[Pw_forum] total magnetization and absolute magnetization

Arles V. Gil Rebaza arvifis at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 18:08:24 CEST 2015

dear Elham, could you provide the entire input file, please.
so, if your system is a metallic compound, may be you should change the
smearing tag and increase the degaus values.


PhD. Arles V. Gil Rebaza
Instituto de Física La Plata
La Plata - Argentina

2015-06-07 12:26 GMT-03:00 Elham <e.chemistry83 at gmail.com>:

> Dear all
> I have been running spin polarization calculations (ferromagnetic) with QE.
>   nspin =2 ,
>   starting_magnetization(1)=  0.0 ,
>   starting_magnetization(2)=  1.0 ,
>   starting_magnetization(3)=  0.0 ,
>   starting_magnetization(4)=  0.0 ,
>   occupations='smearing',
>   smearing='gaussian',
>   degauss=0.001,
> But the end of calculation I saw the system is anti-ferromagnetic (Based
> on this sentence).
> “In a simple ferromagnetic material they should be equal (except possibly for an overall sign)
> In simple anti ferromagnetic (like FeO, NiO)  TM is zero and AM is twice the magnetization of each of the two atoms. “
> Another question about amount of smearing contrib. (-TS) is must be zero?
> !    total energy              =    -854.15700871 Ry
>      Harris-Foulkes estimate   =    -854.15700870 Ry
>      estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00000006 Ry
>      The total energy is the sum of the following terms:
>      one-electron contribution =   -6789.74368960 Ry
>      hartree contribution      =    3441.81956694 Ry
>      xc contribution           =    -258.58351489 Ry
>      ewald contribution        =    2752.35067726 Ry
>      smearing contrib. (-TS)   =      -0.00004842 Ry
>      total magnetization       =     0.00 Bohr mag/cell
>      absolute magnetization    =     1.44 Bohr mag/cell
> Thanks a lot
> Best Regards
> Elham Ashuri
> Ph.D. student of Physical Chemistry
> Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS)
> Gavazang Road,Zanjan 45195-1159
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