[Pw_forum] Error in davcio running pw4gww

Paolo Giannozzi paolo.giannozzi at uniud.it
Mon Oct 13 18:10:51 CEST 2014

On Fri, 2014-10-10 at 12:13 +0200, Valentina Cantatore wrote:

> I'm trying to get used with gw calculations and I'm running test with
> a small, nonperiodic system

not small enough for my PC. Anyway, with (much) smaller cutoffs and
cell, I don't get any (obvious) problem.


> . According to the manual I need to run first of all a scf calculation
> followed by a pw4gww run.
> The pw4gww run stops early giving error:
> "Error in routine davcio (99):
> error while reading from file "../.._whole50""
> Can you give me some hints about this problem? I attach my two inputs
> files.
> Thank you very much.
> Valentina Cantatore
> PostDoc at Università del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria 
> _______________________________________________
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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 Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry&Physics&Environment, 
 Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
 Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222 
-------------- next part --------------

     Program PWSCF v.5.1 (svn rev. 11221:11225) starts on 13Oct2014 at 17:59:29 

     This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
     for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
          URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org", 
     in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at

     Parallel version (MPI), running on     1 processors
     Reading input from scf.inp

     Current dimensions of program PWSCF are:
     Max number of different atomic species (ntypx) = 10
     Max number of k-points (npk) =  40000
     Max angular momentum in pseudopotentials (lmaxx) =  3
               file Pb.pbe-dn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.2.UPF: wavefunction(s)  6S renormalized

     gamma-point specific algorithms are used

     Subspace diagonalization in iterative solution of the eigenvalue problem:
     a serial algorithm will be used

     G-vector sticks info
     sticks:   dense  smooth     PW     G-vecs:    dense   smooth      PW
     Sum        3397    2253    569               149781    81313   10131
     Tot        1699    1127    285


     bravais-lattice index     =            1
     lattice parameter (alat)  =      18.8973  a.u.
     unit-cell volume          =    6748.3346 (a.u.)^3
     number of atoms/cell      =            3
     number of atomic types    =            2
     number of electrons       =        28.00
     number of Kohn-Sham states=           15
     kinetic-energy cutoff     =      20.0000  Ry
     charge density cutoff     =     120.0000  Ry
     convergence threshold     =      1.0E-08
     mixing beta               =       0.7000
     number of iterations used =            8  plain     mixing
     Exchange-correlation      =  SLA  PW   PBX  PBC ( 1  4  3  4 0 0)

     celldm(1)=  18.897261  celldm(2)=   0.000000  celldm(3)=   0.000000
     celldm(4)=   0.000000  celldm(5)=   0.000000  celldm(6)=   0.000000

     crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)
               a(1) = (   1.000000   0.000000   0.000000 )  
               a(2) = (   0.000000   1.000000   0.000000 )  
               a(3) = (   0.000000   0.000000   1.000000 )  

     reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/alat)
               b(1) = (  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000 )  
               b(2) = (  0.000000  1.000000  0.000000 )  
               b(3) = (  0.000000  0.000000  1.000000 )  

     PseudoPot. # 1 for Pb read from file:
     MD5 check sum: 75b36dc90006a8006783eed5996a5153
     Pseudo is Projector augmented-wave + core cor, Zval = 14.0
     Generated using "atomic" code by A. Dal Corso  v.5.0.2 svn rev. 9605
     Shape of augmentation charge: PSQ
     Using radial grid of 1281 points,  6 beta functions with: 
                l(1) =   0
                l(2) =   0
                l(3) =   1
                l(4) =   1
                l(5) =   2
                l(6) =   2
     Q(r) pseudized with 0 coefficients 

     PseudoPot. # 2 for  I read from file:
     MD5 check sum: 25b0da4179b1776aafcbe0d3cb8d3005
     Pseudo is Projector augmented-wave + core cor, Zval =  7.0
     Generated using "atomic" code by A. Dal Corso  v.5.0.2 svn rev. 9605
     Shape of augmentation charge: PSQ
     Using radial grid of 1247 points,  4 beta functions with: 
                l(1) =   0
                l(2) =   0
                l(3) =   1
                l(4) =   1
     Q(r) pseudized with 0 coefficients 

     atomic species   valence    mass     pseudopotential
        Pb            14.00   207.20000     Pb( 1.00)
        I              7.00   126.90000      I( 1.00)

     No symmetry found

   Cartesian axes

     site n.     atom                  positions (alat units)
         1           Pb  tau(   1) = (  -0.0095053  -0.0176564  -0.0026195  )
         2           I   tau(   2) = (  -0.2467461  -0.0915875   0.0008886  )
         3           I   tau(   3) = (   0.1904680  -0.1648666   0.0004619  )

     number of k points=     1
                       cart. coord. in units 2pi/alat
        k(    1) = (   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   2.0000000

     Dense  grid:    74891 G-vectors     FFT dimensions: (  72,  72,  72)

     Smooth grid:    40657 G-vectors     FFT dimensions: (  54,  54,  54)

     Largest allocated arrays     est. size (Mb)     dimensions
        Kohn-Sham Wavefunctions         1.16 Mb     (    5066,   15)
        NL pseudopotentials             2.63 Mb     (    5066,   34)
        Each V/rho on FFT grid          5.70 Mb     (  373248)
        Each G-vector array             0.57 Mb     (   74891)
        G-vector shells                 0.01 Mb     (     907)
     Largest temporary arrays     est. size (Mb)     dimensions
        Auxiliary wavefunctions         2.32 Mb     (    5066,   60)
        Each subspace H/S matrix        0.03 Mb     (      60,   60)
        Each <psi_i|beta_j> matrix      0.00 Mb     (      34,   15)
        Arrays for rho mixing          45.56 Mb     (  373248,    8)

     Check: negative/imaginary core charge=   -0.000004    0.000000

     Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
     Check: negative starting charge=   -0.003945

     starting charge   27.99750, renormalised to   28.00000

     negative rho (up, down):  3.945E-03 0.000E+00
     Starting wfc are   17 randomized atomic wfcs
     Checking if some PAW data can be deallocated... 

     total cpu time spent up to now is        5.2 secs

     per-process dynamical memory:    65.5 Mb

     Self-consistent Calculation

     iteration #  1     ecut=    20.00 Ry     beta=0.70
     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
     ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  2.0

     Threshold (ethr) on eigenvalues was too large:
     Diagonalizing with lowered threshold

     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
     ethr =  3.50E-04,  avg # of iterations =  2.0

     negative rho (up, down):  4.245E-03 0.000E+00

     total cpu time spent up to now is        8.1 secs

     total energy              =   -1628.17860054 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -1628.24282120 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <       0.10564977 Ry

     iteration #  2     ecut=    20.00 Ry     beta=0.70
     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
     ethr =  3.77E-04,  avg # of iterations =  3.0

     negative rho (up, down):  3.995E-03 0.000E+00

     total cpu time spent up to now is       10.6 secs

     total energy              =   -1628.19068186 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -1628.22790175 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <       0.06668792 Ry

     iteration #  3     ecut=    20.00 Ry     beta=0.70
     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
     ethr =  2.38E-04,  avg # of iterations =  2.0

     negative rho (up, down):  4.033E-03 0.000E+00

     total cpu time spent up to now is       12.8 secs

     total energy              =   -1628.20909617 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -1628.21227938 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00731400 Ry

     iteration #  4     ecut=    20.00 Ry     beta=0.70
     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
     ethr =  2.61E-05,  avg # of iterations =  2.0

     negative rho (up, down):  4.082E-03 0.000E+00

     total cpu time spent up to now is       15.0 secs

     total energy              =   -1628.21051789 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -1628.21055394 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00016433 Ry

     iteration #  5     ecut=    20.00 Ry     beta=0.70
     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
     ethr =  5.87E-07,  avg # of iterations =  4.0

     negative rho (up, down):  4.083E-03 0.000E+00

     total cpu time spent up to now is       17.2 secs

     total energy              =   -1628.21057391 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -1628.21058270 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00002284 Ry

     iteration #  6     ecut=    20.00 Ry     beta=0.70
     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
     ethr =  8.16E-08,  avg # of iterations =  3.0

     negative rho (up, down):  4.083E-03 0.000E+00

     total cpu time spent up to now is       19.5 secs

     total energy              =   -1628.21057667 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -1628.21057742 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00000233 Ry

     iteration #  7     ecut=    20.00 Ry     beta=0.70
     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
     ethr =  8.32E-09,  avg # of iterations =  3.0

     negative rho (up, down):  4.083E-03 0.000E+00

     total cpu time spent up to now is       21.7 secs

     total energy              =   -1628.21057700 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -1628.21057709 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00000024 Ry

     iteration #  8     ecut=    20.00 Ry     beta=0.70
     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
     ethr =  8.46E-10,  avg # of iterations =  3.0

     negative rho (up, down):  4.083E-03 0.000E+00

     total cpu time spent up to now is       24.0 secs

     total energy              =   -1628.21057707 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -1628.21057709 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00000004 Ry

     iteration #  9     ecut=    20.00 Ry     beta=0.70
     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
     ethr =  1.38E-10,  avg # of iterations =  2.0

     negative rho (up, down):  4.083E-03 0.000E+00

     total cpu time spent up to now is       26.1 secs

     End of self-consistent calculation

          k = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 (  5066 PWs)   bands (ev):

   -21.5159 -21.3772 -21.1887 -21.0819 -21.0513 -16.7924 -16.0844 -11.6397
    -7.2483  -6.3278  -6.2663  -5.6619  -5.4874  -4.2017  -2.1095

     highest occupied, lowest unoccupied level (ev):    -4.2017   -2.1095

!    total energy              =   -1628.21057708 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -1628.21057708 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <          3.9E-09 Ry

     total all-electron energy =    -70229.733934 Ry

     The total energy is the sum of the following terms:

     one-electron contribution =    -243.03122763 Ry
     hartree contribution      =     128.99654751 Ry
     xc contribution           =    -127.75800927 Ry
     ewald contribution        =     -17.07212664 Ry
     one-center paw contrib.   =   -1369.34576105 Ry

     charge density inside the Wigner-Seitz cell:   28.00000000

     reference position (x0):        -0.35568845   -1.37839910   -0.01836986 bohr

     Dipole moments (with respect to x0):
     Elect   0.0637   0.5484  -0.0163 au (Ha),   0.1620   1.3940  -0.0413 Debye
     Ionic   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000 au (Ha),   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000 Debye
     Total   0.0637   0.5484  -0.0163 au (Ha),   0.1620   1.3940  -0.0413 Debye

     Electrons quadrupole moment       -422.20916251 a.u. (Ha)
          Ions quadrupole moment        277.08935227 a.u. (Ha)
         Total quadrupole moment       -145.11981025 a.u. (Ha)

     *********    MAKOV-PAYNE CORRECTION    *********

     Makov-Payne correction with Madelung constant =   2.8373

     Makov-Payne correction     0.00000000 Ry =  0.000 eV (1st order, 1/a0)
                                0.00018938 Ry =  0.003 eV (2nd order, 1/a0^3)
                                0.00018938 Ry =  0.003 eV (total)

!    Total+Makov-Payne energy  =   -1628.21038770 Ry
     Corrected vacuum level    =       1.27740157 eV

     convergence has been achieved in   9 iterations

     Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):

     negative rho (up, down):  4.083E-03 0.000E+00
     atom    1 type  1   force =     0.03799252    0.24178688   -0.00718565
     atom    2 type  2   force =    -0.21158253   -0.08788584    0.00378647
     atom    3 type  2   force =     0.17359001   -0.15390104    0.00339918

     Total force =     0.407789     Total SCF correction =     0.000218

     Writing output data file PbI2.save
     init_run     :      3.59s CPU      4.09s WALL (       1 calls)
     electrons    :     20.25s CPU     21.18s WALL (       1 calls)
     forces       :      1.52s CPU      1.56s WALL (       1 calls)

     Called by init_run:
     wfcinit      :      0.11s CPU      0.25s WALL (       1 calls)
     potinit      :      0.98s CPU      1.11s WALL (       1 calls)

     Called by electrons:
     c_bands      :      2.63s CPU      2.71s WALL (      10 calls)
     sum_band     :      5.06s CPU      5.17s WALL (      10 calls)
     v_of_rho     :      4.12s CPU      4.32s WALL (      10 calls)
     newd         :      4.41s CPU      4.53s WALL (      10 calls)
     mix_rho      :      0.56s CPU      0.75s WALL (      10 calls)

     Called by c_bands:
     init_us_2    :      0.08s CPU      0.08s WALL (      21 calls)
     regterg      :      2.49s CPU      2.55s WALL (      10 calls)

     Called by *egterg:
     h_psi        :      2.21s CPU      2.28s WALL (      37 calls)
     s_psi        :      0.06s CPU      0.05s WALL (      37 calls)
     g_psi        :      0.06s CPU      0.05s WALL (      26 calls)
     rdiaghg      :      0.02s CPU      0.09s WALL (      35 calls)

     Called by h_psi:
     add_vuspsi   :      0.04s CPU      0.05s WALL (      37 calls)

     General routines
     calbec       :      0.09s CPU      0.12s WALL (      51 calls)
     fft          :      3.35s CPU      3.46s WALL (     171 calls)
     ffts         :      0.14s CPU      0.15s WALL (      20 calls)
     fftw         :      1.94s CPU      2.00s WALL (     520 calls)
     interpolate  :      0.64s CPU      0.66s WALL (      20 calls)
     davcio       :      0.00s CPU      0.05s WALL (       1 calls)
     Parallel routines
     fft_scatter  :      0.80s CPU      0.85s WALL (     711 calls)

     PAW routines
     PAW_pot      :      4.27s CPU      4.34s WALL (      10 calls)
     PWSCF        :    25.96s CPU        28.64s WALL

   This run was terminated on:  17:59:58  13Oct2014            

-------------- next part --------------

     Program PW4GWW v.5.1 (svn rev. 11221:11225) starts on 13Oct2014 at 18: 4:35 

     This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
     for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
          URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org", 
     in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at

     Parallel version (MPI), running on     1 processors

   Info: using nr1, nr2, nr3 values from input

   Info: using nr1s, nr2s, nr3s values from input

     IMPORTANT: XC functional enforced from input :
     Exchange-correlation      =  SLA  PW   PBX  PBC ( 1  4  3  4 0 0)
     Any further DFT definition will be discarded
     Please, verify this is what you really want

               file Pb.pbe-dn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.2.UPF: wavefunction(s)  6S renormalized
     G-vector sticks info
     sticks:   dense  smooth     PW     G-vecs:    dense   smooth      PW
     Sum        3397    2253    569               149781    81313   10131
     Tot        1699    1127    285

     Check: negative/imaginary core charge=   -0.000004    0.000000

     negative rho (up, down):  4.083E-03 0.000E+00
 nkstot=           1
 after first init
 after g stuff
 after wfc waves
 after davcio

     bravais-lattice index     =            1
     lattice parameter (alat)  =      18.8973  a.u.
     unit-cell volume          =    6748.3346 (a.u.)^3
     number of atoms/cell      =            3
     number of atomic types    =            2
     number of electrons       =        28.00
     number of Kohn-Sham states=           15
     kinetic-energy cutoff     =      20.0000  Ry
     charge density cutoff     =     120.0000  Ry
     Exchange-correlation      =  SLA  PW   PBX  PBC ( 1  4  3  4 0 0)

     celldm(1)=  18.897261  celldm(2)=   0.000000  celldm(3)=   0.000000
     celldm(4)=   0.000000  celldm(5)=   0.000000  celldm(6)=   0.000000

     crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)
               a(1) = (   1.000000   0.000000   0.000000 )  
               a(2) = (   0.000000   1.000000   0.000000 )  
               a(3) = (   0.000000   0.000000   1.000000 )  

     reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/alat)
               b(1) = (  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000 )  
               b(2) = (  0.000000  1.000000  0.000000 )  
               b(3) = (  0.000000  0.000000  1.000000 )  

     PseudoPot. # 1 for Pb read from file:
     MD5 check sum: 75b36dc90006a8006783eed5996a5153
     Pseudo is Projector augmented-wave + core cor, Zval = 14.0
     Generated using "atomic" code by A. Dal Corso  v.5.0.2 svn rev. 9605
     Shape of augmentation charge: PSQ
     Using radial grid of 1281 points,  6 beta functions with: 
                l(1) =   0
                l(2) =   0
                l(3) =   1
                l(4) =   1
                l(5) =   2
                l(6) =   2
     Q(r) pseudized with 0 coefficients 

     PseudoPot. # 2 for  I read from file:
     MD5 check sum: 25b0da4179b1776aafcbe0d3cb8d3005
     Pseudo is Projector augmented-wave + core cor, Zval =  7.0
     Generated using "atomic" code by A. Dal Corso  v.5.0.2 svn rev. 9605
     Shape of augmentation charge: PSQ
     Using radial grid of 1247 points,  4 beta functions with: 
                l(1) =   0
                l(2) =   0
                l(3) =   1
                l(4) =   1
     Q(r) pseudized with 0 coefficients 

     atomic species   valence    mass     pseudopotential
        Pb            14.00   207.20000     Pb( 1.00)
        I              7.00   126.90000      I( 1.00)

     No symmetry found

   Cartesian axes

     site n.     atom                  positions (alat units)
         1           Pb  tau(   1) = (  -0.0095053  -0.0176564  -0.0026195  )
         2           I   tau(   2) = (  -0.2467461  -0.0915875   0.0008886  )
         3           I   tau(   3) = (   0.1904680  -0.1648666   0.0004619  )

     number of k points=     1
                       cart. coord. in units 2pi/alat
        k(    1) = (   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   2.0000000

     Dense  grid:    74891 G-vectors     FFT dimensions: (  72,  72,  72)

     Smooth grid:    40657 G-vectors     FFT dimensions: (  54,  54,  54)

     Check: negative/imaginary core charge=   -0.000004    0.000000

          k = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000     band energies (ev):

   -21.5159 -21.3772 -21.1887 -21.0819 -21.0513 -16.7924 -16.0844 -11.6397
    -7.2483  -6.3278  -6.2663  -5.6619  -5.4874  -4.2017  -2.1095

     highest occupied, lowest unoccupied level (ev):    -4.2017   -2.1095
 MAX_NGM:        5066       74891
 KS energy:           1  -21.5160863817702     
 KS energy:           2  -21.3774482776746     
 KS energy:           3  -21.1889500309993     
 KS energy:           4  -21.0821397809189     
 KS energy:           5  -21.0516167213584     
 KS energy:           6  -16.7923545478725     
 KS energy:           7  -16.0842850093056     
 KS energy:           8  -11.6398033451871     
 KS energy:           9  -7.24826075718570     
 KS energy:          10  -6.32776616848754     
 KS energy:          11  -6.26628626652049     
 KS energy:          12  -5.66178038819907     
 KS energy:          13  -5.48728372326391     
 KS energy:          14  -4.20173579920190     
 KS energy:          15  -2.10959801484808     

     negative rho (up, down):  4.083E-03 0.000E+00
 Routine energies_xc :           1  -12.4711558038561     
 Routine energies_xc :           2  -12.4103304349633     
 Routine energies_xc :           3  -12.0767500678013     
 Routine energies_xc :           4  -12.0711535997977     
 Routine energies_xc :           5  -12.1105740479000     
 Routine energies_xc :           6  -20.7271718114332     
 Routine energies_xc :           7  -21.1847296575633     
 Routine energies_xc :           8  -20.8183477391218     
 Routine energies_xc :           9  -13.5809056388963     
 Routine energies_xc :          10  -11.6193104720772     
 Routine energies_xc :          11  -11.9382740074429     
 Routine energies_xc :          12  -12.1224046658681     
 Routine energies_xc :          13  -12.3489130975249     
 Routine energies_xc :          14  -13.7351112565063     
 Routine energies_xc :          15  -10.6394830393035     
 Routine energies_h :           1   104.867081308211     
 Routine energies_h :           2   104.668239100773     
 Routine energies_h :           3   103.032957589928     
 Routine energies_h :           4   101.985625650920     
 Routine energies_h :           5   102.596833860721     
 Routine energies_h :           6   119.026015276423     
 Routine energies_h :           7   101.370569281138     
 Routine energies_h :           8   149.882161764968     
 Routine energies_h :           9   91.8092977571465     
 Routine energies_h :          10   76.7679853131229     
 Routine energies_h :          11   80.5251400946281     
 Routine energies_h :          12   68.0807073632786     
 Routine energies_h :          13   69.7316335984575     
 Routine energies_h :          14   91.2031356698629     
 Routine energies_h :          15   94.2729500866086     
stop_clock: clock # 18 for        h_psi not running
 Transform to real wfcs
 NRS          54          54          54
 NRXS          54          54          54
 Calculate grid
 MATRIX IIW           1
 MATRIX JJW           1
 Calculate US
 Out of matrix_wannier_gamma_big
 Spread   1033.08959259899        780.980123783937     
 Spread   1074.02954403765        1033.08959259899     
 Spread   1080.79155328000        1074.02954403765     
 Spread   1081.22856679361        1080.79155328000     
 Spread   1081.30878077343        1081.22856679361     
 Spread   1081.33587001731        1081.30878077343     
 Spread   1081.34511078018        1081.33587001731     
 Spread   1081.34785299689        1081.34511078018     
 Spread   1081.34857189660        1081.34785299689     
 Spread   1081.34874414927        1081.34857189660     
 Spread   1081.34878285444        1081.34874414927     
 Spread   1081.34879115555        1081.34878285444     
 Spread   1081.34879287615        1081.34879115555     
 Spread   1081.34879322403        1081.34879287615     
 Spread   1081.34879329313        1081.34879322403     
 Spread   1081.34879330669        1081.34879329313     
 Spread   1081.34879330933        1081.34879330669     
 Spread   1081.34879330984        1081.34879330933     
 Center Wannier:   18.5897366324830        18.8489853201634     
 Center Wannier:   18.7190793658183        18.8274496049949     
 Center Wannier:   18.7138143669904        18.8518112965105     
 Center Wannier:   18.7196965982001        18.8654555775047     
 Center Wannier:   18.8556547852544        18.8492214365586     
 Center Wannier:   13.9862016707898        18.7594506692445     
 Center Wannier:   3.30403633772704       0.862948739040289     
 Center Wannier:   2.08009236607380        18.6969226000562     
 Center Wannier:   18.8382131511177        18.8226736042064     
 Center Wannier:   3.51222172859409        18.7782883882863     
 Center Wannier:   4.23287384903607        18.4941678446783     
 Center Wannier:   14.5925780788841       0.890537627096321     
 Center Wannier:   13.9047323866425        18.4810486546348     
 Center Wannier:   15.8980377073049        18.7294612563849     
 Call initialize_fft_custom

     Planes per process (custom) : nr3t =  27 npp =   27 ncplane =   729
     Proc/  planes cols     G    

        1    27    569    10131
 Number of projected orthonormalized plane waves:         619
 FK state:           1       19683        5066         619
 FK GS         125
 FK state:           2       19683        5066         619
 FK GS          62
 FK state:           3       19683        5066         619
 FK GS          50
 FK state:           4       19683        5066         619
 FK GS          15
 FK state:           5       19683        5066         619
 FK GS          26
 FK state:           6       19683        5066         619
 FK GS         271
 FK state:           7       19683        5066         619
 FK GS         218
 FK state:           8       19683        5066         619
 FK GS          35
 FK state:           9       19683        5066         619
 FK GS          19
 FK state:          10       19683        5066         619
 FK GS          23
 FK state:          11       19683        5066         619
 FK GS          13
 FK state:          12       19683        5066         619
 FK GS          38
 FK state:          13       19683        5066         619
 FK GS          15
 FK state:          14       19683        5066         619
 FK GS           4
 Calculate FK matrix
     f_conduction :     67.68s CPU     69.70s WALL (       1 calls)
 NUMW_PROD_ALL          50
 ATT1         914
 ATT2         914
 ATT3         914
 ATT4         914
 ATT5         914
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           1   51.9155979347073     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           2   52.0368688915040     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           3   52.2716081896398     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           4   52.4130323586946     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           5   52.4822983101127     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           6   53.0289033478007     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           7   53.3548615877538     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           8   53.5118120804110     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           9   54.2677982429614     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          10   54.9073527760184     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          11   54.9450058972012     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          12   58.6304058407494     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          13   60.9061229738919     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          14   62.3363053795450     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          15   63.6412621930346     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          16   67.7566370183528     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          17   68.5674736144291     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          18   68.8399811021323     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          19   69.3707406687567     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          20   69.4432752965332     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          21   69.4929326238791     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          22   70.6252425998270     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          23   71.5127638879173     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          24   72.0414115271165     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          25   72.1488153783475     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          26   74.0716186553908     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          27   74.5807111090557     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          28   77.6450753936260     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          29   77.9295362876112     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          30   78.0683614408297     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          31   79.7164529421055     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          32   83.4547142460887     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          33   83.9605866588128     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          34   106.645148042192     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          35   110.881098626175     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          36   111.155742079850     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          37   116.293648468146     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          38   118.516769146707     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          39   155.042999129916     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          40   155.147938498569     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          41   157.823610827785     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          42   158.191617831807     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          43   158.404121696182     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          44   170.692366086324     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          45   171.271026912078     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          46   173.610884394185     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          47   183.756258288619     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          48   199.892158933860     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          49   246.778518987497     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          50   250.815940362796     
 NGM MAX:        5066       74891
 Routine wannier_uterms : start
 NGM MAX:        5066       74891
 uterms iiw           1
 uterms jjw           1
 Routine pola_basis_lanczos

     Planes per process (custom) : nr3t =  27 npp =   27 ncplane =   729
     Proc/  planes cols     G    

        1    27    569    10131
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           1           1  3.899772432987655E-003
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           1          50   5.70822302311451     
 pola_basis update merge-split           1           1
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           2           1  3.257385709624812E-003
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           2          50   6.88987269374199     
 pola_basis update merge-split           2           2
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           3           1  2.760319910017325E-003
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           3          50   3.92186422196224     
 pola_basis update merge-split           3           3
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           4           1  2.895280139081788E-003
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           4          50   5.84316178830622     
 pola_basis update merge-split           4           4
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           5           1  3.960411244969000E-003
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           5          50   3.64394957806929     
 pola_basis update merge-split           5           5
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           6           1  2.725110282008376E-002
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           6          50   3.40824455097525     
 pola_basis update merge-split           6           6
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           7           1  1.863328229680683E-002
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           7          50   2.36284189459426     
 pola_basis update merge-split           7           7
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           8           1  2.591608284252757E-002
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           8          50   3.70069494550398     
 pola_basis update merge-split           8           8
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           9           1  3.248945168128177E-002
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           9          50   6.22961061393231     
 pola_basis update merge-split           9           9
 EIGEN T LOCAL:          10           1  2.588683140119516E-002
 EIGEN T LOCAL:          10          50   3.43346905396962     
 pola_basis update merge-split          10          10
 EIGEN T LOCAL:          11           1  2.125657510447606E-002
 EIGEN T LOCAL:          11          50   3.38140168352824     
 pola_basis update merge-split          11          11
 EIGEN T LOCAL:          12           1  2.044466657384365E-002
 EIGEN T LOCAL:          12          50   2.70464517967031     
 pola_basis update merge-split          12          12
 EIGEN T LOCAL:          13           1  2.401213035917097E-002
 EIGEN T LOCAL:          13          50   4.88943523830677     
 pola_basis update merge-split          13          13
 EIGEN T LOCAL:          14           1  2.484171773370928E-002
 EIGEN T LOCAL:          14          50   4.18716298741637     
 pola_basis update merge-split          14          14
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  9.789701938365015E-006
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   32.0165630947209     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          20
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  6.680906832825713E-006
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   13.1522180985590     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          27
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  6.797634111749116E-006
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   13.0733533639833     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          33
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  1.148696694205027E-005
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   6.78612747142953     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          39
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  7.193049600044736E-004
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   11.3823583189087     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          52
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  3.188605017216502E-004
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   5.50148476024820     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          58
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  5.442264655137681E-004
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   10.8819075295979     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          71
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  7.985270170360499E-004
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   7.44923625719551     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          83
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  5.386255687776363E-004
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   9.01656097236668     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          96
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  3.148563329673233E-004
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   6.10916596236553     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         107
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  3.555560362716045E-004
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   4.71391475137451     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         113
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  4.661084369741747E-004
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   15.6837432417026     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         124
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  3.784101409837697E-004
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   11.4512033891525     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         132
 lanczos_state:           1           1
 Routine self_basis_lanczos

     Planes per process (custom) : nr3t =  27 npp =   27 ncplane =   729
     Proc/  planes cols     G    

        1    27    569    10131
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           1           1  1.391828882661934E-009
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           1          50  1.787014591432487E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           2           1  1.646226438509314E-009
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           2          50  1.866593338581294E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           3           1  6.974033582633165E-010
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           3          50  1.634111776505418E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           4           1  6.210757818903374E-010
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           4          50  1.718339603088690E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           5           1  7.987337574775077E-010
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           5          50  1.794167366409428E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           6           1  1.030406170217089E-008
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           6          50  3.019480172743922E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           7           1  9.733339393547888E-009
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           7          50  3.066240455527531E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           8           1  1.099779394441062E-008
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           8          50  3.203524553349641E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           9           1  1.168068905878475E-008
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           9          50  2.717283257381277E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          10           1  1.019778063721249E-008
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          10          50  1.705167890287537E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          11           1  1.302931978543364E-008
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          11          50  2.571673112954487E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          12           1  8.259133929361685E-009
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          12          50  1.734776470319375E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          13           1  1.047452113861343E-008
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          13          50  2.570318329915380E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          14           1  1.289365277028256E-008
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          14          50  2.646298419697943E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          15           1  1.134038843249309E-008
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          15          50  1.614490194650052E-004
     self_basis   :      0.71s CPU      0.86s WALL (       1 calls)
     sl_loop      :      0.65s CPU      0.80s WALL (      15 calls)
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  1.965982867355068E-018
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  1.779499237351140E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          58
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  3.762155752872609E-019
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  1.422458245734631E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          63
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  2.551917829539470E-019
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  7.519805634779244E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          68
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  4.018958618121898E-019
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  6.980049653308279E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          73
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  5.878327460597133E-017
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  1.129500178565855E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          85
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  6.310171015497507E-017
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  1.189738860339933E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          98
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  7.045521810315215E-017
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  7.216055137721050E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         109
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  8.242448011570976E-017
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  4.603611431860591E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         121
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  6.527158040030219E-017
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  6.103874167127579E-010
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         131
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  1.090182588355630E-016
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  3.715513547221049E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         143
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  4.698175795094427E-017
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  4.010613828203794E-010
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         152
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  7.614755494729632E-017
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  2.412334797234020E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         163
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  9.502886936680654E-017
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  1.590898894915239E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         175
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1  7.363294962651872E-017
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50  6.787804195753832E-010
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         185
 lanczos_state:           1           1
 Exchange energy           1           1 -0.669129114940938     
 Exchange energy           2           1 -0.665112748845314     
 Exchange energy           3           1 -0.579201266727711     
 Exchange energy           4           1 -0.571127229721216     
 Exchange energy           5           1 -0.578426745797109     
 Exchange energy           6           1  -1.89038574475370     
 Exchange energy           7           1  -1.90336603872286     
 Exchange energy           8           1  -1.83424340889498     
 Exchange energy           9           1  -1.18469413033409     
 Exchange energy          10           1  -1.04580004890119     
 Exchange energy          11           1  -1.08185042110893     
 Exchange energy          12           1  -1.02194801296525     
 Exchange energy          13           1  -1.06062248324401     
 Exchange energy          14           1  -1.08837833277343     
 Exchange energy          15           1 -0.510035973192149     
     produce_wann :    139.55s CPU    143.90s WALL (       1 calls)
     f_conduction :     67.68s CPU     69.70s WALL (       1 calls)
     o_bands      :      0.32s CPU      0.39s WALL (       1 calls)
     pola_basis   :      0.71s CPU      0.86s WALL (       1 calls)
     global_pola  :     16.08s CPU     16.28s WALL (       1 calls)
     self_basis   :      0.71s CPU      0.86s WALL (       1 calls)
     cft3t        :      7.05s CPU      7.22s WALL (    9815 calls)
     h_psi        :     50.72s CPU     50.89s WALL (      61 calls)
     fft          :      5.90s CPU      5.95s WALL (     292 calls)
     ffts         :      0.40s CPU      0.44s WALL (      60 calls)
     fftw         :     38.16s CPU     38.23s WALL (   10127 calls)
     davcio       :      0.22s CPU      2.21s WALL (   10033 calls)
     global_self  :     45.02s CPU     46.08s WALL (       1 calls)
     lanczos_stat :     59.13s CPU     60.18s WALL (       2 calls)

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