[Pw_forum] The value of Larange multipliers when doing constrained ab initio molecular dynamics

Jinfan cjinf_0614 at sina.com
Thu Nov 26 05:02:55 CET 2015

Dear pw_forum,
    I am trying to do a series of constrained ab initio molecular dynamics to obtain the the free energy profie from one intermediate to the next. In order to obtain the free energy of constrained molecular dynamics, I have to obtain the values of Lagrange multipliers for the constraint technique. Can someone tell me where the values of Lagrange multipilers are printed when the constrained ab initio MD is running? Thank you very much. Below is a sample of my input file, I try to constrain the three O-H distance of a hydronium ion in liquid water. There should be a serial of Lagrande multipliers related to the constraint, right? How should I obtain the values of  Lagrande multipliers when doing the calculation?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&CONTROL  calculation='cp',  dt=3.0D0,  prefix='test',  restart_mode='from_scratch',  nstep=99000,  iprint=1,  isave=50,  ndr=91,  ndw=92,  outdir='/home/temp',  pseudo_dir="/home",  tprnfor=.TRUE.,  tstress=.FALSE.,  disk_io='default',  verbosity='default',  max_seconds=86D+3/&SYSTEM  ibrav=1,  celldm(1)=24.802,  nat=193,  ntyp=2,  nspin=1,  ecutwfc=30.D0,  ecutrho=240.D0,  nr1b=28,  nr2b=28,  nr3b=28,  tot_charge=0.0  vdw_corr='DFT-D',  london_s6=0.75  london_rcut=200 ! degauss=0.002 ! occupations='smearing' ! smearing='mp'/&ELECTRONS  electron_dynamics='verlet',  ! electron_temperature='nose',  ! ekincw=0.035d0,  ! fnosee=200.d0  emass=400.d0,  emass_cutoff=2.5d0,  ortho_max=400,/ &IONS  ion_dynamics='verlet',    ion_radius(1)=1.0    ion_radius(2)=1.0  ion_temperature='nose',  tempw=300.0,  fnosep=40.0,  nhptyp=2,  nhpcl=4,/ATOMIC_SPECIES  H  1.000  H.pbe-van_bm.UPF  O  16.000 O.pbe-van_bm.UPFATOMIC_POSITIONS angstrom193generated  0.000000H 10.0154  5.9257  7.6968O  1.3610  5.7350  7.5670H  0.7690  5.2550  8.2140H  1.1890  5.3950  6.6430O 11.0980  4.3090  3.2760H 10.5150  3.9560  4.0060H 10.5570  4.4260  2.4430O  9.1760  6.1450  8.1060H  8.4380  6.7670  7.8460H  8.9630  5.7250  8.9880O  4.0590 11.0180  5.7560H  4.5850 10.9720  6.6050H  3.8910 11.9750  5.5200O  4.2620  6.3560  7.1420H  3.3990  6.3890  7.6460H  4.0740  6.3280  6.1600O  8.0830  1.2070  3.5110H  7.6000  1.5430  2.7030H  8.8620  0.6480  3.2260O  4.4710  3.6790  4.2970H  3.8940  3.4070  3.5260H  4.4660  2.9570  4.9880O 12.1370  1.4190 12.1310H 12.4300  0.4900 11.9000H 11.2650  1.6140 11.6830O  6.7530 10.4470 10.6850H  7.6260 10.7580 11.0620H  6.0020 10.8870 11.1770O  4.5670  1.7530  6.3570H  4.5730  1.7960  7.3560H  5.4070  1.3140  6.0370O  2.6960  0.9500 11.1090H  2.1290  1.3620 10.3950H  2.6150  1.4850 11.9500O  9.0360 12.2130  7.4380H  9.2020 11.9490  8.3880H  9.2660 11.4490  6.8350O  9.1710  9.9580  5.6590H  8.2800  9.6800  6.0190H  9.0400 10.5900  4.8960O  0.3290  2.3180  2.3960H -0.2660  3.0080  2.8090H  0.0890  2.2050  1.4320O  0.8050  8.4680  4.5200H  1.0010  9.2390  5.1260H -0.1820  8.4060  4.3670O  4.7880 10.2540  1.4240H  5.7450  9.9650  1.3980H  4.3370  9.8430  2.2160O  9.1290  3.2360  4.7200H  8.3060  3.7730  4.9060H  8.8810  2.4070  4.2200O  0.2220  7.4780 11.5880H  0.9800  7.8360 11.0410H  0.4170  7.6170 12.5590O  2.8060  4.5670 12.3120H  1.8550  4.2850 12.1880H  3.2320  4.7050 11.4180O  7.0040  5.0180  4.3520H  6.8100  5.9840  4.5200H  6.1580  4.4900  4.4290O  9.7160  8.0730 11.9000H 10.6530  8.0320 11.5550H  9.0760  7.9070 11.1490O  5.0130  0.6990  3.2560H  5.4990 -0.1600  3.4170H  4.0890  0.5030  2.9270O  7.9480  5.1020  1.3710H  8.8180  4.8270  0.9620H  7.9820  4.9550  2.3590O  9.1970 11.6630 10.5210H 10.1280 11.2980 10.5540H  9.2130 12.6370 10.7480O  0.5590 10.4940  1.2100H  1.0660  9.6460  1.3640H -0.4110 10.3410  1.3970O  4.6840 11.9510 11.8510H  4.5340 11.3000 12.5950H  3.8060 12.3230 11.5500O  3.5460  9.2240  3.8870H  2.8180  8.6630  4.2810H  3.7040 10.0220  4.4680O  6.1300  2.9030  2.1740H  5.5590  2.1400  2.4760H  5.9940  3.6830  2.7850O  8.4120  5.2620 10.5220H  8.3510  6.2060 10.8460H  7.6680  4.7250 10.9200O  2.9560  3.0680  2.2970H  2.9150  3.8150  1.6330H  2.0300  2.7420  2.4890O  1.2320 10.6220  6.2540H  2.2230 10.7580  6.2290H  1.0200  9.8230  6.8170O  7.3500  7.7510 10.4780H  7.2760  8.7420 10.3740H  6.6780  7.4350 11.1470O  0.4990  8.5380  7.7490H -0.4910  8.4110  7.8020H  0.9230  7.7080  7.3860O  6.2320  7.9070  4.3870H  5.3260  8.0760  3.9990H  6.3820  8.5200  5.1630O  0.8910  7.8290  1.8590H  1.7870  7.3860  1.9040H  0.6080  8.1010  2.7780O 10.1370  9.4020  1.8420H 10.1350  8.9860  0.9330H 10.3340  8.7020  2.5290O  3.5210  6.6410  1.6150H  3.0830  5.9930  0.9910H  4.3940  6.9380  1.2280O 11.9420  4.4990  8.9590H 11.6670  3.5910  8.6440H 11.2730  5.1760  8.6530O  1.3570  1.3190  8.5430H  1.6370  1.8290  7.7300H  0.4010  1.0420  8.4500O  1.7160  9.4610 10.1300H  2.5010  8.8780 10.3380H  1.2920  9.1570  9.2760O  6.6930  9.4320  6.4250H  6.3310 10.1370  7.0350H  6.7180  8.5560  6.9070O  5.5820 11.1770  8.3150H  6.1290 10.9440  9.1190H  4.7040 11.5550  8.6080O 10.5300  7.7940  4.2490H 10.0580  8.2750  4.9880H 10.2650  6.8290  4.2560O  6.7750  7.1400  7.7570H  6.7570  7.2610  8.7500H  5.8860  6.8030  7.4460O  3.0640 11.5930  8.8380H  2.8250 11.1630  9.7090H  2.4030 12.3130  8.6290O 12.0460 11.1760 11.1600H 12.6960 10.6090 10.6530H 12.2320 11.1000 12.1400O  7.0060  1.6040 12.1740H  6.7520  2.1640 12.9620H  6.1950  1.1360 11.8230O  9.9150 11.8570  3.1040H 10.0680 10.9590  2.6920H 10.7500 12.1580  3.5660O  1.8120  2.2450  6.0360H  1.6070  3.0940  5.5480H  2.7940  2.0610  5.9870O  7.7370  2.7910  7.5270H  8.6900  2.7870  7.2250H  7.1550  2.4310  6.7980O  0.1580  4.8520 11.5190H  0.2110  5.8380 11.6760H  0.0570  4.6750 10.5400O  2.4540  0.0700  2.6630H  1.9300 -0.5490  2.0790H  1.9240  0.9030  2.8260O  6.1400  3.4830 10.0360H  6.7650  3.4160  9.2580H  6.3060  2.7220 10.6640O -0.1950 -0.0500  4.6980H  0.3050 -0.5570  5.4000H  0.4020  0.6510  4.3060O  3.5980  7.5940 10.6820H  3.4020  6.8100 10.0920H  4.5490  7.5520 10.9870O  7.2340  9.0690  1.8630H  7.0040  8.8500  2.8110H  8.2280  9.1000  1.7600O 11.1450  1.6330  7.7110H 11.6850  1.6740  6.8710H 10.5250  0.8500  7.6710O  3.7990  4.8780  9.8470H  3.4560  4.7140  8.9220H  4.6690  4.3990  9.9700O  9.4720  2.0130 11.1900H  9.4700  2.4190 10.2760H  8.5340  1.9590 11.5330O  6.8380  0.5160  5.7870H  7.5440  0.4850  6.4940H  7.2700  0.5990  4.8880O  3.4930  6.2490  4.3110H  3.4410  6.6120  3.3810H  3.8670  5.3210  4.2860O  1.0350  4.8600  5.2220H  0.3720  4.6050  4.5180H  1.5960  5.6190  4.8930O  6.2370  6.9790  0.3590H  6.7510  6.2580  0.8240H  6.2690  7.8160  0.9040O 10.3120  4.1090  0.5870H 11.1220  4.3070  0.0340H  9.7760  3.3890  0.1470

CONSTRAINTS 3 1d-8 'distance' 8 1 'distance' 8 9 'distance' 8 10

Your sincerely,Jinfan
CHEN JinfanPhD candidateSchool of Energy and EnvironmentCity University of Hong KongKowloon, Hong Kong SAREmail: jinfachen2-c at my.cityu.edu.hk
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