[Pw_forum] Parallelization

jqli14 jqli14 at fudan.edu.cn
Fri Nov 6 01:34:39 CET 2015

Dear Amir,

    You should check the processor information in the output firstly and verify whether nproc is 2, 4 or 8. If it is all right, then make sure that your paralellization environment is okay. Did you run any other paralellized code on your machine sucessfully before?

Jiqiang Li

>Dear QE users,
>Can anyone tell me how to do scf calculations in parallel? I have done an scf calculation on one processor and now I want to do it on 2, 4, and 8 processors. One on processor it took 14 minutes to finish, however, when I run it on 2, 4, 8 it takes forever (it really never finishes). I use the following command " mpirun -np 4 pw.x -inp  INPUT_FILE |tee  OUTPUT_FILE ".
>Any help would be thoroughly appreciated.
>Amir M. Mofrad   
>University of Missouri

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