[Pw_forum] NaN forces in DFT+U calculation on Cray XE machine.

Mehmet Topsakal mtopsaka at umn.edu
Wed Sep 10 17:08:54 CEST 2014

Dear QE users,

As in the attached portion of pw.x output, I'm getting NaN forces. My
cluster is Cray XE (https://bluewaters.ncsa.illinois.edu/, compiled
after ./install/configure ARCH=crayxt --enable-openmp --enable-parallel
--with-scalapack --with-elpa)

This only happens if I  activate lda_plus_u= .true. I've tried without elpa
and opnemp, but it didn't change.

Has anyone encountered this before ?

Any suggestion is appreciated.



calculation ='scf',
tstress = .true.,
tprnfor = .true.,
pseudo_dir ='./',
disk_io     = 'none'

nat = 40,
ntyp = 4,
ecutwfc = 50.0, ecutrho = 200.0,
nspin= 2,
starting_magnetization(1)= 0.25,
occupations= 'smearing', smearing= 'm-p', degauss= 0.005,
lda_plus_u= .true.
Hubbard_U(1)= 3.1

  conv_thr         = 1.0D-8,
  mixing_mode      = 'plain',
  mixing_beta      = 0.3,



Fe  1.00   fe_lda_v1.2.uspp.F.UPF
Mg  1.00   mg_lda_v1.uspp.F.UPF
Ge  1.00   ge_lda_v1.uspp.F.UPF
O   1.00   o_lda_v1.2.uspp.F.UPF

K_POINTS {automatic}
2 2 2 1 1 1

     5.1049880824    4.9672323236    0.0000000000
    -4.7912675141    5.2733257368   -0.0000000000
    -0.0000000000    0.0000000000    7.2032409922

 Fe      0.0640761766     5.4327565722     1.8008102480
 Mg     -2.2988644562     2.9398516435     1.8008102480
 Mg      0.2241918836     4.8130480598     5.4024307441
 Mg      2.6306507132     7.3060445959     5.4024307441
 Mg      0.2406224949    10.5429355305     1.8008102480
 Mg     -2.1553695100     8.0528043965     1.8008102480
 Mg      0.3775479659     9.9332538514     5.4024307441
 Mg     -2.3207876196     7.4557439726     5.4024307441
 Ge      0.2387789083     7.6817096680    -0.0003661912
 Ge      2.6317776574     5.0436724103     0.0005773902
 Ge      0.2387789083     7.6817096680     3.6019866873
 Ge      2.6317776574     5.0436724103     3.6010431059
 Ge      0.0847798457     2.5566994682     0.0002034988
 Ge     -2.3230677758     5.1976250811     0.0020760533
 Ge      0.0847798457     2.5566994682     3.6014169973
 Ge     -2.3230677758     5.1976250811     3.5995444428
  O     -0.8125582446     4.1476235583     0.4523679571
  O     -0.8125582446     4.1476235583     3.1492525390
  O      2.0480850306     4.7754591319     1.8008102480
  O      0.8365953645     7.4123247931     1.8008102480
  O     -1.3429791197     6.7381611727     0.4456839473
  O     -1.3429791197     6.7381611727     3.1559365488
  O      1.1226742607     6.0903006692    -0.4575712326
  O      1.1226742607     6.0903006692     4.0591917287
  O     -2.9299032201     4.9437783857     1.8008102480
  O      3.6144962241     6.5785289829     0.4534922390
  O      1.8071826416     8.6303200619    -0.4579511820
  O      3.6144962241     6.5785289829     3.1481282571
  O      1.8071826416     8.6303200619     4.0595716781
  O     -0.5067970200     2.8487235832     5.4024307441
  O      3.2347126384     5.2970177159     5.4024307441
  O     -3.8257139978     6.2420006036    -0.4587575992
  O      1.6485222082     3.5119019151    -0.4562875575
  O     -0.6456714568     9.2738705978     0.4483821013
  O     -3.8257139978     6.2420006036     4.0603780953
  O      1.6485222082     3.5119019151     4.0579080536
  O     -0.6456714568     9.2738705978     3.1532383948
  O      0.6676050140     2.2631227748     1.8008102480
  O     -0.3514415341     7.9676535020     5.4024307441
  O     -1.7112214092     5.4465820124     5.4024307441

     Program PWSCF v.5.1 starts on  8Sep2014 at 13:28:24

     This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
     for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
          URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org",
     in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details

     Parallel version (MPI & OpenMP), running on      32 processor cores
     Number of MPI processes:                32
     Threads/MPI process:                     1
     K-points division:     npool     =       2
     R & G space division:  proc/nbgrp/npool/nimage =      16
     Waiting for input...
     Reading input from standard input
Warning: card &IONS ignored
Warning: card / ignored
Warning: card &CELL ignored
Warning: card / ignored
     Message from routine read_cards :
     DEPRECATED: no units specified in CELL_PARAMETERS card

     Current dimensions of program PWSCF are:
     Max number of different atomic species (ntypx) = 10
     Max number of k-points (npk) =  40000
     Max angular momentum in pseudopotentials (lmaxx) =  3

     Subspace diagonalization in iterative solution of the eigenvalue
     ELPA distributed-memory algorithm (size of sub-group:  2*  2 procs)

     Parallelization info
     sticks:   dense  smooth     PW     G-vecs:    dense   smooth      PW
     Min         180     180     47                 7358     7358    1001
     Max         181     181     48                 7361     7361    1006
     Sum        2885    2885    767               117745   117745   16061

     Generating pointlists ...
     new r_m :   0.4125 (alat units)  0.7795 (a.u.) for type    1
     new r_m :   0.4125 (alat units)  0.7795 (a.u.) for type    2
     new r_m :   0.4125 (alat units)  0.7795 (a.u.) for type    3
     new r_m :   0.4125 (alat units)  0.7795 (a.u.) for type    4

     bravais-lattice index     =            0
     lattice parameter (alat)  =       1.8897  a.u.
     unit-cell volume          =    2465.4694 (a.u.)^3
     number of atoms/cell      =           40
     number of atomic types    =            4
     number of electrons       =       342.00
     number of Kohn-Sham states=          205
     kinetic-energy cutoff     =      50.0000  Ry
     charge density cutoff     =     200.0000  Ry
     convergence threshold     =      1.0E-08
     mixing beta               =       0.3000
     number of iterations used =            8  plain     mixing
     Exchange-correlation      = SLA  PZ   NOGX NOGC ( 1  1  0  0 0)

     celldm(1)=   1.889725  celldm(2)=   0.000000  celldm(3)=   0.000000
     celldm(4)=   0.000000  celldm(5)=   0.000000  celldm(6)=   0.000000

     crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)
               a(1) = (   5.104988   4.967232   0.000000 )
               a(2) = (  -4.791268   5.273326   0.000000 )
               a(3) = (   0.000000   0.000000   7.203241 )

     reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/alat)
               b(1) = (  0.103970  0.094466  0.000000 )
               b(2) = ( -0.097935  0.100651  0.000000 )
               b(3) = (  0.000000  0.000000  0.138826 )

     PseudoPot. # 1 for Fe read from file:
     MD5 check sum: 32cbb033663340320c88e12ca63afbaf
     Pseudo is Ultrasoft + core correction, Zval = 16.0
     Generated by new atomic code, or converted to UPF format
     Using radial grid of  861 points,  6 beta functions with:
                l(1) =   0
                l(2) =   0
                l(3) =   1
                l(4) =   1
                l(5) =   2
                l(6) =   2
     Q(r) pseudized with  8 coefficients,  rinner =    1.200   1.200   1.200
                                                       1.200   1.200

     PseudoPot. # 2 for Mg read from file:
     MD5 check sum: 3e2f2ee1761bb9e932e4e49f523ff5f9
     Pseudo is Ultrasoft, Zval = 10.0
     Generated by new atomic code, or converted to UPF format
     Using radial grid of  821 points,  7 beta functions with:
                l(1) =   0
                l(2) =   0
                l(3) =   0
                l(4) =   1
                l(5) =   1
                l(6) =   2
                l(7) =   2
     Q(r) pseudized with  8 coefficients,  rinner =    1.200   1.200   1.200
                                                       1.200   1.200

     PseudoPot. # 3 for Ge read from file:
     MD5 check sum: 15ad864a5cf8594a2bbd64283e74b2b4
     Pseudo is Ultrasoft + core correction, Zval = 14.0
     Generated by new atomic code, or converted to UPF format
     Using radial grid of  873 points,  6 beta functions with:
                l(1) =   0
                l(2) =   0
                l(3) =   1
                l(4) =   1
                l(5) =   2
                l(6) =   2
     Q(r) pseudized with  8 coefficients,  rinner =    1.400   1.400   1.400
                                                       1.400   1.400

     PseudoPot. # 4 for O  read from file:
     MD5 check sum: 194b818514d2a7dbb603bb78519a4f40
     Pseudo is Ultrasoft + core correction, Zval =  6.0
     Generated by new atomic code, or converted to UPF format
     Using radial grid of  737 points,  5 beta functions with:
                l(1) =   0
                l(2) =   0
                l(3) =   1
                l(4) =   1
                l(5) =   2
     Q(r) pseudized with  8 coefficients,  rinner =    0.900   0.900   0.900
                                                       0.900   0.900

     atomic species   valence    mass     pseudopotential
        Fe            16.00     1.00000     Fe( 1.00)
        Mg            10.00     1.00000     Mg( 1.00)
        Ge            14.00     1.00000     Ge( 1.00)
        O              6.00     1.00000     O ( 1.00)

     Starting magnetic structure
     atomic species   magnetization
        Fe           0.250
        Mg           0.000
        Ge           0.000
        O            0.000

     Simplified LDA+U calculation (l_max = 2) with parameters (eV):
     atomic species    L          U    alpha       J0     beta
        Fe             2     3.1000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000

      2 Sym. Ops. (no inversion) found ( 1 have fractional translation)

   Cartesian axes

     site n.     atom                  positions (alat units)
         1           Fe  tau(   1) = (   0.0640762   5.4327598   1.8008113
         2           Mg  tau(   2) = (  -2.2988658   2.9398534   1.8008113
         3           Mg  tau(   3) = (   0.2241920   4.8130509   5.4024340
         4           Mg  tau(   4) = (   2.6306523   7.3060490   5.4024340
         5           Mg  tau(   5) = (   0.2406226  10.5429419   1.8008113
         6           Mg  tau(   6) = (  -2.1553708   8.0528092   1.8008113
         7           Mg  tau(   7) = (   0.3775482   9.9332598   5.4024340
         8           Mg  tau(   8) = (  -2.3207890   7.4557484   5.4024340
         9           Ge  tau(   9) = (   0.2387791   7.6817143  -0.0003662
        10           Ge  tau(  10) = (   2.6317792   5.0436754   0.0005774
        11           Ge  tau(  11) = (   0.2387791   7.6817143   3.6019888
        12           Ge  tau(  12) = (   2.6317792   5.0436754   3.6010453
        13           Ge  tau(  13) = (   0.0847799   2.5567010   0.0002035
        14           Ge  tau(  14) = (  -2.3230692   5.1976282   0.0020761
        15           Ge  tau(  15) = (   0.0847799   2.5567010   3.6014192
        16           Ge  tau(  16) = (  -2.3230692   5.1976282   3.5995466
        17           O   tau(  17) = (  -0.8125587   4.1476260   0.4523682
        18           O   tau(  18) = (  -0.8125587   4.1476260   3.1492544
        19           O   tau(  19) = (   2.0480863   4.7754620   1.8008113
        20           O   tau(  20) = (   0.8365959   7.4123292   1.8008113
        21           O   tau(  21) = (  -1.3429799   6.7381652   0.4456842
        22           O   tau(  22) = (  -1.3429799   6.7381652   3.1559384
        23           O   tau(  23) = (   1.1226749   6.0903043  -0.4575715
        24           O   tau(  24) = (   1.1226749   6.0903043   4.0591942
        25           O   tau(  25) = (  -2.9299050   4.9437813   1.8008113
        26           O   tau(  26) = (   3.6144984   6.5785329   0.4534925
        27           O   tau(  27) = (   1.8071837   8.6303252  -0.4579515
        28           O   tau(  28) = (   3.6144984   6.5785329   3.1481301
        29           O   tau(  29) = (   1.8071837   8.6303252   4.0595741
        30           O   tau(  30) = (  -0.5067973   2.8487253   5.4024340
        31           O   tau(  31) = (   3.2347146   5.2970209   5.4024340
        32           O   tau(  32) = (  -3.8257163   6.2420043  -0.4587579
        33           O   tau(  33) = (   1.6485232   3.5119040  -0.4562878
        34           O   tau(  34) = (  -0.6456718   9.2738762   0.4483824
        35           O   tau(  35) = (  -3.8257163   6.2420043   4.0603805
        36           O   tau(  36) = (   1.6485232   3.5119040   4.0579105
        37           O   tau(  37) = (  -0.6456718   9.2738762   3.1532403
        38           O   tau(  38) = (   0.6676054   2.2631241   1.8008113
        39           O   tau(  39) = (  -0.3514417   7.9676583   5.4024340
        40           O   tau(  40) = (  -1.7112224   5.4465853   5.4024340

     number of k points=     4  Methfessel-Paxton smearing, width (Ry)=
                       cart. coord. in units 2pi/alat
        k(    1) = (   0.0015088   0.0487792   0.0347066), wk =   0.5000000
        k(    2) = (   0.0504763  -0.0015463   0.0347066), wk =   0.5000000
        k(    3) = (   0.0015088   0.0487792   0.0347066), wk =   0.5000000
        k(    4) = (   0.0504763  -0.0015463   0.0347066), wk =   0.5000000

     Dense  grid:   117745 G-vectors     FFT dimensions: (  64,  64,  64)

     Largest allocated arrays     est. size (Mb)     dimensions
        Kohn-Sham Wavefunctions         2.87 Mb     (     919,  205)
        Atomic Hubbard wavefuncts       0.07 Mb     (     919,    5)
        NL pseudopotentials             8.51 Mb     (     919,  607)
        Each V/rho on FFT grid          0.50 Mb     (   16384,   2)
        Each G-vector array             0.06 Mb     (    7361)
        G-vector shells                 0.03 Mb     (    3673)
     Largest temporary arrays     est. size (Mb)     dimensions
        Auxiliary wavefunctions        11.50 Mb     (     919,  820)
        Each subspace H/S matrix        2.57 Mb     (     410,  410)
        Each <psi_i|beta_j> matrix      1.90 Mb     (     607,  205)
        Arrays for rho mixing           2.00 Mb     (   16384,    8)

     Check: negative/imaginary core charge=   -0.000017    0.000000

     Initial potential from superposition of free atoms

     starting charge  338.89287, renormalised to  342.00000
     Number of +U iterations with fixed ns =  0
     Starting occupations:
 --- enter write_ns ---
 LDA+U parameters:
U( 1)     =  3.10000000
alpha( 1) =  0.00000000
atom    1   Tr[ns(na)] (up, down, total) =   5.00000  1.00000  6.00000
   spin  1
  1.000  1.000  1.000  1.000  1.000
  1.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000
  0.000  1.000  0.000  0.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  1.000  0.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  0.000  1.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  1.000
  1.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000
  0.000  1.000  0.000  0.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  1.000  0.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  0.000  1.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  1.000
   spin  2
  0.200  0.200  0.200  0.200  0.200
  1.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000
  0.000  1.000  0.000  0.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  1.000  0.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  0.000  1.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  1.000
  0.200  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000
  0.000  0.200  0.000  0.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  0.200  0.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.200  0.000
  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.200
atomic mag. moment =     4.000000
N of occupied +U levels =    6.000000
 --- exit write_ns ---
 Atomic wfc used for LDA+U Projector are NOT orthogonalized
     Starting wfc are  216 randomized atomic wfcs

     total cpu time spent up to now is        4.2 secs

     per-process dynamical memory:    33.4 Mb

     Self-consistent Calculation

     iteration #  1     ecut=    50.00 Ry     beta=0.30
     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
     ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  4.5
 --- enter write_ns ---
 LDA+U parameters:
U( 1)     =  3.10000000
alpha( 1) =  0.00000000
atom    1   Tr[ns(na)] (up, down, total) =   4.99609  2.35813  7.35422
   spin  1
  0.999  0.999  0.999  0.999  0.999
 -0.473  0.000  0.881 -0.015  0.000
  0.000  0.747  0.000  0.000 -0.664
  0.000  0.664  0.000  0.000  0.747
  0.862  0.000  0.459 -0.214  0.000
  0.181  0.000  0.114  0.977  0.000
  0.999  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000
  0.000  0.999  0.000  0.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  0.999  0.000  0.000
  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.999  0.000
  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.999
   spin  2
  0.316  0.334  0.365  0.369  0.973
 -0.989  0.000  0.000 -0.143 -0.031
  0.000  0.968 -0.250  0.000  0.000
  0.000 -0.250 -0.968  0.000  0.000
 -0.109  0.000  0.000  0.579  0.808
  0.097  0.000  0.000 -0.803  0.589
  0.318  0.000  0.000 -0.021 -0.006
  0.000  0.336  0.007  0.000  0.000
  0.000  0.007  0.363  0.000  0.000
 -0.021  0.000  0.000  0.763  0.287
 -0.006  0.000  0.000  0.287  0.578
atomic mag. moment =     2.637957
N of occupied +U levels =    7.354220
 --- exit write_ns ---

     Magnetic moment per site:
     atom:    1    charge:    7.3095    magn:    1.6861    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    2    charge:    5.8857    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    3    charge:    5.8864    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    4    charge:    5.8820    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    5    charge:    5.8824    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    6    charge:    5.8814    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    7    charge:    5.8860    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    8    charge:    5.8852    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    9    charge:    6.8132    magn:    0.0002    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   10    charge:    6.8140    magn:    0.0002    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   11    charge:    6.8132    magn:    0.0002    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   12    charge:    6.8140    magn:    0.0002    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   13    charge:    6.8108    magn:    0.0002    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   14    charge:    6.8109    magn:    0.0002    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   15    charge:    6.8108    magn:    0.0002    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   16    charge:    6.8109    magn:    0.0002    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   17    charge:    2.0927    magn:    0.0171    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   18    charge:    2.0927    magn:    0.0171    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   19    charge:    2.0974    magn:    0.0144    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   20    charge:    2.1066    magn:    0.0143    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   21    charge:    2.0916    magn:    0.0136    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   22    charge:    2.0916    magn:    0.0136    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   23    charge:    2.0975    magn:    0.0092    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   24    charge:    2.0975    magn:    0.0092    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   25    charge:    2.1065    magn:    0.0011    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   26    charge:    2.1003    magn:    0.0014    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   27    charge:    2.0993    magn:    0.0023    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   28    charge:    2.1003    magn:    0.0014    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   29    charge:    2.0993    magn:    0.0023    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   30    charge:    2.1039    magn:    0.0021    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   31    charge:    2.1029    magn:    0.0021    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   32    charge:    2.1006    magn:    0.0018    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   33    charge:    2.1023    magn:    0.0011    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   34    charge:    2.0971    magn:    0.0026    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   35    charge:    2.1006    magn:    0.0018    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   36    charge:    2.1023    magn:    0.0011    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   37    charge:    2.0971    magn:    0.0026    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   38    charge:    2.1058    magn:    0.0002    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   39    charge:    2.1053    magn:    0.0012    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   40    charge:    2.1065    magn:    0.0014    constr:    0.0000

     total cpu time spent up to now is       13.4 secs

     total energy              =   -3560.92084665 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -3564.91160194 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <       9.18723739 Ry

     total magnetization       =     4.03 Bohr mag/cell
     absolute magnetization    =     4.03 Bohr mag/cell

     iteration #  2     ecut=    50.00 Ry     beta=0.30
     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
     ethr =  2.69E-03,  avg # of iterations =  3.5

     Magnetic moment per site:
     atom:    1    charge:    7.1778    magn:    1.6765    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    2    charge:    5.8732    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    3    charge:    5.8737    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    4    charge:    5.8695    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    5    charge:    5.8700    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    6    charge:    5.8690    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    7    charge:    5.8735    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    8    charge:    5.8728    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    9    charge:    6.8057    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   10    charge:    6.8068    magn:    0.0002    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   11    charge:    6.8057    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   12    charge:    6.8068    magn:    0.0002    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   13    charge:    6.8038    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   14    charge:    6.8037    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   15    charge:    6.8038    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   16    charge:    6.8037    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   17    charge:    2.1006    magn:    0.0167    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   18    charge:    2.1006    magn:    0.0167    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   19    charge:    2.1022    magn:    0.0140    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   20    charge:    2.1130    magn:    0.0139    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   21    charge:    2.1016    magn:    0.0135    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   22    charge:    2.1016    magn:    0.0135    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   23    charge:    2.1036    magn:    0.0090    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   24    charge:    2.1036    magn:    0.0090    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   25    charge:    2.1040    magn:    0.0009    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   26    charge:    2.1016    magn:    0.0012    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   27    charge:    2.1036    magn:    0.0019    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   28    charge:    2.1016    magn:    0.0012    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   29    charge:    2.1036    magn:    0.0019    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   30    charge:    2.1064    magn:    0.0015    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   31    charge:    2.1055    magn:    0.0016    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   32    charge:    2.1035    magn:    0.0012    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   33    charge:    2.1022    magn:    0.0008    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   34    charge:    2.1014    magn:    0.0022    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   35    charge:    2.1035    magn:    0.0012    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   36    charge:    2.1022    magn:    0.0008    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   37    charge:    2.1014    magn:    0.0022    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   38    charge:    2.1010    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   39    charge:    2.1062    magn:    0.0010    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   40    charge:    2.1060    magn:    0.0010    constr:    0.0000

     total cpu time spent up to now is       21.7 secs

     total energy              =   -3562.05386923 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -3562.38770592 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <       0.92880777 Ry

     total magnetization       =     4.02 Bohr mag/cell
     absolute magnetization    =     4.07 Bohr mag/cell

     iteration #  3     ecut=    50.00 Ry     beta=0.30
     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
     ethr =  2.72E-04,  avg # of iterations =  3.5

     Magnetic moment per site:
     atom:    1    charge:    7.1892    magn:    1.6799    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    2    charge:    5.8681    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    3    charge:    5.8687    magn:   -0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    4    charge:    5.8645    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    5    charge:    5.8650    magn:   -0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    6    charge:    5.8641    magn:   -0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    7    charge:    5.8686    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    8    charge:    5.8678    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:    9    charge:    6.8067    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   10    charge:    6.8078    magn:    0.0002    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   11    charge:    6.8067    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   12    charge:    6.8078    magn:    0.0002    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   13    charge:    6.8047    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   14    charge:    6.8046    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   15    charge:    6.8047    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   16    charge:    6.8046    magn:    0.0001    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   17    charge:    2.0873    magn:    0.0190    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   18    charge:    2.0873    magn:    0.0190    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   19    charge:    2.0887    magn:    0.0158    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   20    charge:    2.0994    magn:    0.0157    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   21    charge:    2.0880    magn:    0.0148    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   22    charge:    2.0880    magn:    0.0148    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   23    charge:    2.0910    magn:    0.0098    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   24    charge:    2.0910    magn:    0.0098    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   25    charge:    2.0925    magn:    0.0008    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   26    charge:    2.0898    magn:    0.0012    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   27    charge:    2.0911    magn:    0.0018    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   28    charge:    2.0898    magn:    0.0012    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   29    charge:    2.0911    magn:    0.0018    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   30    charge:    2.0929    magn:    0.0015    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   31    charge:    2.0929    magn:    0.0013    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   32    charge:    2.0917    magn:    0.0010    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   33    charge:    2.0912    magn:    0.0006    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   34    charge:    2.0891    magn:    0.0020    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   35    charge:    2.0917    magn:    0.0010    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   36    charge:    2.0912    magn:    0.0006    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   37    charge:    2.0891    magn:    0.0020    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   38    charge:    2.0902    magn:    0.0000    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   39    charge:    2.0941    magn:    0.0009    constr:    0.0000
     atom:   40    charge:    2.0937    magn:    0.0010    constr:    0.0000


   -72.3758 -62.5598 -62.5537 -62.5511 -62.5480 -62.5425 -62.5369 -62.5357
   -39.4541 -38.8156 -38.6976 -30.0229 -30.0158 -30.0130 -30.0103 -30.0084
   -30.0040 -30.0035 -30.0009 -29.9992 -29.9984 -29.9982 -29.9924 -29.9876
   -29.9864 -29.9812 -29.9751 -29.9728 -29.9689 -29.9646 -29.9590 -29.9563
   -14.3294 -14.3240 -14.3033 -14.3024 -14.2913 -14.2772 -14.2751 -14.2435
   -14.2228 -14.2223 -14.2170 -14.1807 -14.1794 -14.1656 -14.1642 -14.1571
   -14.0171 -14.0153 -14.0145 -14.0131 -14.0086 -14.0081 -14.0069 -14.0058
   -14.0043 -14.0027 -14.0024 -14.0008 -13.9995 -13.9982 -13.9976 -13.9961
   -13.9930 -13.9927 -13.9912 -13.9910 -13.9868 -13.9859 -13.9824 -13.9792
    -9.7843  -9.0442  -9.0383  -9.0323  -8.3879  -8.3807  -8.3738  -7.9140
    -7.4971  -7.4713  -7.4614  -7.4010  -7.3331  -7.3190  -7.2015  -7.1094
    -6.9305  -6.9052  -6.8962  -6.4064  -6.3960  -6.3038  -6.2927  -6.1830
    -0.3517   0.8496   1.1505   1.1568   1.9540   1.9947   2.0011   2.2299
     3.5932   3.7287   3.9068   3.9226   4.2995   4.3190   4.4402   4.4506
     4.7519   4.8447   4.8627   4.9689   5.1655   5.2280   5.2371   5.6173
     5.6668   5.7574   5.7815   5.7941   5.8425   5.9005   5.9230   6.6227
     6.6506   6.6777   6.7071   6.7640   6.8696   6.8963   6.9263   7.0988
     7.4069   7.4359   7.4917   7.6701   7.7331   7.7787   7.8363   7.9296
     7.9556   7.9730   8.0333   8.1732   8.2016   8.2275   8.3257   8.3813
     8.4031   8.4117   8.4690   8.5685   8.6023   8.6228   8.6804   8.7394
     8.7624   8.7812   8.7938   8.8262   8.9081   8.9152   8.9798   9.0363
    11.4012  13.3197  13.7582  13.8042  14.1482  14.5752  14.6947  14.7607
    14.9438  15.5053  15.7670  15.8208  16.5742  17.0272  18.0198  18.1416
    18.1597  18.4134  18.4539  18.4813  18.5170  18.7278  18.8137  18.8752
    19.0233  19.2133  19.4970  19.5531  19.5742  19.8056  20.2091  20.2829
    20.3267  20.4359  20.7334  20.8263  20.8985

     the Fermi energy is    11.9044 ev

!    total energy              =   -3562.13880898 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -3562.13880897 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <          1.5E-09 Ry

     The total energy is the sum of the following terms:

     one-electron contribution =   -1662.94477982 Ry
     hartree contribution      =    1067.83968469 Ry
     xc contribution           =    -752.14181346 Ry
     ewald contribution        =   -2214.94330371 Ry
     Hubbard energy            =       0.05140332 Ry
     smearing contrib. (-TS)   =       0.00000000 Ry

     total magnetization       =     4.00 Bohr mag/cell
     absolute magnetization    =     4.03 Bohr mag/cell

     convergence has been achieved in  19 iterations

     Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):

*     atom    1 type  1   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom    2 type  2   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom    3 type  2   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom    4 type  2   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom    5 type  2   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom    6 type  2   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom    7 type  2   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom    8 type  2   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom    9 type  3   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   10 type  3   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   11 type  3   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   12 type  3   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   13 type  3   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   14 type  3   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   15 type  3   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   16 type  3   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   17 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   18 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   19 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   20 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   21 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   22 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   23 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   24 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   25 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   26 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   27 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   28 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   29 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   30 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   31 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   32 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   33 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   34 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   35 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   36 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   37 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   38 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   39 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN
*     atom   40 type  4   force =            NaN           NaN

*     Total force =          NaN     Total SCF correction =     0.000083*

     entering subroutine stress ...

          total   stress  (Ry/bohr**3)                   (kbar)     P=
  -0.00015382   0.00000344   0.00000000        -22.63      0.51      0.00
   0.00000344  -0.00015120   0.00000000          0.51    -22.24      0.00
   0.00000000   0.00000000  -0.00012761          0.00      0.00    -18.77

     init_run     :      3.43s CPU      3.56s WALL (       1 calls)
     electrons    :    149.61s CPU    150.70s WALL (       1 calls)
     forces       :      4.01s CPU      4.01s WALL (       1 calls)
     stress       :     18.35s CPU     18.36s WALL (       1 calls)

     Called by init_run:
     wfcinit      :      2.00s CPU      2.06s WALL (       1 calls)
     potinit      :      0.28s CPU      0.28s WALL (       1 calls)

     Called by electrons:
     c_bands      :    108.27s CPU    109.25s WALL (      19 calls)
     sum_band     :     28.75s CPU     28.82s WALL (      19 calls)
     v_of_rho     :      0.28s CPU      0.28s WALL (      20 calls)
     newd         :     12.50s CPU     12.51s WALL (      20 calls)
     mix_rho      :      0.31s CPU      0.31s WALL (      19 calls)

     Called by c_bands:
     init_us_2    :      0.46s CPU      0.58s WALL (     104 calls)
     cegterg      :     99.68s CPU    100.60s WALL (      38 calls)

     Called by *egterg:
     h_psi        :     48.38s CPU     48.61s WALL (     158 calls)
     s_psi        :      9.59s CPU      9.59s WALL (     180 calls)
     g_psi        :      0.17s CPU      0.17s WALL (     118 calls)
     cdiaghg      :     28.96s CPU     29.32s WALL (     156 calls)

     Called by h_psi:
     add_vuspsi   :      8.32s CPU      8.55s WALL (     158 calls)
     vhpsi        :      2.63s CPU      2.60s WALL (     158 calls)

     General routines
     calbec       :     20.62s CPU     19.83s WALL (    3336 calls)
     fft          :      0.50s CPU      0.42s WALL (     226 calls)
     fftw         :     32.89s CPU     31.71s WALL (   44122 calls)

     Parallel routines
     fft_scatter  :     19.21s CPU     12.04s WALL (   44348 calls)
     Hubbard U routines
     new_ns       :      0.27s CPU      0.30s WALL (      19 calls)
     vhpsi        :      2.63s CPU      2.60s WALL (     158 calls)
     force_hub    :      1.19s CPU      1.20s WALL (       1 calls)
     stres_hub    :      6.66s CPU      6.68s WALL (       1 calls)

     PWSCF        :  2m56.00s CPU     2m57.40s WALL

   This run was terminated on:  13:31:21   8Sep2014

Application 5692467 resources: utime ~5600s, stime ~86s, Rss ~108008,
inblocks ~646892, outblocks ~142424

Mehmet Topsakal
Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,
University of Minnesota, Postdoctoral Associate,
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