really want to know more about QE. However, I
didn't find too much information about tutorials and manuals. I know there
are input instructions in  Doc directory, but is there any step by step
tutorial on each program? Something like basic inputs and explanations on
these inputs. (examples in each program directory are good, but more
explanation will be extremely helpful)

Thanks very much.

Best regards
Wangwei Lan
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