[Pw_forum] neb calculation - self covergence not achieved

Raj kamal rajkamalloyola at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 18:42:11 CEST 2015

hi every one in my one of NEB calculation ,the output shows self
convergence not achieved .this happened in the first iteration
itself.please help me how to
 my input

  restart_mode      = 'from_scratch'
  string_method     = 'neb',
  nstep_path        = 10,
  ds                = 1.D0,
  opt_scheme        = "broyden",
  num_of_images     = 5,
  k_max             = 0.2D0,
  k_min             = 0.1D0,
  CI_scheme         = "no-CI",
  path_thr          = 0.05D0,
  prefix         = "betnhalfthrli+"
  outdir         = "/home/kathirvel/espresso/tmp/" ,
  pseudo_dir     = "/home/kathirvel/espresso/pseudo/" ,
                  ibrav  = 8,
                       A =,
                       B = 12.0,
                       C = 15.0,
                   cosBC = 0,
                   cosAC = 0,
                   cosAB = 0,
                    nat  = ,
                   ntyp  = 2,
                ecutwfc  =30.0 ,
       exxdiv_treatment  = 'gygi-baldereschi' ,

                 mixing_mode  = 'TF' ,
                 mixing_beta  = 0.2 ,
             diagonalization  = 'david' ,
                     conv_thr = 1.0e-6,
 C   12.01070  C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF
 Li  6.941     Li.pbe-n-van.UPF

C        3.940502209  10.439429818   1.512566888
C        3.934281136  10.493648365   4.138675193
C        3.926229355  10.351435059   6.608226938
C        3.939390000   6.658320000   0.323750000    0   0   0
C        3.934216803   6.654966421   2.835656115
C        3.930180239   6.657933551   5.453740630
C        2.642252166   9.640885886   1.488197523
C        2.636992797   9.655124063   4.181755412
C        2.627021331   9.721747984   6.891365366
C        3.939390000  11.316720000   0.323750000    0   0   0
C        3.936586293  11.319856085   2.831935770
C        3.932909425  11.322835887   5.461908736
C        2.637787239   8.324056116   1.482799536
C        2.635134765   8.318364701   4.168748884
C        2.623760813   8.253779960   6.886236857
C        6.542950657   7.530302163   1.549916656
C        6.527667803  11.448994316   0.531380839
C        6.539870000  11.305240000   2.913450000    0   0   0
C        6.531751422  11.322554610   5.503495798
C        5.239056589   8.321647863   1.489166687
C        5.231575625   8.321645741   4.181429339
C        5.226595470   8.255066321   6.889315935
Li       5.24573       5.98320       4.22220        1   1   1
C        1.340172732   1.538526500   1.549825094  0 0 0
C        1.337529962   1.486088668   4.171306662  0 0 0
C        1.330798988   1.625886249   6.636187449  0 0 0
C        1.337610124   4.452056151   1.529635351  0 0 0
C        1.336798492   4.496223784   4.150282635  0 0 0
C        1.330342644   4.355744263   6.620150648  0 0 0
C        1.339340000   0.658320000   0.323750000  0 0 0
C        1.339516871   0.656303042   2.879069755  0 0 0
C        1.336550591   0.657883558   5.496379244  0 0 0
C        0.041017317   3.650592658   1.510682726  0 0 0
C        0.037300159   3.657951802   4.186238492  0 0 0
C        0.037608372   3.725358296   6.894699017  0 0 0
C        1.339340000   5.316720000   0.323750000  0 0 0
C        1.336358608   5.322077373   2.847296995  0 0 0
C        1.335196235   5.323528489   5.473618862  0 0 0
C        0.042201903   2.329875721   1.517311262  0 0 0
C        0.036719934   2.320508557   4.194340290  0 0 0
C        0.032311984   2.259383763   6.901230097  0 0 0
C        3.941575123   1.539421734   1.515073724  0 0 0
C        3.936833090   1.486185076   4.135213490  0 0 0
C        3.928066070   1.629858965   6.605827531  0 0 0
C        3.945860581   4.448282685   1.521519477  0 0 0
C        3.937163958   4.491826090   4.136130177  0 0 0
C        3.927321559   4.379017785   6.630075549  0 0 0
C        3.939390000   0.658320000   0.323750000  0 0 0
C        3.938994343   0.654325159   2.829697379  0 0 0
C        3.933986789   0.657621637   5.461270537  0 0 0
C        2.640567205   3.653329991   1.489525778  0 0 0
C        2.636282880   3.659021061   4.169353632  0 0 0
C        2.624484589   3.728077885   6.885837806  0 0 0
C        3.939390000   5.316720000   0.323750000  0 0 0
C        6.533629192   0.657174396   5.494771346  0 0 0
C        5.244311271   3.649718068   1.504530950  0 0 0
C        5.237420974   3.656425918   4.175813962  0 0 0
C        5.228440758   3.724877378   6.883267116  0 0 0
C        6.539360000   5.316720000   0.323750000  0 0 0
C        6.538893931   5.326966244   2.873050514  0 0 0
C        6.538989446   5.322043887   5.480394526  0 0 0
C        5.244559207   2.330076962   1.501221892  0 0 0
C        5.237565890   2.318040688   4.174446699  0 0 0
C        5.227516304   2.254178724   6.890629339  0 0 0
C        1.337353852   7.523693076   1.523423311  0 0 0
C        1.336160724   7.482139366   4.149603397  0 0 0
C        1.329423250   7.627245577   6.620371919  0 0 0
C        1.346417035  10.445162233   1.556990870  0 0 0
C        1.335711389  10.489843489   4.190530851  0 0 0
C        1.328354490  10.358004946   6.645700884  0 0 0
C        1.339340000   6.658320000   0.323750000  0 0 0
C        1.337589893   6.657649799   2.847272450  0 0 0
C        1.335066794   6.658478713   5.473483296  0 0 0
C        0.041263973   9.651042451   1.494968268  0 0 0
C        0.035634558   9.654055438   4.208590557  0 0 0
C        0.030438407   9.722323499   6.908773747  0 0 0
C        1.367146210  11.447705126   0.527475121  0 0 0
C        1.339340000  11.316720000   2.923650000  0 0 0
C        1.334547779  11.324453318   5.506948455  0 0 0
C        0.042563853   8.331992371   1.495602699  0 0 0
C        0.038089529   8.319971496   4.193187106  0 0 0
C        0.035705105   8.255977905   6.899380420  0 0 0
C        3.937511031   7.522275460   1.516699198  0 0 0
C        3.933818045   7.483586365   4.135307427  0 0 0
C        3.939390000  11.316720000   0.323750000  0 0 0
C        3.936586293  11.319856085   2.831935770  0 0 0
C        3.932909425  11.322835887   5.461908736  0 0 0
C        2.637787239   8.324056116   1.482799536  0 0 0
C        2.635134765   8.318364701   4.168748884  0 0 0
C        2.623760813   8.253779960   6.886236857  0 0 0
C        6.542950657   7.530302163   1.549916656  0 0 0
C        6.534451400   7.491879452   4.180733233  0 0 0
C        6.533080575   7.601570298   6.660250048  0 0 0
C        6.537002098  10.440113845   1.556332694  0 0 0
C        6.533895278  10.487380584   4.188164250  0 0 0
C        6.528125610  10.351844444   6.640397640  0 0 0
C        6.553836245   6.536462316   0.505476755  0 0 0
C        6.539860000   6.670340000   2.912140000  0 0 0
C        6.536974818   6.658896590   5.489251805  0 0 0
C        5.238510641   9.639664624   1.491516027  0 0 0
C        5.231724702   9.657518319   4.184289712  0 0 0
C        5.231575625   8.321645741   4.181429339  0 0 0
C        5.226595470   8.255066321   6.889315935  0 0 0
Li       5.245377678   5.967258778   8.159205867  1 1 1
K_POINTS automatic
3 3 1  0 0 0


     Program NEB v.5.0          starts on 14Sep2014 at  3:38:40

     This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
     for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
          URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org",
     in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details

     Parallel version (MPI), running on    32 processors
     R & G space division:  proc/pool =   32
               file C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF: wavefunction(s)  2S 2P renormalized
               file C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF: wavefunction(s)  2S 2P renormalized

     initial path length           =  7.4399 bohr
     initial inter-image distance  =  1.8600 bohr

     string_method                 =  neb
     restart_mode                  =  from_scratch
     opt_scheme                    =  broyden
     num_of_images                 =  5
     nstep_path                    =  10
     CI_scheme                     =  no-CI
     first_last_opt                =  F
     use_freezing                  =  F
     ds                            =  1.0000 a.u.
     k_max                         =  0.2000 a.u.
     k_min                         =  0.1000 a.u.
     suggested k_max               =  0.6169 a.u.
     suggested k_min               =  0.3084 a.u.
     path_thr                      =  0.0500 eV / A

     ------------------------------ iteration   1

     tcpu =     38.1    self-consistency for image   1

     WARNING :  scf convergence NOT achieved on image   1

     cleaning-up extrapolation files

     NEB          :    15h26m CPU       20h 7m WALL

   This run was terminated on:  23:46:21  14Sep2014


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