[Pw_forum] TiO2 anatase surface

Sadegh Ghaderzadeh sa.ghaderzadeh at gmail.com
Sun Jan 11 19:47:22 CET 2015

Dear QE users,

I want to make TiO2 anatase (101) surface. First of all I tried to convert
the vectors, like this:
the new unit cell, will be twice the size of the previous unit cell, and
the structure will be monoclinic. But when I want to visualize the input
with xcrysden, It just give me a blank page.

Am I on the right way?

How can I make the TiO2 anatase (101) surface?
Do I have to use a special software?

Thanks in advance

Sadegh Ghaderzadeh
Isfahan university of technology
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