[Pw_forum] VASP pseudo potentials

James Mao xjamesmao at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 06:53:04 CEST 2015

Dear All,


I would like to confirm calculation results from VASP using QE
(qualitatively, but as quantitatively as possible). To achieve this purpose
I need use pseudo potentials as similar as possible from each other. I do
realize it is not allowed to directly convert VASP pseudo potentials into
UPF. I am wondering, which available sets of UPF are most similar to VASP's
build-in pseudo potentials (PAW-GGA, PAW-LDA, PAW-PBE)? If they are not
available, can anyone give me some possible suggestion of using LD1.X to
produce them?


Thank you very much!




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